Holistic Women's Health

(on main bldg)
Hospitals and Medical Centers in Northborough, MA
Hospitals and Medical Centers


10:00AM - 5:00PM
10:00AM - 7:00PM
10:00AM - 5:00PM


130 Main St Bldg 2
Northborough, MA


Holistic Women's Health provides women health services for the Northborough, MA, area.


Holistic Women's Health Photo


  • Fertility
  • Preconception Care
  • Hormone Balancing
  • Nutrition
  • Weight
  • Women's Health


Check out our website: https://www.holisticwomenshealth.com/ Holistic Women's Health | Fertility | Northborough, MA Holistic Women's Health | Fertility | Northborough, MA Holistic Women's Health | Fertility | Northborough, MA Holistic Women's Health | Fertility | Northborough, MA Holistic Women's Health | Fertility | Northborough, MA See more at holisticwomenshealth.com
https://www.womensinternational.com/blog/mid-life-hormone-changes-in-women/ WOMENSINTERNATIONAL.COM Mid-Life Hormone Changes in Women
Chronic fatigue? Start with lifestyle and nutritional reasons for feeling tired all the time. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/10-reasons-you-are-tired?slot_pos=article_3&utm_source=Sailthru%20Email&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=generalhealth&utm_content=2020-09-10&apid=24297677 HEALTHLINE.COM 10 Reasons You’re Always Tired (And What You Can Do About It)
Supporting your immune system starts with real food first. INTEGRATIVEPRACTITIONER.COM Nutrient support and supplementation for immune function
Women After 50 March 25 at 2:19 PM ·
https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/herbs-for-energy?utm_source=Sailthru%20Email&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=womenswellness&utm_content=2020-10-08&apid=24297677&rvid=3addc631debed39d607958ec4c78f504f64a6783659e3f4138cd305898646e39 HEALTHLINE.COM The 10 Best Herbs to Boost Energy and Focus
https://fullscript.com/blog/mushrooms-for-immune-health?utm_source=email&utm_medium=patientcomms&utm_campaign=october-13-2020&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTmpjM1lUa3lNVEEzTmpVMCIsInQiOiJBaW5uWDJnXC8yWHhuQmRvMUpwTUU0MzhBWUhDcSs1RWlWd2orQjFGaW9GZFZzSldXOU5LS3pWaTBtOUNIdEkzN3dlOWFWTUt0Uk1aVkhpY0xSVXNEZFZ0MjJRYTM4ZGpPMWJOT0paRWJKdjV4K05hUm1tcGdzS0IzWTJqMnc5clwvIn0%3D FULLSCRIPT.COM Top 8 Mushrooms For Immune Health
https://www.spiritofchange.org/plant-allies-for-the-seasons-of-your-cycle/ SPIRITOFCHANGE.ORG Plant Allies For The Seasons Of Your Cycle - Spirit of Change Magazine | Holistic New England
Is PCOS an Autoimmune Disease? (An article published by Doctor's Data.) By Fiona Campbell, ND | October 27, 2020 Autoimmune activity in the pathogenesis of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) has been questioned for multiple decades. In a research letter published in The Lancet in 1999, authors Fénichel, et al., examined circulating antiovarian antibodies in thirty-four women with anovulation meeting PCOS diagnostic criteria against a control group. Their study found positive antiovarian antibodies in fifteen of the thirty-four PCOS women (44%), and the mean ratios of these antibodies were significantly higher for women with PCOS than for the control group. The authors concluded that “high concentrations of antiovarian antibody found in a group of PCOS suggest that an immune reaction is associated to PCOS.1” Following this, in 2000, Ali, et al., reported similar findings in Obstetrics & Gynecology. Their study also showed a statistically significant higher mean ratio of antiovarian antibodies in patients with PCOS as compared to controls. Further, they also determined that the specificity of antiovarian antibodies was significantly higher in women who also had positive antinuclear antibodies.2 Research in this area has expanded in the last decade, as PCOS has become increasingly common. Recent estimates suggest that up to 12% of women in the United States have PCOS. Also of interest is the strong link between PCOS and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis (HT), with HT being about 3 times more common in women with PCOS, further suggesting a role of autoimmune activity. Much of the research on autoimmunity in PCOS has been done in the context of HT, and anti-TPO antibodies have been found to be present in up to 26% of women with PCOS.3 An imbalance between estradiol and progesterone has been investigated as playing a role in potential autoimmune activity in PCOS. Progesterone, which is typically low in patients with PCOS, is generally considered immunosuppressant and can downregulate the production of autoimmune antibodies, as well as inflammatory cytokines produced by circulating autoantibodies. Estradiol, on the other hand, is generally proliferative and immunostimulatory. In a 2015 study of eighty-six reproductive-aged women with PCOS, increased estradiol and estradiol/progesterone ratio appeared to be directly involved in high anti-TPO levels in PCOS patients.3 Interestingly, as researchers continue to study PCOS as an autoimmune disease, there is also evidence that the presence of PCOS itself increases a person’s risk of developing other autoimmune diseases. A 2020 review article by Hu, et al., discusses alterations in immune system activity as a result of PCOS. They conclude that a dysregulation in the hormonal and immune microenvironment, and chronic low-grade inflammation due to these alterations, results in production of autoantibodies, increasing risk of autoimmune disease development.4 Hormonal imbalance in the PCOS state can cause infertility, insulin resistance, cardiovascular problems, increased risk of certain cancers, and more. A newer concept, and as discussed above, is that this hormonal dysregulation may also exacerbate the autoimmunity of PCOS and increase the risk of developing other autoimmune diseases. Identifying and addressing hormonal imbalance in PCOS or suspected PCOS patients is therefore a fundamental part of any treatment approach. References 1. Fénichel P, Gobert B, Carré Y, Barbarino-Monnier P, Hiéronimus S. Polycystic ovary syndrome in autoimmune disease. The Lancet. 1999;353(9171):2210. 2. Ali A. Polycystic ovary syndrome as an autoimmune disease: a new concept. Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2000;95(6):S48. 3. Arduc A., Dogan B. A., Bilmez S., et al. High prevalence of Hashimoto's thyroiditis in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome: does the imbalance between estradiol and progesterone play a role? Endocrine Research. 2015;40(4):204–210. 4. Hu C, Pang B, Ma Z, Yi H. Immunophenotypic profiles in polycystic ovary syndrome. Mediators of Inflammation. 2020;2020:1-10.
One healthy way to get through the holiday eating blow out. HEALTHLINE.COM The 3-Day Refresh to Erase Fatigue and Bloating After a Blowout M
https://us12.campaign-archive.com/?e=[UNIQID]&u=680fa3bf99036530a7d785248&id=6a0903bb9b HOW ARE YOU DOING? US12.CAMPAIGN-ARCHIVE.COM Posts from Dr. Tori Hudson's Blog for 11/22/2020
Covid has gotten me closer to real. Instead of looking for anti-aging secrets have focused on methods to nurture and nourish. Getting closer to real has meant giving myself permission to be the real me. Instead of fake cover ups: yellow hair instead of gray, make-up and body sculpting, I have wanted to see the real side: gray and aging me. Maybe because I am so sick of the "fake news", I didn't want to be a part of the "fake-ness" that life around me had become. Nourish and nurture. The rest will become healed. The aging will slow, the stress will melt and the soul will begin to stir from within. Our real self will emerge. It will be strong and powerful. We will be healed. What is women's health? It is doing for ourselves that thing that we do so well for others; nurture and nourish.
https://www.spiritofchange.org/listings/alternative-health-directory/business-hillside-herbals-clinical-practice-holistic-womens-health/ Online free herbal mini classes will begin after the new year. Each class will occur on the night of the New Moon at 8 pm. Stay tuned. SPIRITOFCHANGE.ORG Hillside Herbals - Spirit of Change Magazine | Holistic New England
I dont know about the “beating” of holiday stress.. but even in a time of suppressed activities and lack of holiday gatherings this time still creates its own amount of added stress - something especially now - that we don’t need! GREENMEDINFO.COM Seven Tips for Beating Holiday Stress
"One whole point of being human on earth is to learn how to take care of ourselves, each other, and the world we live in - to cultivate healing relationships on all levels and to reduce suffering". (Anon.)
Do you wear an invisible corset? KELLYBROGANMD.COM How The Invisible Corset Disconnects Women From Their Bodies - Kelly Brogan MD
https://www.healthline.com/health/menopause/perimenopause-periods-closer-together?slot_pos=article_1&utm_source=Sailthru%20Email&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=menopause&utm_content=2021-03-03&apid=24297677&rvid=3addc631debed39d607958ec4c78f504f64a6783659e3f4138cd305898646e39#why-this-happens HEALTHLINE.COM Perimenopause: Periods Closer Together and Other Menstrual Changes
https://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/osteoporosis-scurvy-bone-not-calcium-deficiency?utm_campaign=Daily%20Newsletter%3A%20Osteoporosis%20Is%20Scurvy%20of%20the%20Bone%2C%20Not%20Calcium%20Deficiency%20%28TpaXcr%29&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Daily%20Newsletter&_ke=eyJrbF9jb21wYW55X2lkIjogIksydlhBeSIsICJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJyanJjbm1AZ21haWwuY29tIn0%3D GREENMEDINFO.COM Osteoporosis Is Scurvy of the Bone, Not Calcium Deficiency


Company name
Holistic Women's Health
Hospitals and Medical Centers


  • What is the phone number for Holistic Women's Health in Northborough MA?
    You can reach them at: 508-827-2733. It’s best to call Holistic Women's Health during business hours.
  • What is the address for Holistic Women's Health on main bldg in Northborough?
    Holistic Women's Health is located at this address: 130 Main St Bldg 2 Northborough, MA 01532.
  • What are Holistic Women's Health(Northborough, MA) store hours?
    Holistic Women's Health store hours are as follows: Mon: 10:00AM - 5:00PM, Tue: Closed, Wed: 10:00AM - 7:00PM, Thu: 10:00AM - 5:00PM, Fri-Sun: Closed.