Hollingsworth Law Firm

(on north loop west)
Lawyers and Law Firms in Houston, TX
Lawyers and Law Firms


7:00AM - 7:00PM
7:00AM - 7:00PM
7:00AM - 7:00PM
7:00AM - 7:00PM


2200 North Loop West
Houston, TX


Our aggressive personal injury trial attorneys at the Hollingsworth Law Firm are committed to fighting for the compensation you deserve. If you are the victim of an automobile accident, airplane accident, workplace injury or other catastrophic injury, you need legal advice from a personal injury attorney with proven results you can trust. Our dedicated legal team is proud to represent clients across the state of Texas. WE WILL START FIGHTING FOR YOUR RIGHTS TODAY!


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  • Attorney Services


Testimonio de Cliente: "¡Ellos son los mejores! Recomendaría esta oficina de abogados instantaniamente !!" #elpatrondelaley #bufetedeabogadosdehollingsworth #compañíadeseguros #pólizadeautomóvil #lesionespersonales #Abogado #accidentedecamión #Accidentesdecamionesde18ruedas
From our clients: "They are the best! Will recommend this firm in a heartbeat!!" #elpatrondelaley #hollingsworthlawfirm #check #insurancecompany #autopolicy #personalinjury #lawyer #truckaccident #18wheeleraccidents
The Hollingsworth Law Firm is pleased to announce Steve Hollingsworth has been chosen as a Texas Super Lawyer in the area of Personal Injury for 2020. The Hollingsworth Law Firm appreciates the colleagues that nominated Steve. Give the Hollingsworth Law Firm a call at 713-637-4560 if you need representation for an injury you sustained in a motor vehicle accident or a work place incident.
No seas la próxima víctima de un accidente de camión. Llame a los expertos, llámenos al bufete de abogados Hollingsworth. #lesionespersonales #accidentesdecamiones #carwrecktexas #hollingsworthcanhelp #elpatrondelaley #calltheexperts #Accidentesdecamionesde18ruedas Fuente de video: Youtube CarCrashesTime
Don't be the next victim of a truck accident. Call the experts, call us at the Hollingsworth Law Firm. #personalinjury #truckaccidents #carwrecktexas #hollingsworthcanhelp #elpatrondelaley #calltheexperts #18wheeleraccidents #whattodoaftercaraccident Video Source: Youtube EXTRA TUBE
Es posible que reciba un cheque de su compañía de seguros, marcado: pago de protección contra lesiones personales. ¿Qué es la cobertura de protección contra lesiones personales? La protección contra lesiones personales, también conocida como cobertura PIP o seguro sin culpa, cubre los gastos médicos independientemente de quién tenga la culpa. A menudo también puede incluir salarios perdidos. Dependiendo del estado donde viva, PIP puede ser una cobertura de seguro disponible o un complemento de póliza requerido. #pip #elpatrondelaley #bufetedeabogadosdehollingsworth #compañíadeseguros #pólizadeautomóvil #lesionespersonales #Abogado #accidentedecamión #Accidentesdecamionesde18ruedas
¿Qué es la mediación? ¿Qué significa cuando su caso está en etapa de mediación? ⁠ ⁠ La mediación es un proceso informal en el que las partes intentan resolver una disputa sin la hostilidad que a veces se asocia con acudir a los tribunales. En la mediación, las partes se reúnen en un entorno privado y confidencial para encontrar una solución a su problema con la ayuda de una tercera persona neutral, el mediador. Un mediador no decide quién tiene razón o quién está equivocado. ⁠ Si las partes llegan a un acuerdo, es probable que el mediador ponga sus principales disposiciones por escrito y pida a cada parte que firme el resumen escrito del acuerdo. Si las partes no llegaron a un acuerdo, el mediador ayudará a las partes a determinar si sería provechoso volver a reunirse más tarde o continuar las negociaciones por teléfono. #elpatrondelaley #bufetedeabogadosdehollingsworth #compañíadeseguros #pólizadeautomóvil #lesionespersonales #Abogado #accidentedecamión #Accidentesdecamionesde18ruedas #mediación
What is mediation? What does it mean when your case is in the mediation stage? Mediation is an informal process where parties try to resolve a dispute without the hostility that is sometimes associated with going to court. In mediation, the parties meet in a private, confidential setting to work out a solution to their problem with the help of a neutral third person, the mediator. A mediator does not decide who is right or wrong. If the parties reach an agreement, the mediator will likely put its main provisions in writing and ask each side to sign the written summary of the agreement. If the parties didn’t reach an agreement, the mediator will help the parties determine whether it would be fruitful to meet again later or continue negotiations by phone. #elpatrondelaley #hollingsworthlawfirm #check #insurancecompany #autopolicy #personalinjury #lawyer #truckaccident #18wheeleraccidents #mediation
Don't be the next victim of a truck accident. Call the experts, call us at the Hollingsworth Law Firm. #personalinjury #truckaccidents #carwrecktexas #hollingsworthcanhelp #elpatrondelaley #calltheexperts #18wheeleraccidents Video Source: Youtube СПЕЦПАРТНЕР SPECPARTNER
From our clients: "I can not say enough good things about this law firm. I had never needed this service before and since day one the team kept me in great hands. Explained everything in my terms thoroughly. While the process took sometimes, they kept me in the loop every step of the way.HIGHLY recommend!" #elpatrondelaley #hollingsworthlawfirm #check #insurancecompany #autopolicy #personalinjury #lawyer #truckaccident #18wheeleraccidents
Don't be the next victim of a truck crash. Call the experts, call us at Hollingsworth law firm. #lesionespersonales #accidentesdecamiones #carwrecktexas #hollingsworthcanhelp #elpatrondelaley #calltheexperts #Accidentesdecamionesde18ruedas Video Source: Youtube СПЕЦПАРТНЕР SPECPARTNER
Testimonio de cliente: "No puedo decir lo suficiente sobre este bufete de abogados. Nunca antes había necesitado este servicio y desde el primer día el equipo me mantuvo en buenas manos. Explicó todo en mis términos a fondo. Si bien el proceso tomó algunas veces, me mantuvieron informado en cada paso del camino. ¡Altamente recomendado!" #elpatrondelaley #bufetedeabogadosdehollingsworth #compañíadeseguros #pólizadeautomóvil #lesionespersonales #Abogado #accidentedecamión #Accidentesdecamionesde18ruedas
Hollingsworth Law Firm updated their address.
No seas la próxima víctima de un accidente de camión. Llame a los expertos, llámenos al bufete de abogados Hollingsworth. #lesionespersonales #accidentesdecamiones #carwrecktexas #hollingsworthcanhelp #elpatrondelaley #calltheexperts #Accidentesdecamionesde18ruedas Fuente de video: Youtube СПЕЦПАРТНЕР SPECPARTNER
Don't be the next victim of a truck accident. Call the experts, call us at the Hollingsworth Law Firm. #personalinjury #truckaccidents #carwrecktexas #hollingsworthcanhelp #elpatrondelaley #calltheexperts #18wheeleraccidents Video Source: Youtube СПЕЦПАРТНЕР SPECPARTNER
¿Qué hace un ajustador de seguros? Un ajustador de seguros, también conocido como ajustador de reclamos, determina cuánto debe pagarle su compañía de seguros si presenta un reclamo. Los ajustadores de reclamos de seguros pueden ser representantes internos o personas independientes contratadas por su aseguradora. Investigan problemas como lesiones corporales, facturas médicas y daños a la propiedad. #elpatrondelaley #bufetedeabogadosdehollingsworth #compañíadeseguros #pólizadeautomóvil #lesionespersonales #Abogado #accidentedecamión #Accidentesdecamionesde18ruedas #Ajustadordeseguros
What does an insurance adjuster do? An insurance adjuster, also known as a claims adjuster, determines how much your insurance company should pay you if you make a claim. Insurance claim adjusters can either be in-house reps or independent people hired by your insurer. They investigate issues like bodily injury, medical bills, and property damage. #elpatrondelaley #hollingsworthlawfirm #insurancecompany #autopolicy #personalinjury #lawyer #truckaccident #18wheeleraccidents #insuranceadjuster
From our clients: "I was quite frustrated with the process of getting an attorney with all the rest of the things associated with an accident. This law firm help me throughout the part of the process and even found a driver who did not provide information to me in the first place at the scene of the accident. I am forever grateful thanks again for Mr. Hollingsworth and Ms. Margaret. Thanks again!" #elpatrondelaley #hollingsworthlawfirm #check #insurancecompany #autopolicy #personalinjury #lawyer #truckaccident #18wheeleraccidents
Testimonio de cliente: Estaba bastante frustrado con el proceso de conseguir un abogado con todas las demás cosas asociadas con un accidente. Este bufete de abogados me ayudó durante toda la parte del proceso e incluso encontró un conductor que no me proporcionó información en primer lugar en el lugar del accidente. Siempre estaré agradecido nuevamente por el Sr. Hollingsworth y la Sra. Margaret. ¡Gracias de nuevo!" #elpatrondelaley #bufetedeabogadosdehollingsworth #compañíadeseguros #pólizadeautomóvil #lesionespersonales #Abogado #accidentedecamión #Accidentesdecamionesde18ruedas
Whether you’re celebrating with friends and family or in the comforts of your own home, we just want to wish you a safe and happy Thanksgiving! #happythanksgiving #elpatrondelaley #personalinjury #18wheeleraccidents
Tenga cuidado si su ajustador de seguros lo llama y le pide un "estado de cuenta grabado". Hoy explicaremos qué es una declaración grabada y por qué no debe dar una. La compañía de seguros utiliza la declaración grabada para recopilar información sobre su accidente. Puede que no quede claro en ese momento, pero esta declaración que usted da se transcribe más tarde y se usa como un documento escrito, lo que significa que las cosas que dice de manera informal pueden presentarse más tarde como declaraciones de hechos. Como regla general, no debe dar una declaración grabada sobre un accidente automovilístico a nadie sin el consejo de un abogado. Tampoco debe hacer una declaración oral. #elpatrondelaley #bufetedeabogadosdehollingsworth #compañíadeseguros #pólizadeautomóvil #lesionespersonales #Abogado #accidentedecamión #Accidentesdecamionesde18ruedas #Ajustadordeseguros #declaracióngrabada
Be careful if your insurance adjuster calls you and asks for a "recorded statement". We will explain today what is a recorded statement and why you should not give one. The recorded statement is used by the insurance company to assemble information about your accident. It may not be made clear at the time, but this statement you give is later transcribed and used as a written document, which means things you say casually maybe later presented as statements of fact. As a general rule, you should not give a recorded statement concerning a motor vehicle accident to anyone without the advice of an attorney. You shouldn’t give an oral statement either. #elpatrondelaley #hollingsworthlawfirm #insurancecompany #autopolicy #personalinjury #lawyer #truckaccident #18wheeleraccidents #insuranceadjuster #recordedstatement
No seas la próxima víctima de un accidente de camión. Llame a los expertos, llámenos al bufete de abogados Hollingsworth. #lesionespersonales #accidentesdecamiones #carwrecktexas #hollingsworthcanhelp #elpatrondelaley #calltheexperts Fuente de video: Youtube EXTRA TUBE
Don't be the next victim of a truck accident. Call the experts, call us at the Hollingsworth Law Firm. #personalinjury #truckaccidents #carwrecktexas #hollingsworthcanhelp #elpatrondelaley #calltheexperts #18wheeleraccidents Video Source: Youtube EXTRA TUBE
Testimonio de cliente: "El Sr. Hollingsworth no solo es extremadamente hábil en su profesión, sino que es un estudiante incansable de la ley, que trabaja constantemente para perfeccionar el arte de practicar la ley. Realmente se preocupa por sus clientes y sus casos y se nota. Tiene una excelente ética de trabajo." #elpatrondelaley #bufetedeabogadosdehollingsworth #compañíadeseguros #pólizadeautomóvil #lesionespersonales #Abogado #accidentedecamión #Accidentesdecamionesde18ruedas
From our clients: "Mr. Hollingsworth is not only extremely skillful in his profession, but he is a tireless student of the law, constantly working to perfect the art of practicing law. He genuinely cares about his clients and their cases and it shows. He has excellent work ethic." #elpatrondelaley #hollingsworthlawfirm #check #insurancecompany #autopolicy #personalinjury #lawyer #truckaccident #18wheeleraccidents
A personal injury demand letter is the launching points for settlement negotiations for compensation for the harm caused by injuries or the death of a loved one. The hope is that through the pre-trial settlement process, the case will resolve without the need for filing a lawsuit. #elpatrondelaley #hollingsworthlawfirm #insurancecompany #autopolicy #personalinjury #lawyer #truckaccident #18wheeleraccidents #insuranceadjuster #demand #lawsuit
We are tired of the insurance company's tricks too. Delaying in payment, slow in response, false promising, denying liability, disputing your damages and medical needs... The list keeps going. Coordinating and representing your case involves strategy, experience, and knowledge of the law. #carwrecktexas #hollingsworthcanhelp #accidentattorney #hurtinaccident #personalinjury
Palomitas de maíz frescas! Fresh popcorn for our visitors! #personalinjury #truckaccidents #carwrecktexas #hollingsworthcanhelp #elpatrondelaley
Una carta de demanda por lesiones personales es el punto de partida para las negociaciones de un acuerdo de compensación por el daño causado por las lesiones o la muerte de un ser querido. La esperanza es que a través del proceso de resolución previa al juicio, el caso se resuelva sin la necesidad de presentar una demanda. #elpatrondelaley #bufetedeabogadosdehollingsworth #compañíadeseguros #pólizadeautomóvil #lesionespersonales #Abogado #accidentedecamión #Accidentesdecamionesde18ruedas #demanda #demandajudicial
We are hiring! We are a rapidly growing Personal Injury law firm looking for a 1-5 year associate attorney to manage a docket of automobile collisions, truck collisions, and slip and fall cases. Please send your resume to steveh@hollingsworthlawfirm.com. HOLLINGSWORTH LAW FIRM Litigation Attorney
This is incredibly terrifying news footage. Our prayers are with the many victims of this massive pile-up in Fort Worth, Texas this morning. Officials say up to 100 cars were involved, more than 30 people have been hospitalized, and so far, at least 5 deaths have been reported. If you or anyone you know has been hurt in this horrible event, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We will have severe weather coming to Houston in a few days, everyone please stay safe! https://fb.watch/3BoK7hOsti/ ABC13 Houston February 11 at 11:59 AM · Our prayers are with the many victims of this massive pile-up in Fort Worth, Texas this morning. Officials say up to 100 cars were involved, more than 30 people have been hospitalized, and so far, five deaths have been reported. Read more: https://abc13.com/10330022/
Happy Lunar New Year! We wish you and your family a happy and prosperous New Year. Good Fortune is ahead! #yearoftheox #lunarnewyear2021 #newbegining #carwrecktexas #hollingsworthcanhelp #accidentattorney #hurtinaccident #personalinjury #elpatrondelaley #hollingsworthlawfirm #insurancecompany #autopolicy #lawyer #truckaccident #18wheeleraccidents #lawsuit
We are hiring!
Bilingual Required: Spanish and English We are a rapidly growing Personal Injury law firm looking for an experienced case manager to manage a docket of pre-litigation cases. Primary Duties: Handle client initial intake, monitoring client treatment to ensure compliance. Preparation of case file, client management including communication and education. Client file management, insurance claim handling in the pre-litigation stage. Prepare demands, negotiating settlement, reductions, etc. Adapt to fast-paced working environment of our rapidly growing firm. Assisting attorneys when needed. Schedule: 8-hour shift Monday to Friday HOLLINGSWORTH LAW FIRM Personal Injury Case Manager
We are a rapidly growing personal injury firm seeking an experienced paralegal who is both detailed oriented and self-motivated. The candidate will be responsible for assisting attorneys in personal injury litigation matters. Job responsibilities: Prepare discovery responses Managing docket control orders, hearing notices, deposition notices, filing deadlines, etc E-filing with courts Drafting responses, prepare exhibit binders Preparing and assisting attorneys with depositions, mediation Communicate with court, clients, opposing counsel and expert witnesses Bilingual (English and Spanish - not required but preferred) 3+ years of personal injury law experience preferred Organizational skills, attention to detail, ability to prioritize, and multi-task Ability to work in a high-volume, fast paced environment with minimal supervision. Strong communication skills Schedule: 8-hour shift Monday to Friday Benefit: Health Insurance HOLLINGSWORTH LAW FIRM Personal Injury Paralegal


Company name
Hollingsworth Law Firm
Lawyers and Law Firms


  • What is the phone number for Hollingsworth Law Firm in Houston TX?
    You can reach them at: 713-637-4560. It’s best to call Hollingsworth Law Firm during business hours.
  • What is the address for Hollingsworth Law Firm on north loop west in Houston?
    Hollingsworth Law Firm is located at this address: 2200 North Loop West Houston, TX 77018.
  • What are Hollingsworth Law Firm(Houston, TX) store hours?
    Hollingsworth Law Firm store hours are as follows: Mon: Closed, Tue-Fri: 7:00AM - 7:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.