Our roofers will treat the area they are working in with respect. Our crews clean as they go, pick up debris at the end of each work day, and then conduct a thorough cleaning to remove debris before the job is done.
If you think the Solatube system is just another take on the skylight then, think again. Unlike a skylight, the Solatube system maintains the consistency of the light it transmits throughout the day. This means that no matter the sun's position, the light remains stable and reliable.
The rubber roofing membrane in an EPDM roof can survive all forms of weathering, and has been successfully tested to withstand wide temperature ranges.
According to a report published in Metal Construction News, the metal roofing industry has more than tripled, from 3 percent to 10 percent of the market, in the last decade. That trend is expected to continue.
“Let the sunshine in…” That is exactly what happens when we install a Solatube in your home or place of business - the natural beauty of the sun shines through, illuminating a room without casting a shadow on your utility bills.
Robert Morris, the Revolutionary War financier of Trenton, New Jersey, had a rolling mill in which he manufactured sheet iron in the late 17th century. Morris actually designed and later created a metal roof for his own Philadelphia mansion.