
(on admiral ave)
Alternative and Non-traditional Medicine in Los Angeles, CA
Alternative and Non-traditional Medicine


10:00AM - 10:00PM
10:00AM - 10:00PM
10:00AM - 10:00PM
10:00AM - 10:00PM
10:00AM - 10:00PM
10:00AM - 10:00PM


12610 Admiral Ave
Los Angeles, CA


Hypnotherapy has been used for centuries to help people. Today it is used for everything from easing and eliminating panic, anxiety, and chronic pain, to weight loss and smoking cessation. In addition, improving personal and sports performance and motivation.

At hypnotherapy4you.net, I have successfully helped many people overcome fears, improve self-esteem, and more, through hypnotherapy sessions. I believe in using . . . "Hypnotherapy For Positive Change, Success, Happiness, And Prosperity!"

Whether you're struggling with panic, anxiety, chronic pain. or want to loose weight or quit smoking we help. If you want to improve your work or athletic performance, hypnotherapy can help! It is my goal to help you create the change you want to see in your life by helping you tap into the power you have within. Many people struggle to meet their personal goals, if you're one of them, hypnotherapy might just be the answer you've been waiting for.

hypnotherapy4you.net is located in Los Angeles, CA and serves all surrounding areas. When you're ready to make positive changes in your life through the power of hypnotherapy, give me a call at 310-204-3321 to schedule a consultation. Skype and FaceTime sessions available.


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  • Panic and Anxiety Relief
  • Pain Relief
  • Motivation
  • Improve Personal, Work, or Sports Performance
  • Relationship Improvement
  • Quit Smoking
  • Weight Loss
  • Skype and FaceTime sessions available


Life passes quickly. Hypnosis helps to make the time we have happy, successful and prosperous. Go to www.hypnotherapy4you.net to find out more.
‪You may be a president or working a regular job, but, if willing hypnosis can work for you. For vocational and avocational change and so much more go to www.hypnotherapy4you.net.‬
‪The number one fear of Americans is still public speaking. Hypnosis helps to ease the anxiety and to improve your confidence and self esteem. Find out more at www.hypnotherapy4you.net.‬
‪If you are no good for you, how can you be good for others? Regain your calm with hypnosis. Go to www.hypnotherapy4you.net to see the many ways hypnosis helps.‬
‪Two suggestions to easing anxiety are stable blood sugar levels and hypnotic intervention. Find out more at www.hypnotherapy4you.net‬
‪When hypnotized, you are aware of everything that is happening and you remember everything that happened. You leave feeling refreshed and relaxed. Find out more at www.hypnotherapy4you.net.‬
Pain is nature’s way of letting you know something is wrong. Once diagnosed by a doctor, hypnosis can help to ease your pain. Find out more at www.hypnotherapy4you.net.
If you are looking to improve your sports performance then try hypnosis. Many professional individuals and teams use it. Find out more at www.hypnotherapy4you.net.
We can accomplish anything we put our minds to. All we need is the determination to do so. Hypnosis helps. Find out more at www.hypnotherapy4you.net.
Ease anxiety, quit smoking, lose weight, boost motivation and confidence and so much more. See the many ways hypnosis helps @ www.hypnotherapy4you.net.
Remember, if you are no good for you, then you are no good for anyone else. Hypnosis helps. Find out more at www.hypnotherapy4you.net.
Putting off until tomorrow the things that you need to do today is called procrastination. Not helpful for success, happiness and prosperity. Hypnosis helps. Find out more at www.hypnotherapy4you.net.
In a song, Peggy Lee asks, “Is that all there is?” The answer is yes, as you make what you want with the life you have. Your choices. Hypnosis helps. Find out how at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Remember, “Non Verba, Acta”. “Not words, Action.” Think of what you want. Then act. For more go to www.hypnotherapy4you.net.
If you feel that you lack confidence, hypnosis helps you to be the confident you you want to be. Hypnosis is relaxing and effective. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Be the better you you always wanted to be. Picture it, believe it, let hard work and hypnosis help you become it. For more, go to www.hypnotherapy4you.net.
For the success happiness and prosperity you want, you are going to want to work hard, with focus and determination. Hypnosis also helps. Find out how at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Find out the many ways hypnosis can help you. From easing anxiety to smoking cessation to weight loss, and so much more. Go to hypnotherapy4you.net for more.
No matter the source of your pain, (as diagnosed by a doctor) hypnosis will help you ease it. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net
Make of it what you will, hypnosis has helped millions of people over a period of 3000 years. Why not find out what hypnosis can do for you. Go to www.hypnotherapy4you.net for more.
When you quit smoking all nicotine is gone from your system within 72 hours. Hypnosis helps you to quit. Find out more at www.hypnotherapy4you.net.
Putting off until tomorrow what needs to be done today is called procrastination. Hypnosis helps. Find out more at www.hypnotherapy4you.net.
Make an appointment for hypnotherapy. Show up and sit in a comfortable recliner chair. Leave feeling very relaxed. hypnotherapy4you.net for Hypnosis for anxiety to weight loss and more.
When hypnotized, you are in a relaxed state of deep concentration. You are aware of what is happening and you remember everything that happened. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Each of our every day actions require choices. Let hypnosis help you to the success, happiness and prosperity you want. Go to hypnotherapy4you.net and find out more.
Hypnosis and you for vocational and avocational change. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net. HYPNOTHERAPY4YOU.NET Home - Hypno Therapy 4 You
With each day we have the opportunity to be better than the day before. Hypnosis helps you to be your best. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
If you are having trouble sleeping due to the time change or stress, then try hypnosis. Find out more at www.hypnotherapy4you.net “Articles” “Insomnia “
Get a handle on your anxiety. Hypnosis helps to ease and eliminate it. Find out more at www.hypnotherapy4you.net.
When you know what you want and you know how to get it, plan the work, work the plan. Hypnosis helps motivate and more. Go to www.hypnotherapy4you.net.
The saying goes,”If you love the work you do, you never work a day in your life.” Hypnosis helps. Find out how @ hypnotherapy4you.net
Our days simply come and go. We decide how to have a great day. Hypnosis helps to maintain a positive attitude and so much more. See what hypnosis can do for you at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Once the cause of your pain has been diagnosed by a doctor, then hypnosis can help to ease it. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
In any conversation or discussion , remember to always state the positives last. IE: “ Don’t slam the door!” (Wrong) “Remember, close the door quietly” (Much better.) More @ hypnotherapy4you.net.
Love it. Breathe it. Be it. Believe you already are it. Success requires not words, but action! For success, happiness and prosperity hypnosis can help. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
The path you follow is the path of your own making. You and you alone are responsible for the choices you make. Hypnosis helps. Find out how @ hypnotherapy4you.net.
Try reading a few hypnosis articles @ hypnotherapy4you.net. Articles page. From anxiety to weight loss and more in between.
It continues to amaze the things that we can do when we put our minds to it. Hypnosis helps. See how @ hypnotherapy4you.net.
Need motivation? Scared to give public speeches? Hypnosis helps. Go to hypnotherapy4you.net for more.
The moment you wake up, instead of laying in bed, get up and go for a 30 minute walk. While walking plan your day, then, carry out what you planned. Hypnosis helps. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Hypnosis really works when you are willing to let it. Find out all the positive things hypnosis can help you accomplish by visiting hypnotherapy4you.net.
When you choose to lose weight, lose weight. When you choose to quit smoking, quit smoking. Hypnosis helps you understand your choices and helps you improve them. Go to hypnotherapy4you.net for more.
Some believe that hypnosis helps to boost immune systems and reduce infection. Go to hypnotherapy4you.net and find out how hypnosis can help you.
Your success, happiness and prosperity comes from within. Hypnotherapy helps you find it. Go to hypnotherapy4you.net to find out more.
If something that has been available for over 3000 years could help you today, would you use it? Hypnosis helps. Go to hypnotherapy4you.net to see the many ways hypnosis can help.
Remember, if you are no good for you, then you are no good for others. So, be good for yourself. Hypnosis helps. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
No matter how long you have been a nicotine addict, when you quit, all nicotine is gone from your system in 72 hours. Hypnosis helps. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
If you are a person who is afraid of public speaking, then know you are not alone. It is American’s number one fear. Hypnosis helps. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Making an appointment to see a good hypnotherapist is one of the best decisions you could make for yourself. The next best thing? Showing up. From anxiety to weight loss and more, hypnotherapy4you.net.
One of the best things that anyone can do to improve their health is to quit smoking. Hypnosis helps. Find out how at hypnotherapy4you.net.
When you know the choice you want to make but lack the confidence to take the first step, let yourself believe you have already gained what you chose. Then..Do it. hypnotherapy4you.net.
When you are willing, hypnosis will work for you. From anxiety to weight loss and much in between. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Weight loss is easy once you are committed. Eat less, move more, choose healthy foods. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Don’t let stress get in your way. Let hypnosis help to ease and rid yourself of it. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
340 articles on the “Articles” page to help you understand the benefits of hypnotherapy. From anxiety to weight loss and more check out hypnotherapy4you.net.
When pills and potions haven’t given you the good nights sleep you want. Put them away and try hypnosis. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Leave your hypnotherapy appointment feeling relaxed, aware and positive. Find out what hypnotherapy can do for you at www.hypnotherapy4you.net.
One of the best things that anyone can do to improve their health is to quit smoking. Hypnosis helps. Find out how at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Quit smoking. Lose weight. Get a better career/job. Are any of these your goals? Hypnosis helps. More at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Getting ready to make those New Year resolutions? Hypnosis helps. hypnotherapy4you.net.
Don’t let stress get in your way. Let hypnosis help to ease and rid yourself of it. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
340 articles on the “Articles” page to help you understand the benefits of hypnotherapy. From anxiety to weight loss and more check out hypnotherapy4you.net.
When pills and potions haven’t given you the good nights sleep you want. Put them away and try hypnosis. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Leave your hypnotherapy appointment feeling relaxed, aware and positive. Find out what hypnotherapy can do for you at www.hypnotherapy4you.net.
Anxiety getting the better of you? Go to hypnotherapy4you.net. “Panic/Anxiety.” Check the articles page too.
Know what you want. Know how to get what you want. Plan the work then work the plan. You can do anything when you put your mind to it. hypnotherapy4you.net
If you think that you are lacking the motivation for your success, happiness and prosperity, then hypnosis can help. hypnotherapy4you.net.
Quit smoking. Lose weight. Get a better career/job. Are any of these your goals? Hypnosis helps. More at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Getting ready to make those New Year resolutions? Hypnosis helps. hypnotherapy4you.net.
Don’t let stress get in your way. Let hypnosis help to ease and rid yourself of it. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Did you start your quit smoking resolution yet? Hypnosis helps. hypnotherapy4you.net.
Wandering why you continually get into unhealthy relationships? Read “ Relationship Strategies” by John Kappas Phd. Hypnosis helps. Go to www.hypnotherapy4you.net for more.
Once a doctor has diagnosed the source of your pain, hypnosis helps to ease it. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
When your actions don’t meet up to your expectations, either change your actions or change your expectations. Hypnosis helps. Find out how at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Anxiety getting the better of you? Go to hypnotherapy4you.net. “Panic/Anxiety.” Check the articles page too.
Know what you want. Know how to get what you want. Plan the work then work the plan. You can do anything when you put your mind to it. hypnotherapy4you.net
They say that when one door closes, another opens. Remember, it’s your choice as to wether you go through it or not. Hypnosis helps. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
To gain confidence and improve your self esteem, believe you already have. Hypnosis helps. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Taking medication to ease anxiety is masking it but not resolving it. Hypnosis helps you develop tools to ease and eliminate it. Find out more at, hypnotherapy4you.net.
Check out over 325 articles from anxiety to weight loss and more.Find out how hypnosis helps you at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Losing weight simply requires your personal commitment and determination. Then, eat less, exercise more. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Did you start your quit smoking resolution yet? Hypnosis helps. hypnotherapy4you.net.
Remember, where you are now is the result of the work you have done to date. Hypnosis and you for success, happiness and prosperity. hypnotherapy4you.net.
If you don’t like where you are at, then change where your at. Hypnosis helps in so many ways. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Check out hypnotherapy4you.net for great information as to the many ways hypnosis can help.
PTSD? Hypnosis helps. Find out how at hypnotherapy4you.net.
If you’re not sleeping well and pills and potions aren’t working, then try hypnosis. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
They say that when one door closes, another opens. Remember, it’s your choice as to wether you go through it or not. Hypnosis helps. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
A new day and another opportunity to make for yourself the life you want. Hypnosis helps. Find out how at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Find what it is that you love to do. Then, do it. The key to success, happiness and prosperity is a simple one. Not words, action. Hypnosis helps. hypnotherapy4you.net.
Remember, the only time success comes before work, is in the dictionary! Hypnosis helps you to your success, happiness and prosperity. hypnotherapy4you.net. For more.
Our days come, our days go. Are you where you want to be in your life? If not , try hypnosis. See more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Remember, where you are now is the result of the work you have done to date. Hypnosis and you for success, happiness and prosperity. hypnotherapy4you.net.
If you don’t like where you are at, then change where your at. Hypnosis helps in so many ways. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Hypnosis helps. From anxiety to weight loss and more find out how hypnosis can help you at hypnotherapy4you.net
You are where you are as a result of your actions to date. If you are not happy with the place you are at then try hypnosis. hypnotherapy4you.net.
In the late 1700’s British army surgeon James Braid uses hypnosis to assist with battlefield injuries, reducing infection, pain and blood loss. Amazing! www.hypnotherapy4you.net.
A new day and another opportunity to make for yourself the life you want. Hypnosis helps. Find out how at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Find what it is that you love to do. Then, do it. The key to success, happiness and prosperity is a simple one. Not words, action. Hypnosis helps. hypnotherapy4you.net.
Remember, the only time success comes before work, is in the dictionary! Hypnosis helps you to your success, happiness and prosperity. hypnotherapy4you.net. For more.
Looking to improve your sports performance? Hypnosis can help. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Now, more than ever vaccines are important. If you are scared of needles then hypnosis is your answer. Hypnosis helps to ease and eliminate your fear. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Anxiety attacks can be debilitating to the point of ruining your once untroubled life. No logic ends them and medications mask them. Find out how hypnosis helps anxiety at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Who is more successful? The one who says I have to go to work. Or, the one who says I want to go to work. Hypnosis helps. See how at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Hypnosis helps. From anxiety to weight loss and more find out how hypnosis can help you at hypnotherapy4you.net
You are where you are as a result of your actions to date. If you are not happy with the place you are at then try hypnosis. hypnotherapy4you.net.
If you are tired during the day, could that be because your suffering insomnia? Hypnosis helps. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Not only can cursive writing say a lot about a persons personality but, by changing the style of handwriting the writer can change their personality. Go to hypnotherapy4you.net, Articles. Handwriting.
Life is what we make it. When we are not where we want to be, focusing and believing you can change is a large part of the new you to be. See it, believe it, know you can attain it. hypnotherapy4you.net.
If you’re looking for success happiness and prosperity and haven’t found them yet, hypnosis can help. hypnotherapy4you.net for more.
Looking to improve your sports performance? Hypnosis can help. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Now, more than ever vaccines are important. If you are scared of needles then hypnosis is your answer. Hypnosis helps to ease and eliminate your fear. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
From anxiety to weight loss and much in between hypnosis helps. Go to hypnotherapy4you.net to find out the many ways hypnosis can help you.
Hypnosis helps to change the you you are to the you you want. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Remember, we are all the sum total of the choices we have made and are making every day. Let hypnosis motivate you in the direction you want for success happiness and prosperity. hypnotherapy4you.net articles page motivation for more.
From time to time we have a tendency to see things the way we think they are, rather than the way they really are. Hypnosis helps you see clearly. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
If you are tired during the day, could that be because your suffering insomnia? Hypnosis helps. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Not only can cursive writing say a lot about a persons personality but, by changing the style of handwriting the writer can change their personality. Go to hypnotherapy4you.net, Articles. Handwriting.
No matter who you are, if you are willing, hypnosis can help in many ways. From anxiety to weight loss and more go to hypnotherapy4you.net
Hypnosis and you are as powerful a combination for success happiness and prosperity that you could want. hypnotherapy4you.net. Articles. Motivation.
Pain is the body’s way of letting you know that something is wrong. Once a doctor has diagnosed what the pain is then hypnosis can help to ease it. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
A lack of protein can change your mood and may even cause anxiety. Diet and hypnosis can help to ease your anxiety. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net. Articles, Anxiety.
Did you know that no matter how long you have been smoking, all nicotine is gone from your system within 72hours? No? Well, more quit smoking info at hypnotherapy4you.net.
From anxiety to weight loss and much in between hypnosis helps. Go to hypnotherapy4you.net to find out the many ways hypnosis can help you.
Hypnosis has helped so many over many years. Check out hypnotherapy4you.net to see how hypnosis may help you.
A wise man once said to me “Remember, everything in moderation...including moderation.” If you think you’re habits are out of control, hypnosis may well be your answer. For more go to hypnotherapy4you.net.
Celebrate the you you are, because that is the you you are. When you want the you you want hypnosis will help. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Constant pain and sickness are both very debilitating. Medications may no longer work for you and you may be feeling helpless. Practicing self hypnosis may give you the relief you want. For more, go to hypnotherapy4you.net.
No matter who you are, if you are willing, hypnosis can help in many ways. From anxiety to weight loss and more go to hypnotherapy4you.net
Hypnosis and you are as powerful a combination for success happiness and prosperity that you could want. hypnotherapy4you.net. Articles. Motivation.
Just as we can update a hard drive’s stored programs, we can update our subconscious with hypnosis. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
We are often too swept up in events that are beyond our control. In these times do your best to take a moment to breathe and “smell the roses.” Hypnosis helps to ease stress. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
For hypnosis to work effectively, show up for your appointment and remember, hypnosis helps your determination and your personal commitment to be the better you you want. For more go to hypnotherapy4you.net. Articles, motivation.
Hypnosis has helped so many over many years. Check out hypnotherapy4you.net to see how hypnosis may help you.
A wise man once said to me “Remember, everything in moderation...including moderation.” If you think you’re habits are out of control, hypnosis may well be your answer. For more go to hypnotherapy4you.net.
Celebrate the you you are, because that is the you you are. When you want the you you want hypnosis will help. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
A common theme among successful people is that they rarely succeeded overnight. Their success required hard work and time. Hypnosis helps. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
When you eat fewer calories than you burn you cannot gain weight. That plus healthy foods, exercise, commitment and hypnosis and you are on your way to the weight loss you want. For more go to hypnotherapy4you.net
Often, low blood sugar levels may cause anxiety, anger or even panic. Eating small amounts of protein every two hours helps to ensure a stable blood sugar. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
When you have made up your mind to quit smoking, know that no matter how long you have smoked, all nicotine is gone from your system within 72 hours. Hypnosis helps. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net
Just as we can update a hard drive’s stored programs, we can update our subconscious with hypnosis. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
We are often too swept up in events that are beyond our control. In these times do your best to take a moment to breathe and “smell the roses.” Hypnosis helps to ease stress. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
We can let our circumstances dictate who we are or what we do, or, we can decide what and how we want our lives to be. The power of hypnosis. hypnotherapy4you.net
What’s done is done. We cannot change what has happened to us or the decisions we have made. However, we can change our lives to what we want them to be and that is where hypnosis helps. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
As it turns out, motivation must come from within. A belief you can accomplish anything you put your mind body and soul to. Hypnosis helps hypnotherapy4you.net
Life is always a series of choices. The results of those choices is the person you are today. Hypnosis helps. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net
A common theme among successful people is that they rarely succeeded overnight. Their success required hard work and time. Hypnosis helps. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
When you eat fewer calories than you burn you cannot gain weight. That plus healthy foods, exercise, commitment and hypnosis and you are on your way to the weight loss you want. For more go to hypnotherapy4you.net
Sometimes life throws us a curve ball. How we handle it is up to us. Hypnosis helps us to keep focused and aware. Find out the many ways hypnosis helps at hypnotherapy4you.net.
When you are ready to quit smoking or lose weight or even ease anxiety hypnosis helps. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
Whatever your anxiety may be, hypnosis helps. Find out how at hypnotherapy4you.net.
10 minutes before falling asleep, your subconscious is very suggestible. An excellent time to program your success, happiness and prosperity. For more, go to hypnotherapy4you.net.
Relationship Strategies by John Kappas Phd. Once you have read it you can only benefit from it. Hypnosis helps. Find out more at hypnotherapy4you.net.
We can let our circumstances dictate who we are or what we do, or, we can decide what and how we want our lives to be. The power of hypnosis. hypnotherapy4you.net


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Alternative and Non-traditional Medicine


  • What is the phone number for hypnotherapy4you.net in Los Angeles CA?
    You can reach them at: 310-204-3321. It’s best to call hypnotherapy4you.net during business hours.
  • What is the address for hypnotherapy4you.net on admiral ave in Los Angeles?
    hypnotherapy4you.net is located at this address: 12610 Admiral Ave Los Angeles, CA 90066.
  • What are hypnotherapy4you.net(Los Angeles, CA) store hours?
    hypnotherapy4you.net store hours are as follows: Mon-Sat: 10:00AM - 10:00PM, Sun: Closed.