I Care Vision Centers

(on 44th ave)
Eye doctors & Optometrists in Denver, CO
Eye doctors & Optometrists
Hospitals and Medical Centers


8:30AM - 5:30PM
8:30AM - 5:30PM
8:30AM - 7:00PM
8:30AM - 5:30PM
8:30AM - 5:30PM
8:30AM - 2:00PM
Open 24 hours


5560 W 44th Ave
Denver, CO


If you are looking for quality care with a personal touch, we hope you will give us a call. We look forward to the opportunity to serve your family's eyecare needs. We would be delighted to have you as a patient! With years of experience Dr Fowler and his team provides the finest care available.


Come Fall, it is still important to
Eye Fact Friday!
(the last Wednesday in September) is National Women’s Health & Fitness Day. It is very important for women to make sure they are getting an annual eye exam (regardless of family eye history, though you should be aware of your family eye history as well). Make sure to wear sunglasses when exposed to the sun, eat healthy and exercise, and use protective eyewear when necessary. It is so important for women in particular to be proactive about their eye health because 66% of vision impairment/blindness occurs in women. This is because women live longer, have a higher susceptibility to auto-immune diseases than men, are more likely to go through vision-impacting cancer treatments, and will experience changes in hormones (which naturally occur due to aging) that may impact vision. So, let’s create awareness about the importance of women’s eye health! You go girl! Schedule an exam with your eye doctor today. Source: https://nei.nih.gov/hvm/womens-eyes
65 percent of American adults report having symptoms of digital eye strain.
Eye Fact Friday!
Don't wait until a street sign looks blurry, or you have trouble seeing objects close up. In addition to detecting vision changes, regular eye exams can also detect life-threatening conditions like a brain tumor and high cholesterol.
Is poor eyesight preventing you from doing the things you love? Call our office so we can find the perfect solution for you!
Acupuncture may benefit your eyes too!
For better eye sight, don't miss your recall dates!
2020EYESCOLORADO.ORG Eye Emergencies: What to Do & Where to Go - 2020 Eyes Colorado | Colorado Optometric Association
Which one is your favorite?
Words of wisdom Wednesday!
Happy Fall Ya'll! No matter what time of year, it is important to
Eye Fact Friday!
Here's a fun fact! Try building pumpkin into a meal this week!
Eyes are important for good communication!
Regardless of your age or physical health, an annual comprehensive eye exam will help to detect any eye problems at their early stages when they're most treatable.
Have a fun and safe Halloween!
October - We're happy to help you find the perfect pair of glasses for your face - no matter what shape it is!
Did you know?
As with any muscle in your body, your eye muscles become fatigued from having to hold a tensed position for too long. Every 20 minutes you should rest your eyes.
Eye exams aren't always just about the eyes! The eyes are a window into your overall health.
While participating in outdoor activities come Fall, it is important
Some studies show that blinking may help our brain digest information.
Ever wonder why you get that pesky red eye?
"Carotenoids are natural pigments that give leafy greens and colorful fruits and veggies their green, yellow, orange and red colors." They help keep your macula healthy!
Wishing a Happy Thanksgiving holiday to all our wonderful patients!
Did you know?
FSA Deadline incoming! Many health benefits expire at the end of the year. Be sure you use them before you lose them! Book now to beat the end of year rush.
Potatoes are stuffed with phytonutrients, which are organic components of plants that promote health, according to the USDA. Phytonutrients in potatoes include carotenoids and flavonoids which can be good for eye health!
Happy Thanksgiving to all our wonderful patients!
Don't miss out on your insurance benefits or FSA dollars!
This is why it's so important to have regular eye exams! Have you scheduled your annual exam?
Many HSA and FSA benefits expire at the end of every year. If you do not use them, you’ll lose them! In most cases, unused benefits cannot be transferred over to the New Year. These are your dollars! Don’t let them go to waste.
Don't wait until a street sign looks blurry, or you have trouble seeing objects close up. In addition to detecting vision changes, regular eye exams can also detect life-threatening conditions.
Your overall exposure is nearly doubled when skiing, snowboarding, shoveling or playing in the snow. Make sure to wear your sunglasses even in the winter months!
Sunglasses can create an effective wind barrier and reduce the evaporation of natural moisture to help keep eyes comfortable.
Your eyes are 100% unique!
Take it from Santa, don't procrastinate! Make sure you use your FSA and insurance benefits before they expire on Dec 31!
May the holiday spirit be with you and your family today and throughout the New Year!
Use it or lose it!
Season’s Greetings!!
Today is the first official day of winter!
Wishing you all a Happy New Year! Stay warm, healthy, and safe!
In the midst of the short, cold days of winter, many of us stash away our sunglasses until the spring and summer months. But winter can wreak havoc on unprotected eyes, sometimes even more so than in sunny summer months. So to keep your sight sharp and your eyes healthy, proper eyewear is essential—no matter what the season!
Check out some of the great benefits exercise can have on your eyes!
New Year, New You!
Deuteranomaly—one form of red-green color blindness—is by far the most common form of color blindness.
Symptoms Include: Hazy or blurred vision. The appearance of rainbow-colored circles around bright lights. Severe eye and head pain. Nausea or vomiting (accompanying severe eye pain) Sudden sight loss.
Without glare, more light passes through your lenses to optimize visual acuity. Anti-glare lenses look nearly invisible — which can draw more attention to your eyes and help you make better eye contact with others.
The skin around the eyes is extremely sensitive, making it very susceptible to infection.
Research suggests that regular physical activity may reduce the risk of developing serious eye diseases and protect your eyes as you age. For one, many eye diseases are linked to other health problems that can be avoided by regular exercise, including high cholesterol levels, diabetes and blood pressure. Regular exercise can help prevent these health issues or mitigate their effects, keeping your eyes healthier in the process.
Most of the leading causes of legal blindness are able to be detected early with regular eye exams, potentially saving your sight.
No cat naps needed!
http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ODNLuAoi3x-GvdrAVcholDKY5gQhOg7WUGM5szbXXEUglktxYYFO6sgJbqMifRaT9X8vT9aOFH0y5TR7K-nZ1PRHi-tPIhEFsvUKoxHT9s0qYnvSGc6zWlw53XfvuVGz0pIW8o32BgiIJZqnazzy2Uo6OU7KoG8jWsinyYKAYG-DB3_ed-BSSI79nFfctOz8XkBWe-wfqnMd-nbldPKsyIU6RFxtHYbD&c=b4D0KN7YYVMRUdExBHbYi5-5-lrdJ9I5_1bhGotB6FDXNzmuFBsmNw==&ch=j3C9lYYaxRBDRY2k5-_rXCBvCm4ZyTy28vvpgGVrByZ2_JpQVm-jRA== 2020EYESCOLORADO.ORG The Sobering Risks of Skipping That Annual Eye Exam - 2020 Eyes Colorado | Colorado Optometric Association
Did you know?
The skin around the eyes is extremely sensitive, making it very susceptible to infection.
Research suggests that regular physical activity may reduce the risk of developing serious eye diseases and protect your eyes as you age. For one, many eye diseases are linked to other health problems that can be avoided by regular exercise, including high cholesterol levels, diabetes and blood pressure. Regular exercise can help prevent these health issues or mitigate their effects, keeping your eyes healthier in the process.
Eye Fact Friday!
The optic nerve transmits all visual information including brightness perception, color perception and contrast.
Children may not be aware that their vision is not "normal." Be on the lookout for these signs.
Most of the leading causes of legal blindness are able to be detected early with regular eye exams, potentially saving your sight.
No cat naps needed!
http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ODNLuAoi3x-GvdrAVcholDKY5gQhOg7WUGM5szbXXEUglktxYYFO6sgJbqMifRaT9X8vT9aOFH0y5TR7K-nZ1PRHi-tPIhEFsvUKoxHT9s0qYnvSGc6zWlw53XfvuVGz0pIW8o32BgiIJZqnazzy2Uo6OU7KoG8jWsinyYKAYG-DB3_ed-BSSI79nFfctOz8XkBWe-wfqnMd-nbldPKsyIU6RFxtHYbD&c=b4D0KN7YYVMRUdExBHbYi5-5-lrdJ9I5_1bhGotB6FDXNzmuFBsmNw==&ch=j3C9lYYaxRBDRY2k5-_rXCBvCm4ZyTy28vvpgGVrByZ2_JpQVm-jRA== 2020EYESCOLORADO.ORG The Sobering Risks of Skipping That Annual Eye Exam - 2020 Eyes Colorado | Colorado Optometric Association
We all know that carrots are good for your eyes, but what other foods can you eat to help protect your vision?
February is Macular Degeneration Month! This is the leading cause of vision loss, affecting more than 10 million Americans – more than cataracts and glaucoma combined.
Eye Fact Friday!
The optic nerve transmits all visual information including brightness perception, color perception and contrast.
Children may not be aware that their vision is not "normal." Be on the lookout for these signs.
Most of the leading causes of legal blindness are able to be detected early with regular eye exams, potentially saving your sight.
Berries are powerhouses of Vitamin C, which reduces the risk of developing macular degeneration and cataracts.
Fun Fact Friday!
We all know that carrots are good for your eyes, but what other foods can you eat to help protect your vision?
February is Macular Degeneration Month! This is the leading cause of vision loss, affecting more than 10 million Americans – more than cataracts and glaucoma combined.
Eye Fact Friday!
The optic nerve transmits all visual information including brightness perception, color perception and contrast.
Many babies have blue eyes at birth, but as the irises gain pigment the eyes can darken and change.
We are pleased that nearly 100% of our staff has been vaccinated! However, we will continue to practice CDC and American Optometric Association/Colorado Optometric Association protocols to include everyone wearing masks, frequent sanitizing and handwashing. Our first priority is the safety of our patients, staff and community. We are taking every precaution possible to ensure that social distancing is maintained while patients are at our clinic. We ask that all family members and friends wait outside, unless needed for patient mobility and/or proper communication. Of course, minor children may be accompanied by an adult. To schedule an appointment, please call 303-421-2424. #2020eyes
Valentine's Day is this weekend! How will you be celebrating?
Check out some of the great benefits exercise can have on your eyes!
Berries are powerhouses of Vitamin C, which reduces the risk of developing macular degeneration and cataracts.
Fun Fact Friday!
Before that, glasses had to be held up manually!
Bioflavnoids may reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. They also maintain the health of the cornea and blood vessels in various parts of the eye.
Many babies have blue eyes at birth, but as the irises gain pigment the eyes can darken and change.
We are pleased that nearly 100% of our staff has been vaccinated! However, we will continue to practice CDC and American Optometric Association/Colorado Optometric Association protocols to include everyone wearing masks, frequent sanitizing and handwashing. Our first priority is the safety of our patients, staff and community. We are taking every precaution possible to ensure that social distancing is maintained while patients are at our clinic. We ask that all family members and friends wait outside, unless needed for patient mobility and/or proper communication. Of course, minor children may be accompanied by an adult. To schedule an appointment, please call 303-421-2424. #2020eyes
Valentine's Day is this weekend! How will you be celebrating?
Check out some of the great benefits exercise can have on your eyes!
One way to reduce eye strain is to ensure work surfaces like kitchen counters and desktops are a lighter color. This reflects more light back to the eye, meaning your eye doesn't have to work as hard!
To help prevent computer eye strain, try this exercise: every 20 minutes, blink 10 times by closing your eyes as if falling asleep (very slowly). This will help re-wet your eyes.
Even so, be sure to wear protective eyewear while playing sports, or while performing any activity that could cause debris to contact the eye.
Before that, glasses had to be held up manually!
Bioflavnoids may reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. They also maintain the health of the cornea and blood vessels in various parts of the eye.
Many babies have blue eyes at birth, but as the irises gain pigment the eyes can darken and change.
Eye Fact Friday!
Looking down at the tip of your nose or crossing your eyes stops vergence, producing double vision. https://www.innerbody.com/anatomy/muscular/head-neck/muscles-eye
March - Happy Workplace Eye Wellness Month!
One way to reduce eye strain is to ensure work surfaces like kitchen counters and desktops are a lighter color. This reflects more light back to the eye, meaning your eye doesn't have to work as hard!
To help prevent computer eye strain, try this exercise: every 20 minutes, blink 10 times by closing your eyes as if falling asleep (very slowly). This will help re-wet your eyes.
Even so, be sure to wear protective eyewear while playing sports, or while performing any activity that could cause debris to contact the eye.
Sun exposure is the #1 cause of wrinkles - make sure you are protecting your eyes with sunglasses!
Did you know that 70% of optometry classes are female?
Eye Fact Friday!
Looking down at the tip of your nose or crossing your eyes stops vergence, producing double vision. https://www.innerbody.com/anatomy/muscular/head-neck/muscles-eye
March - Happy Workplace Eye Wellness Month!
One way to reduce eye strain is to ensure work surfaces like kitchen counters and desktops are a lighter color. This reflects more light back to the eye, meaning your eye doesn't have to work as hard!
What are you doing to celebrate St. Patrick's Day on Wednesday?
March 14th- Don't forget this weekend...
I Care Vision Center will be closed Saturday March 13th due to Inclement Weather. We will be open today Friday March 12th from 8:30-2:00 p.m.
Sun exposure is the #1 cause of wrinkles - make sure you are protecting your eyes with sunglasses!
Did you know that 70% of optometry classes are female?
Eye Fact Friday!
As the old saying goes, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Make sure you are taking the right measures to prevent eye allergies!
A new season is just around the corner.. tomorrow is the first day of Spring!
Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with new glasses!
What are you doing to celebrate St. Patrick's Day on Wednesday?
March 14th- Don't forget this weekend...
I Care Vision Center will be closed Saturday March 13th due to Inclement Weather. We will be open today Friday March 12th from 8:30-2:00 p.m.
Happy Friday! Let's send you into the weekend with a smile on your face!
Green Tea Antioxidants
As the old saying goes, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Make sure you are taking the right measures to prevent eye allergies!
A new season is just around the corner.. tomorrow is the first day of Spring!
Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with new glasses!
What are you doing to celebrate St. Patrick's Day on Wednesday?


Company name
I Care Vision Centers
Eye doctors & Optometrists


  • What is the phone number for I Care Vision Centers in Denver CO?
    You can reach them at: 303-421-2424. It’s best to call I Care Vision Centers during business hours.
  • What is the address for I Care Vision Centers on 44th ave in Denver?
    I Care Vision Centers is located at this address: 5560 W 44th Ave Denver, CO 80212.
  • What are I Care Vision Centers(Denver, CO) store hours?
    I Care Vision Centers store hours are as follows: Mon-Tue: 8:30AM - 5:30PM, Wed: 8:30AM - 7:00PM, Thu-Fri: 8:30AM - 5:30PM, Sat: 8:30AM - 2:00PM, Sun: 24 hours.