IMC Physical Therapy, serving residents of New City and Rockland County, New York, believes a pain-free life requires an integrated approach. The practice offers a blend of physical therapy, massage, chiropractic care, osteopathic manipulation, and acupuncture that puts you back in control of your body. IMC Physical Therapy relies on both traditional and modern chiropractic techniques to help patients achieve the best outcomes. Their physicians have years of training and experience that allow them to focus on evidenced-based protocols designed to bring you back to optimal health.
With the multidisciplinary approach that includes contemporary offerings like acupuncture and osteopathic manipulation, you take charge of your life when you start managing chronic pain. When combined with traditional approaches like physical therapy and chiropractic adjustments, the comprehensive method offers you a real chance to get pain-free and stay that way. The IMC Physical Therapy team of friendly medical professionals works to get you there safely and without causing further injury.