In�Box is a new fresh and tasty lunch box delivery service in Manhattan here to make parents� lives easier! As a busy mom or dad, it can be difficult to organize your kid�s daily meals. In�Box provides yummy and healthy lunches directly to your home or child�s school.
Our smart and tasty meals have been tested and reviewed by children and are suited to even the pickiest of eaters. These well-balanced
meals are ideal not only for lunches at school but also picnics, birthday party, dinners and generally for whenever kids are on the go!
All in a box, no need to run around to get Junior�s meals (or yours!).
We use fresh ingredients to produce healthy food- all nut and sesame free. We also have a vegetarian and a gluten free box. All boxes are
made up of 3 items: a main course, a side dish and a desert and also include a surprise goody and plastic ware. Our boxes come in two sizes depending on the age and appetite of your child. Please visit our website at, you can also email
us at contact@inboxyourmeal.comor call us at (866) 554-0705.