Chiropractic is a type of health care that works with the nervous system as well as the musculoskeletal system. Doctors of chiropractic are trained to diagnose and treat injuries and disorders that involve the nervous system, muscles and bones. Chiropractors in Lawrenceville work directly with the spine to remove any interference that may be preventing the body to heal itself and to restore natural processes within the body. Like all other areas in health care, new patients will undergo a consultation that involves reviewing past and current health conditions, medications and surgeries as well as a physical examination. Once this process is completed our team will use all of the information to establish a diagnosis and create an individualized treatment plan.
Chiropractic is not limited to people suffering from back pain in Lawrenceville. There are a myriad of different conditions that chiropractic care has been shown to be helpful for. At Injury 2 Health, we have a large number of patients that see us as a part of their wellness lifestyle. Receiving regular chiropractic adjustments can help the body function at its optimal potential.