Innate Chiropractic Healing Arts Center

(on washington ave)
Alternative and Non-traditional Medicine in Houston, TX
Alternative and Non-traditional Medicine
Massage Therapy


9:00AM - 7:00PM
9:00AM - 7:00PM
9:00AM - 7:00PM


8100 Washington Ave #210
Houston, TX


Innate Chiropractic Healing Arts Center specializes in empowering you through Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractic Care, a gentle, powerful and effective modality for all ages. At our center we also offer Massage Therapy, Somato Respiratory Integration, and Life and Business Coaching to help you live the life you love to live. We also offer classes and workshops to to enhance your life in 360 degrees including Personal Development, Entrepreneurship, HealthRHYTHMS Drumming, Women's Self-Defense Classes and more.


Innate Chiropractic Healing Arts Center Photo Innate Chiropractic Healing Arts Center Photo Innate Chiropractic Healing Arts Center Photo Innate Chiropractic Healing Arts Center Photo Innate Chiropractic Healing Arts Center Photo Innate Chiropractic Healing Arts Center Photo Innate Chiropractic Healing Arts Center Photo Innate Chiropractic Healing Arts Center Photo Innate Chiropractic Healing Arts Center Photo Innate Chiropractic Healing Arts Center Photo Innate Chiropractic Healing Arts Center Photo


  • Chiropractic
  • Network Spinal Analysis
  • Network Spinal Care
  • Network Chiropractic
  • Massage Therapy
  • Custom Orthotics by Foot Levelers
  • Life Coaching
  • Career Coaching
  • Health Coaching
  • Business Coaching
  • Corporate Coaching & Consulting
  • Personal Development Seminars
  • Energetic Teams Trainings


Backpack Safety Tips! Schedule your family's appointment with your chiropractor today. --- #innatechiro #n8chiro #houston #healingspines #chiropractic #chiropractor #networkspinal #sri #massage #chiropracticcare #healing #nomorepain #wellness #livelife #houstontexas #houstonchiropractor
Children, adults and the elderly can all benefit from regular wellness care visits to a Doctor of Chiropractic. With appropriate chiropractic care, both old and new spinal problems can be located and corrected, restoring normal spinal and nervous system function. It’s never too late to gain a healthier spine! Many adult spinal problems actually began in childhood. If left uncorrected, childhood spinal problems may lead to more serious conditions later in life: “As the trunk is bent, so grows the tree.”Without a properly functioning spine and nervous system, true health is impossible to achieve. Maintaining your family’s spinal health is one of the greatest gifts you can provide for all of you. For this reason, families are receiving routine periodic chiropractic spinal check-ups. ----- #innatechiro #n8chiro #houston #healingspines #chiropractic #chiropractor #networkspinal #sri #massage #chiropracticcare #healing #nomorepain #wellness #livelife #houstontexas #houstonchiropractor
How strong is your foundation? ----- #innatechiro #n8chiro #houston #healingspines #chiropractic #chiropractor #networkspinal #sri #massage #chiropracticcare #healing #nomorepain #wellness #livelife #houstontexas #houstonchiropractor
#internationaldayofpeace "You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level." – Eckhart Tolle ----- #innatechiro #n8chiro #houston #healingspines #chiropractic #chiropractor #networkspinal #sri #massage #chiropracticcare #healing #nomorepain #wellness #livelife #houstontexas #houstonchiropractor
Today on National Clean Up Day we encourage you to volunteer, get outside in your community and help make the planet a cleanier, safer place to live! ---- #innatechiro #n8chiro #houston #healingspines #chiropractic #chiropractor #networkspinal #sri #massage #chiropracticcare #healing #nomorepain #wellness #livelife #houstontexas #houstonchiropractor
Today is Chiropractic Founders Day! Chiropractic care was discovered in 1895 by D.D. Palmer and then later developed by B.J. Palmer. Hi, I’m Dr. Jackie St.Cyr and I practice a gentle, light touch form of Chiropractic Care based on the latest work developed by Dr. Donald Epstein called NetworkSpinal Care and Somato-Respiratory (Body-Breath) Integration (SRI). NetworkSpinal Care (aka Network Chiropractic or NetworkSpinal Analysis) is practiced by Chiropractors all around the world. Through gentle hands on care, we assist people in eliminating pain patterns, creating more efficient strategies for adapting to stress and in building a healthier spine and nervous system. More than just relieving pain, NetworkSpinal Care enhances LIFE FORCE, ENERGY and PEAK PERFORMANCE, naturally! Our purpose here is to help you be all that you can be! ----- #innatechiro #n8chiro #houston #healingspines #chiropractic #chiropractor #networkspinal #sri #massage #chiropracticcare #healing #nomorepain #wellness #livelife #houstontexas #houstonchiropractor
World Arthritis Day. Our LIGHT TOUCH approach is an effective method to treat different types of arthritis pain. See your chiropractor today! ------ #innatechiro #n8chiro #houston #healingspines #chiropractic #chiropractor #networkspinal #sri #massage #chiropracticcare #healing #nomorepain #wellness #livelife #houstontexas #houstonchiropractor #chirokids
World Mental Health Day 🧠 As our understanding of mental health grows, we grow along with it. Mental health has come a long way since the early nineties when the World Federation of Mental Health (WFMH) officially established the day. Our self-awareness and sensitivity towards it have changed things for the better. While we’ve learned a lot, there’s still so much more we can do to evolve as a society. ----- #innatechiro #n8chiro #houston #healingspines #chiropractic #chiropractor #networkspinal #sri #massage #chiropracticcare #healing #nomorepain #wellness #livelife #houstontexas #houstonchiropractor #chirokids
What trends were seen in patients after receiving Network Care? An increasing percentage of patients reported progressively greater improvements in the areas assessed as a function of duration of care; that is, in the population studied, there was no “ceiling” to the results overtime for the health and wellness categories investigated. The benefits reported amongpatient respondents were evident from those as recent as 1 to 3 months under care to those under care for as long as 3 plus years.These results have led the investigators to conclude that “within the boundaries of this study design, these findings provide substantial evidence that Network Care should be included among those practices with established health benefits.” ----- #innatechiro #n8chiro #houston #healingspines #chiropractic #chiropractor #networkspinal #sri #massage #chiropracticcare #healing #nomorepain #wellness #livelife #houstontexas #houstonchiropractor #chirokids
Network Spinal Analysis is a chiropractic technique based on the scientific fact that your nervous system controls every system in your body and mind and the philosophy that the power that made the body can heal the body. It is a scientific yet holistic approach to health and wellness that utilizes low-force techniques. The determining factor as to which adjustive contacts are used on any given visit is based on honoring and responding to the present time state of the body's needs. Network chiropractors fully embrace the philosophy and the original intent of chiropractic; that chiropractic adjustments are performed to release interference to the innate wisdom within the body so that the body can heal itself. ---- #innatechiro #n8chiro #houston #healingspines #chiropractic #chiropractor #networkspinal #sri #massage #chiropracticcare #healing #nomorepain #wellness #livelife #houstontexas #houstonchiropractor #chirokids
Child Health Day! The chiropractic approach to health is safe and natural. For thesereasons and more, your chiropractor may be the best doctor to help yourchild! Many parents feel encouraged to have a Doctor of Chiropracticas part of their health professional’s network. Contact a Chiropractorwho specializes in Pediatrics and Family Care. Act today for ahealthier life tomorrow! Learn more at ---- #innatechiro #n8chiro #houston #healingspines #chiropractic #chiropractor #networkspinal #sri #massage #chiropracticcare #healing #nomorepain #wellness #livelife #houstontexas #houstonchiropractor #chirokids
At Innate Chiropractic Healing Arts Center, we utilize the latest technology from Foot Levelers, the Kiosk. It’s a tool that helps us screen for imbalances that contribute to problems in any number of places, like your knees, hips, low back and neck — even if your feet don’t hurt. Dr. St.Cyr believes in Foot Levelers custom orthotics so much, she has been wearing them for nearly 40 years! ------ #innatechiro #n8chiro #houston #healingspines #chiropractic #chiropractor #networkspinal #sri #massage #chiropracticcare #healing #nomorepain #wellness #livelife #houstontexas #houstonchiropractor #chirokids #footlevelers #footlevelersorthotics
The brain uses more energy than any other organ in the human body and glucose is its primary source of fuel. But what happens when the brain is exposed to an excessive amount of sugars in the standard American diet? In this case, more is definitely not better. In the brain, excess sugar impairs both our cognitive skills and our self-control. For many people, having a little sugar stimulates a craving for more. Sugar has drug-like effects in the reward center of the brain. Scientists have proposed that sweet foods—along with salty and fatty foods—can produce addiction-like effects in the human brain, driving the loss of self-control, overeating, and subsequent weight gain. VERYWELLMIND.COM Understanding What Sugar Really Does to Your Brain
Gift cards are now available! 🎁 We provide neurostructural chiropractic care using advanced techniques and noninvasive diagnostic technology. Additionally, we utilize NetworkSpinal Analysis, which is a light-touch chiropractic technique, without the pop. Many other services are offered as well at our multipractitioner office. These include life coaching, massage, yoga, Foot Levelers orthotics, empowerment drumming (including community drumming events) and more. Regular events and workshops are also held on diverse health care topics. ------ #innatechiro #n8chiro #houston #healingspines #chiropractic #chiropractor #networkspinal #sri #massage #chiropracticcare #healing #nomorepain #wellness #livelife #houstontexas #houstonchiropractor #chirokids
All things Pumpkin and Pumpkin Spice. Today is all about the pumpkin. #nationalpumpkinday ------ #innatechiro #n8chiro #houston #healingspines #chiropractic #chiropractor #networkspinal #sri #massage #chiropracticcare #healing #nomorepain #wellness #livelife #houstontexas #houstonchiropractor #chirokids
Make a difference day! ✨ "Never underestimate the valuable and important difference you make in every life you touch for the impact you make today has a powerful rippling effect on every tomorrow." ----- #innatechiro #n8chiro #houston #healingspines #chiropractic #chiropractor #networkspinal #sri #massage #chiropracticcare #healing #nomorepain #wellness #livelife #houstontexas #houstonchiropractor #chirokids #makeadifferenceday
Why is hydration really that important? Here are just a few reasons why. Your body cannot survive withouth sufficient water. It is required to moisten food, digest food, transport nutrients to and from cells, discard waster and dissapate heat. If you keep yourself hydrated, your sweat will keep you from overheating during exercise. Water is a mjor component of the muscles and organs. Hydration is especially important during exercise because when you sweat you lose water from both inside and outside of your cells. Dehydration can hinder athletic performance - and you don't want that! ---- #innatechiro #n8chiro #houston #healingspines #chiropractic #chiropractor #networkspinal #sri #massage #chiropracticcare #healing #nomorepain #wellness #livelife #houstontexas #houstonchiropractor #chirokids
If you haven’t played the gratitude game yet, come in next week and post your gratitude rock and receive a pocket rock of your choice and a change to win our drawing for a free cool prize!
“Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: It must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all.” -William Faulkner ✨ ------- #innatechiro #n8chiro #houstontexas #houstonchiropractor #healingspines #chiropracticcare #chiropractorsofinstagram #networkspinal #networkspinalanalysis #networkspinalchiropractic #sri #somatorespiratoryintegration #massagetherapylife #healingenergy #wellnesslifestyle #livelifebetter #chirokidsrock #chirokids #footlevelers #footlevelersorthotics #orthotics #gratituderocks
Love your custom orthotics? Ready for a new pair? Let's reorder for you!! @footlevelers ------- #innatechiro #n8chiro #houstontexas #houstonchiropractor #healingspines #chiropracticcare #chiropractorsofinstagram #networkspinal #networkspinalanalysis #networkspinalchiropractic #sri #somatorespiratoryintegration #massagetherapylife #healingenergy #wellnesslifestyle #livelifebetter #chirokidsrock #chirokids #footlevelers #footlevelersorthotics #orthotics
Order gift cards ONLINE! Have you been ruminating over what gift to get that friend, family member or certain someone in your life? The gift of health is priceless. At Innate Chiropractic Healing Arts Center, we’re delighted to now be offering gift cards in whatever amount you’d like. From a pain-relieving chiropractic adjustment to a relaxing massage session to our other healing services, the gift recipient is sure to be delighted! To order a gift card, complete our online form! ➡️ -------- #innatechiro #n8chiro #houstontexas #houstonchiropractor #healingspines #chiropracticcare #chiropractorsofinstagram #networkspinal #networkspinalanalysis #networkspinalchiropractic #sri #somatorespiratoryintegration #massagetherapylife #healingenergy #wellnesslifestyle #livelifebetter #chirokidsrock #chirokids #footlevelers #footlevelersorthotics #orthotics
Your best defense against the cold, flu and covid season is a healthy immune system! 🍊 Eat a healthy diet, get plenty of sleep, exercise regularly, limit alcohol and reduce stress. Seeing your chiropractor reduces stress on the body leading to better function of your brain and nervous system. ----- #innatechiro #n8chiro #houstontexas #houstonchiropractor #healingspines #chiropracticcare #chiropractorsofinstagram #networkspinal #networkspinalanalysis #networkspinalchiropractic #sri #somatorespiratoryintegration #massagetherapylife #healingenergy #wellnesslifestyle #livelifebetter #chirokidsrock #chirokids #footlevelers #footlevelersorthotics #orthotics
Here's a great look at what the three arches of your feet look like. If your arches have collapsed, you are more likely to have pain. @footlevelers ------ #innatechiro #n8chiro #houstontexas #houstonchiropractor #healingspines #chiropracticcare #chiropractorsofinstagram #networkspinal #networkspinalanalysis #networkspinalchiropractic #sri #somatorespiratoryintegration #massagetherapylife #healingenergy #wellnesslifestyle #livelifebetter #chirokidsrock #chirokids #footlevelers #footlevelersorthotics #orthotics
Who else loves Mondays?! 🌺 ----- #innatechiro #n8chiro #houstontexas #houstonchiropractor #healingspines #chiropracticcare #chiropractorsofinstagram #networkspinal #networkspinalanalysis #networkspinalchiropractic #sri #somatorespiratoryintegration #massagetherapylife #healingenergy #wellnesslifestyle #livelifebetter #chirokidsrock #chirokids #footlevelers #footlevelersorthotics #orthotics
Healthy heart, healthy you! N8CHIRO.POWEREDBYMANNATECH.COM CardioBALANCE
It doesn't get any better than a comforting bowl of soup! Happy National Homemade Soup Day! FLAVORTHEMOMENTS.COM 35 Best Soup Recipes
We’ve all got enough on our plates—too much stress shouldn’t be one of them! And when we say plate, we mean that literally. Stressors can be found all around us, even in our food. 🍩 That’s why when you’re feeling stressed, it’s important to skip the comfort food and head for something nutritious. This state of emotional tension can be rooted in anything from work-related pressures to difficult relationships. While stress comes and goes, it is a completely natural feeling. However, it can become unnatural and harmful to your health when you’re dealing with it constantly as it contributes to various diseases and can lead to craving comfort foods—something that can make the cycle of it even worse! N8CHIRO.COM Is Stress Sneaking In Through Your Food?


Company name
Innate Chiropractic Healing Arts Center
Alternative and Non-traditional Medicine


  • What is the phone number for Innate Chiropractic Healing Arts Center in Houston TX?
    You can reach them at: 713-521-2104. It’s best to call Innate Chiropractic Healing Arts Center during business hours.
  • What is the address for Innate Chiropractic Healing Arts Center on washington ave in Houston?
    Innate Chiropractic Healing Arts Center is located at this address: 8100 Washington Ave #210 Houston, TX 77007.
  • What are Innate Chiropractic Healing Arts Center(Houston, TX) store hours?
    Innate Chiropractic Healing Arts Center store hours are as follows: Mon: Closed, Tue-Thu: 9:00AM - 7:00PM, Fri-Sun: Closed.