Integrated Massage, conveniently located in Lansing, MI: Medical massage therapy and pain managment programs. When you are in pain, we help you break the pain cycle by employing sophisticated and relaxing methods of treatment. This is done without causing discomfort to the patient or exacerbating his or her condition. Our goal is to alleviate pain and offer hope and relief by working with your body’s muscular and skeletal structure. You will experience relief from sports or accident related injuries as well as chronic pain as we soothe your muscles with our deep tissue folding technique. Medical Massage is not the same as a general relaxation or sensual massage. - Our Therapist graduated from the highly acclaimed Blue Heron Academy and is licensed by the State of Michigan. Call Christen to set up your appointments TODAY! (517) 242-6317. For a full list of our services and pricing, visit our website: