We are pleased to be your resource for quality endodontic care. Our team works hard to provide the comfortable, thorough care you deserve. Our endodontist, Dr. Andrew Calhoun, has years of experience helping our patients alleviate pain and improve the health of their smiles with our services. Whether you need a root canal, retreatment for a previous root canal, or an apioectomy, we are eager to help you. We help each patient receive the individualized treatment that is optimal for their specific needs.
At Jacksonville Endodontic Associates, we provide unparalleled care by including state-of-the-art technology with our commitment to gentle, personalized care. The result is endodontic care that is tailored to your situation and needs. We are passionate about helping our patients experience improved health and wellbeing, and we look forward to helping you reach your goals. Dr. Andrew Calhoun is pleased to offer gentle, quality endodontics in Jacksonville, Florida, as well as the surrounding areas of Orange Park, Fernandina Beach, Amelia Island, Jacksonville Beach, Atlantic Beach, Nocatee, Ponte Vedra Beach, and Neptune Beach, Florida. We invite you to contact our team today to learn more about our services and to schedule your next appointment with our caring endodontist. We look forward to welcoming you to our office and helping you care for your smile!