Jaffe Arnold S Attorney at Law

(on carrillo)
Law and Courts in Santa Barbara, CA
Law and Courts
Lawyers and Law Firms


9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM


330 E Carrillo St
Santa Barbara, CA


With over 25 years of practice I have learned the process of resolving individual cases, understanding the law and how it applies to the facts in your case. I make myself available to answer my clients questions whenever they arise.I look forward to doing everything possible to obtain or protect your immigration status.I want my clients to participate in the process of resolving their cases, to understand the law and how it applies to the facts in their case. I make myself available to answer my clients questions whenever they arise. I look forward to doing everything possible to obtain or protect your immigration status.What I do for clients:Complete all applications for clients and assist in gathering all necessary documentary evidence,communicate directly with all government agencies and receive copies of all correspondence from the government,prepare clients for all interviews and appointments,be available to answer all their questions in person or by phone or email, explain the process and the relevant legal provisions, track the progress of the case and show client how to do so.


NOTE: This court decision only applies to plaintiff’s in this particular case. Stay tuned for additional information. “[U.S. District Judge Jeffrey S.] White added: ‘There must be some measure of constraint on presidential authority in the domestic sphere in order not to render the executive an entirely monarchical power in the immigration context.’” https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2020-10-01/trump-blocked-from-restricting-h1b-visas LATIMES.COM Judge blocks Trump from restricting visas for high-skill workers
But human rights groups and religious leaders denounced the administration's decision, saying it will further undermine America's tradition of welcoming immigrants and serving as a beacon of hope for those looking to build a new life here. "Our values as a nation and as people of faith demand that we take action when people’s lives are in danger. But for the past three years, President Trump and his administration have strayed so far from these basic principles in the name of their cruel, racist and partisan goals that the life-saving refugee resettlement program is a shadow of what it once was," he said. https://apple.news/A9SEVEkOmRGuuFogsyQ1UZg APPLE.NEWS Trump admin slashes refugee program amid president's attacks on immigrants — USA TODAY
https://apple.news/AXridvvG1TLamSeRF1WqGQA APPLE.NEWS Trump-Biden race to dictate fate of U.S. immigration for generations — CBS News
https://www.washingtonpost.com/immigration/trump-ice-raids-sanctuary-cities/2020/09/29/99aa17f0-0274-11eb-8879-7663b816bfa5_story.html WASHINGTONPOST.COM ICE preparing targeted arrests in ‘sanctuary cities,’ amplifying president’s campaign theme
https://apple.news/AYq-QwbfIRBiyggU1v09TBw APPLE.NEWS From the fields to the classroom: Inside the lives of U.S. agriculture's youngest workers — NBC News
https://apple.news/Ab6GALe-cT4G-wCglG2JOxQ APPLE.NEWS Trump Administration Slow To Approve Diversity Visas Ahead of Deadline, Despite Court Order — Forbes
https://apple.news/AkzJevg2vR9iL5ClNbNXO_Q APPLE.NEWS Wife of Pennsylvania's Lt. Governor called racist slur at grocery store — NBC News
https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/519811-trump-administration-to-impose-new-rules-targeting-h-1b-visas THEHILL.COM Trump administration to impose new rules targeting H-1B visas
Yet the H1-B program, along with many other forms of legal immigration, has been in the administration’s crosshairs since Trump first took office, according to Sarah Pierce, an analyst with the Migration Policy Institute. “This wasn’t something they just cooked up once the pandemic happened,” Pierce said. https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2020-10-09/trump-immigration-restrictions-will-impact-economy-long-after-he-leaves-white-house-experts-say LATIMES.COM Trump immigration restrictions expected to impact economy long after he leaves White House
“The agents were stationed in Guatemala, along with other countries across Latin America, to help train local police in counter narcotics and other efforts. They are strictly prohibited by the State Department, which provides their funding and oversees their efforts, from conducting direct enforcement operations in countries abroad.” https://apple.news/ATFc6LGAzR4OGNmORmNTxYg APPLE.NEWS U.S. agents returned migrants to Honduras in unauthorized operation, Senate report says — The Wall Street Journal
https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/sanctuary-city-study-immigration-crime/2020/10/21/5810d13a-12fa-11eb-82af-864652063d61_story.html WASHINGTONPOST.COM Study finds no crime increase in cities that adopted ‘sanctuary’ policies, despite Trump claims
https://apple.news/AO2RK1NeNSz-gXJpx4gZ8oQ APPLE.NEWS Trump adviser Stephen Miller reveals aggressive second-term immigration agenda — NBC News
https://apple.news/ASHmxbykuQZGHxNrVerTpnw APPLE.NEWS Trump aide Stephen Miller preparing second-term immigration blitz — The Guardian
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/02/us/public-charge-rule-vacated-immigrants.html NYTIMES.COM Trump’s ‘Public Charge’ Immigration Rule Is Vacated by Federal Judge
https://apple.news/AapxdNFwuQsO_9MmDf6DDuw APPLE.NEWS Federal judge rules acting DHS head Chad Wolf unlawfully appointed, invalidates DACA suspension — NBC News
https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/adolfoflores/ice-deporting-gynecologist-witnesses BUZZFEEDNEWS.COM ICE Is Trying To Deport Immigrant Women Who Witnessed Alleged Misconduct By A Gynecologist, Attorneys Say
https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/adi-s-trump-t-shirt-sale-will-fund-daca-kids-n1246965 NBCNEWS.COM 'Adiós Trump' T-shirt sale will fund DACA kids, says Julián Castro
COURTHOUSENEWS.COM Judge Questions ICE Detention Center’s Covid-19 Plan
“In a ruling Wednesday, US District Judge Emmet Sullivan found that the Trump administration illegally invoked the pandemic to achieve its longstanding goal of keeping out asylum seekers. One of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit challenging the policy, a 16-year-old identified only as P.J.E.S. in court filings, had fled his home country of Guatemala after receiving death threats due to his father’s political opinions and because he refused to join a gang. He sought to join his father, who is currently living in the US and awaiting deportation proceedings. But when he arrived at the southern border, he was taken into custody by US Customs and Border Protection in McAllen, Texas, and subjected to the rapid expulsion program.” https://apple.news/AoCnvLym9Rcq4R0wZiX10SA APPLE.NEWS Court blocks Trump admin from deporting unaccompanied migrant children — Vox
"Ken Cuccinelli at the Department of Homeland Security said up to 200,000 H-1B professionals could lose their jobs under the rule. The Department of Labor estimated its rule, which inflates H-1B wage requirements by 40% or more, would cost employers $198 billion over 10 years, making it potentially the most expensive regulation imposed on businesses in modern U.S. history, based on an analysis by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce." https://www.forbes.com/sites/stuartanderson/2020/11/24/court-hearing-shows-businesses-could-prevail-against-h-1b-visa-rules/?sh=57f148a77c08 FORBES.COM Court Hearing Shows Businesses Could Prevail Against H-1B Visa Rules
"It sends a signal that the Biden administration is serious about reforming all the wrongs that have happened to our immigration system in the past four years..." - AILA Director of Government Relations Shev Dalal-Dheini http://ow.ly/tqlQ50CtrW4 NPR.ORG Alejandro Mayorkas, Biden's Pick For DHS Head, Would Be 1st Latino In Post
Lawful permanent residents seeking to become U.S. citizens will now be required to take a more difficult and longer citizenship test. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced the change on November 13. The new test increases the total number of questions from 100 to 128. Applicants will be verbally asked 20 questions and must answer at least 12 correctly, up from six out of 10. The new test will apply to any person who files a citizenship application after December 1, 2020. These changes come on the heels of other targeted efforts that make it harder to become a U.S. citizen, including higher naturalization fees, increased vetting, and backlogs in citizenship applications. One question in particular raises concerns of politicization. On the old test, applicants could be asked “Who does a U.S. Senator represent?” The suggested answer was “all people of the state.” On the new test, the suggested answer is “citizens of their state.” This is not correct. Members of Congress represent everyone who lives within their district, regardless of citizenship status. It’s been that way since the nation was founded. https://immigrationimpact.com/2020/11/17/new-citizenship-test/?emci=ffc117cf-6f2b-eb11-9fb4-00155d43b2cd&emdi=078369de-db2c-eb11-9fb4-00155d43b2cd&ceid=6969423#.X7xot-mSl3i IMMIGRATIONIMPACT.COM New US Citizenship Test Makes It Harder for Immigrants to Become Citizens
https://www.washingtonpost.com/immigration/daca-restored-dreamers/2020/12/04/37254908-367a-11eb-8d38-6aea1adb3839_story.html WASHINGTONPOST.COM Federal judge restores DACA, orders DHS to accept first-time applications from immigrants
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/daca-restoration-order-immigration-applicants/ CBSNEWS.COM Judge orders restoration of DACA, opening immigration program to new applicants for first time since 2017
https://www.independent.com/2020/12/09/personal-journey-to-living-legally-leads-to-film-project/ INDEPENDENT.COM Personal Journey to Living Legally Leads to Film Project
The new DACA order restores Advance Parole to allow travel outside the United States in certain compelling situations.
https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/07/politics/daca-restored-dhs-website/index.html CNN.COM DHS updates website to indicate DACA program has been restored
*** IMPORTANT DACA NEWS *** On November 14, 2020, Judge Nicholas George Garaufis of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York issued an opinion regarding the July 28, 2020 memorandum[1] signed by Acting Secretary Chad F. Wolf.[2] On December 4, 2020, Judge Garaufis required the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to take certain actions to implement his November 14 opinion. As a result, effective December 7, 2020, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is: Accepting first-time requests for consideration of deferred action under Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) based on the terms of the DACA policy in effect prior to September 5, 2017, and in accordance with the Court’s December 4, 2020, order; Accepting DACA renewal requests based on the terms of the DACA policy in effect prior to September 5, 2017, and in accordance with the Court’s December 4, 2020, order; Accepting applications for advance parole documents based on the terms of the DACA policy prior to September 5, 2017, and in accordance with the Court’s December 4, 2020, order; Extending one-year grants of deferred action under DACA to two years; and Extending one-year employment authorization documents under DACA to two years. USCIS will take appropriate steps to provide evidence of the one-year extensions of deferred action and employment authorization documents under DACA to individuals who were issued documentation on or after July 28, 2020, with a one-year validity period under the Wolf Memorandum. DHS will comply with Judge Garaufis’ order while it remains in effect, but DHS may seek relief from the order. [1] Reconsideration of the June 15, 2012 Memorandum Entitled “Exercising Prosecutorial Discretion with Respect to Individuals Who Came to the United States as Children” (Wolf Memorandum). [2] Batalla Vidal, et al. v. Wolf, et al., 16-CV-4756 (NGG) (VMS), 2020 WL 6695076 (E.D.N.Y. Nov. 14, 2020); State of New York, et al. v. Trump, et al., 17-CV-5228 (NGG) (VMS), 2020 WL 6695076 (E.D.N.Y. Nov. 14, 2020).
https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-12-15/us-immigration-tests-texas-rancher-brazilian-husband LATIMES.COM In love and in limbo, a Texas rancher separated from her husband by immigration policy
https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/biden-immigration-policy-changes/2020/12/22/2eb9ef92-4400-11eb-8deb-b948d0931c16_story.html WASHINGTONPOST.COM Reversal of Trump immigration policies will ‘take time,’ Biden team says
Congressional Democrats Announce One of the Most Progressive Immigration Reform Plans in History https://immigrationimpact.com/2020/12/15/immigration-reform-plan-biden-jayapal/?emci=d575078a-6041-eb11-a607-00155d43c992&emdi=236f12ac-cb42-eb11-a607-00155d43c992&ceid=8854376#.X-D99DSSl3h IMMIGRATIONIMPACT.COM Congressional Democrats Announce One of the Most Progressive Immigration Reform Plans in History
USCIS and ICE Must Give People Access to Their Immigration Files https://immigrationimpact.com/2020/12/18/afiles-immigration-records-lawsuit/?emci=d575078a-6041-eb11-a607-00155d43c992&emdi=236f12ac-cb42-eb11-a607-00155d43c992&ceid=8854376#.X-D9VTSSl3h IMMIGRATIONIMPACT.COM USCIS and ICE Must Give People Access to Their Immigration Files After Losing Lawsuit
Your COVID-19 Vaccine Was Likely Made by an Immigrant https://immigrationimpact.com/2020/12/14/who-made-covid19-vaccine/?emci=d575078a-6041-eb11-a607-00155d43c992&emdi=236f12ac-cb42-eb11-a607-00155d43c992&ceid=8854376#.X-DxtjSSl3h IMMIGRATIONIMPACT.COM Your COVID-19 Vaccine Was Likely Made by an Immigrant
Mother of a U.S. Army intelligence officer was deported on Thursday. Support the Protect Patriot Parents Act introduce by Rep. Salud Carbajal. "Rebollar Gomez’s son, 2nd Lt. Gibram Cruz, 30, is not allowed to travel to foreign countries without getting permission from the military, a long and complicated process." https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/immigration/story/2020-01-02/army-officers-mother-deported-as-family-and-community-rally-to-keep-her-in-the-u-s?_amp=true SANDIEGOUNIONTRIBUNE.COM Army officer's mother deported as time runs out on her hope for a miracle
https://apple.news/AahG8Ez8IQ8-OYK-dLhejaA APPLE.NEWS SCOTUS punts on Trump bid to omit undocumented immigrants from census — USA TODAY
https://apple.news/A-9FPA1xLSKWKcb5FAo-Lvg APPLE.NEWS Trump extends immigration and work visa restrictions through March — Axios
https://www.npr.org/2020/12/30/951552774/theres-a-white-house-clash-over-whether-to-extend-freeze-on-many-work-visas NPR.ORG There's A White House Clash Over Whether To Extend Freeze On Many Work Visas
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-01-08/biden-says-he-ll-introduce-immigration-bill-immediately BLOOMBERG.COM Biden Says He’ll Introduce Immigration Bill ‘Immediately’
https://apple.news/A3e-BGPJqSTWdiAhliMcL5g APPLE.NEWS Judge blocks dramatic overhaul of U.S. asylum system from taking effect — Reuters
https://apple.news/AyMcdsU-RRsS4d18z7L3Avw APPLE.NEWS Mexico to invoke labor rule to ensure U.S. vaccines for illegal migrants — Reuters
All arriving international travelers, including US citizens and Permanent Residents, May need a negative COVID test to board the plane. https://apple.news/ANE8QflWLS-yIubO5uTr3tw APPLE.NEWS U.S. will require negative COVID-19 results from all incoming travelers — Condé Nast Traveler
https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-01-15/biden-to-send-congress-bill-to-legalize-11-million-immigrants-who-lack-documentation LATIMES.COM Biden plans early legislation to offer legal status to 11 million immigrants without it
https://immigrationimpact.com/2021/01/11/trump-legacy-border-wall-immigration/?emci=2d44e20b-7457-eb11-a607-00155d43c992&emdi=e5938522-d758-eb11-a607-00155d43c992&ceid=8854376#.YAXUqzmSl3h IMMIGRATIONIMPACT.COM Trump’s Presidency Begins and Ends With Demonizing Immigrants
Specific groups — such as DREAMers, recipients of Temporary Protected Status, and essential workers — would be eligible for a quicker path to citizenship. That change, as well as other portions of the plan, was previewed by Vice President-elect Kamala Harris in a conversation with Univision journalist Ilia Calderón this week. “It’s a smarter and much more humane way of approaching immigration,” Harris told Calderón of the proposed package of reforms, according to Politico. https://apple.news/AjAsi0MP0T5iZ0tpNjMTGKw APPLE.NEWS What Biden wants to do on immigration, briefly explained — Vox
https://www.politico.com/news/2021/01/15/biden-immigration-plans-459766 POLITICO.COM Democrats ready immigration push for Biden’s early days
Thanks to Rep. Salud Carbajal for supporting our troops and families in our community! #bringjuanahome https://keyt.com/news/santa-barbara-s-county/2021/01/26/congressman-salud-carbajal-reintroduces-protect-patriot-parents-act-in-legal-quest-for-goleta-woman/ KEYT.COM Congressman Salud Carbajal reintroduces Protect Patriot Parents Act in legal quest for Goleta woman | NewsChannel 3-12
https://apple.news/ASgmGD6DbRGuSOGwZvLAiOA APPLE.NEWS Trump-appointed judge temporarily blocks Biden’s 100-day freeze on deportations — BuzzFeed News
Congressman Salud Carbajal was live. Yesterday at 10:46 AM · Yesterday, I introduced the Protect Patriot Parents Act to keep the families of our service members united. Watch the press conference with the Central Coast resident who inspired the bill: Juana Flores.
https://apple.news/A02T-a0FPTl6hoslQHvEX2A APPLE.NEWS Biden keeps COVID-19 travel restrictions for Europe and Brazil, adds South Africa — The Hill
https://apple.news/AXCN_2FIBSmChrH0en2babg APPLE.NEWS Why Biden's immigration plan may be risky for Democrats — ABC News
https://apple.news/AOROqFGZ2S8qMV6j2VZzo2w APPLE.NEWS Biden administration to pause most ICE deportations, among other immigration moves — ABC News
https://apple.news/A__0A90TNRE-uQv8XoXeZrg APPLE.NEWS Biden’s early immigration orders largely limited to reviewing, not undoing, Trump policy — Los Angeles Times
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-immigration-work-visa-limits-rescind/ CBSNEWS.COM Biden to rescind Trump's pandemic-era limits on immigrant and work visas, top adviser says
Rice said the issue shouldn’t be thought of as simply an immigration issue but as a family matter, “and families matter.” “I would challenge anyone who’s thinking about this issue to think about their own mother, their own father, their own grandmother,” he said. “How would I feel if that were our family?” He asked how banishing the grandmother of 18 U.S. citizens to another country serves U.S. policy. “Who’s being punished, the grandmother or the 18 grandchildren?” he asked. https://santamariatimes.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/carbajal-bill-would-protect-parents-of-service-members/article_fae3f888-922f-5916-bc47-6e0f1280fc02.html SANTAMARIATIMES.COM Carbajal bill would protect service members parents from deportation
https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/2021/01/27/us-preparing-tough-new-land-border-rules-canada-urged-to-do-the-same.html THESTAR.COM U.S. preparing tough new land-border rules. Canada urged to do the same
USCIS Announces That FY2022 H-1B Cap Initial Registration Period Will Open on March 9 USCIS announced that the initial registration period for the FY2022 H-1B cap will open at 12:00 noon (ET) on March 9, 2021, and run through 12:00 noon (ET) on March 25, 2021. During this period, prospective petitioners and representatives will be able to fill out petitioner and beneficiary information and submit their registration. See our updated practice alert on the FY2022 H-1B electronic registration process. As a reminder, USCIS will not implement its rule creating a wage-based selection process for H-1Bs for the upcoming H-1B cap season. For resources on the FY2022 cap-subject H-1B filing season, visit our featured issue page.
AILA Welcomes Bipartisan Dream Act of 2021; Calls on Congress to Take Action on This and Other Necessary Immigration Legislation February 4, 2021 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) welcomed the introduction of the Dream Act of 2021, a bipartisan bill authored by Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC). The Dream Act of 2021 would provide young people who were brought to this country as children and grew up in the United States the opportunity to apply for lawful permanent resident status and eventually citizenship, if they meet certain requirements. Jennifer Minear, AILA President, welcomed the effort, saying, "Poll after poll has shown tremendous bipartisan support for Dreamers and for reforms that will put them on the path to permanent status, and ultimately citizenship, in the only country they call home. While Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) has given many young, talented, and contributing members of our communities a temporary reprieve from deportation, the limited safety and security it offered cannot confer the stability that permanent legal status does. Each one of these individuals is a living affirmation of the American Dream and our nation’s most deeply held values. Just like all of us, Dreamers seek a better life, a better education, a chance to work, and to live free from fear. AILA Executive Director Benjamin Johnson stated, "It is a welcome sight indeed to see Senators Durbin and Graham again set aside partisan politics and do the right thing. For nearly two decades now, an overwhelming majority of the public has agreed that the Dreamer population is an integral part of our country and that they deserve a chance to build their lives here. DACA was a first step in that process, but it is not a permanent solution. We call on Congress to pass this bill as a step forward toward legalization of the undocumented, and the many other necessary changes to our immigration laws our country requires. In addition to the Dream Act, AILA will also be advocating for passage of President Biden’s immigration reform bill and other proposals that legalize all people who have been living in the United States for years and are contributing to the strength and prosperity of the nation."
CBP to Enforce Face Mask Requirement at Ports of Entry CBP announced that, effective February 2, 2021, it is enforcing the requirement that travelers wear face masks at all air, land, and sea ports of entry. The new requirement applies to all persons older than two years of age, with limited exceptions, and will remain in effect until further notice.
https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/ice-defies-biden-deports-el-paso-massacre-witness-hundreds-others-n1256461?utm_source=AILA+Mailing&utm_campaign=f600bac80f-AILA8-02-03-2021&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_3c0e619096-f600bac80f-292120808 NBCNEWS.COM ICE defies Biden, deports El Paso massacre witness, hundreds of others
https://apple.news/AkoitTDx0SRyiJciQYTOvCA APPLE.NEWS Biden Signs 3 Immigration Executive Orders. Activists Want More — NPR
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Office of Public Affairs ________________________________________ Alejandro Mayorkas Sworn in as Secretary of Homeland Security WASHINGTON – Today, Alejandro Mayorkas was officially sworn in as the seventh Secretary of Homeland Security. Secretary Mayorkas took the oath this afternoon after the Senate voted to confirm him. As Secretary of Homeland Security, Mayorkas now leads the third largest federal department in the United States, which includes the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Transportation Security Administration, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, and the United States Secret Service. “DHS bears an extraordinary weight on behalf of the American people, the weight of grave challenges seen and unseen,” said Secretary Mayorkas. “It is the greatest privilege of my life to return to the Department to lead the men and women who dedicate their talent and energy to the safety and security of our nation. I will work every day to ensure that they have the tools they need to execute their missions with honor and integrity. The mission of the Department of Homeland Security is to safeguard the American people, our homeland, and our values. The United States is a welcoming and empathetic nation, one that finds strength in its diversity. I pledge to defend and secure our country without sacrificing these American values.” Secretary Mayorkas is the first immigrant to serve in the role of DHS Secretary. His parents arrived with him and his sister to the United States as refugees after fleeing Cuba in 1960. Secretary Mayorkas previously served as the DHS Deputy Secretary from 2013 to 2016. Prior to holding that position, he was the Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, the agency charged with operating the largest immigration system in the world. # # #
USCIS Announces That FY2022 H-1B Cap Initial Registration Period Will Open on March 9 USCIS announced that the initial registration period for the FY2022 H-1B cap will open at 12:00 noon (ET) on March 9, 2021, and run through 12:00 noon (ET) on March 25, 2021. During this period, prospective petitioners and representatives will be able to fill out petitioner and beneficiary information and submit their registration. See our updated practice alert on the FY2022 H-1B electronic registration process. As a reminder, USCIS will not implement its rule creating a wage-based selection process for H-1Bs for the upcoming H-1B cap season. For resources on the FY2022 cap-subject H-1B filing season, visit our featured issue page.
CBP to Enforce Face Mask Requirement at Ports of Entry CBP announced that, effective February 2, 2021, it is enforcing the requirement that travelers wear face masks at all air, land, and sea ports of entry. The new requirement applies to all persons older than two years of age, with limited exceptions, and will remain in effect until further notice.
https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/ice-defies-biden-deports-el-paso-massacre-witness-hundreds-others-n1256461?utm_source=AILA+Mailing&utm_campaign=f600bac80f-AILA8-02-03-2021&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_3c0e619096-f600bac80f-292120808 NBCNEWS.COM ICE defies Biden, deports El Paso massacre witness, hundreds of others
https://apple.news/AkoitTDx0SRyiJciQYTOvCA APPLE.NEWS Biden Signs 3 Immigration Executive Orders. Activists Want More — NPR
https://www.npr.org/2021/02/18/968989967/democrats-unveil-sweeping-immigration-bill NPR.ORG Democrats Unveil Sweeping Immigration Bill
http://enewspaper.latimes.com/infinity/article_share.aspx?guid=9a991667-3685-4d1a-8b08-9047b5fcfa72 ENEWSPAPER.LATIMES.COM enewspaper.latimes.com
Thank you, Elizabeth Wilbanks! https://www.independent.com/2021/02/16/92-year-old-undocumented-woman-denied-covid-19-vaccine/ INDEPENDENT.COM 92-Year-Old Undocumented Woman Denied COVID-19 Vaccine - The Santa Barbara Independent
https://apple.news/ArUPyC9W2SHyoMxiaBORNdQ APPLE.NEWS Biden pushes expanded pathways to citizenship as immigration bill lands in Congress — The Hill
https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/18/politics/biden-immigration-legislation/index.html CNN.COM White House announces sweeping immigration bill
USCIS Announces That FY2022 H-1B Cap Initial Registration Period Will Open on March 9 USCIS announced that the initial registration period for the FY2022 H-1B cap will open at 12:00 noon (ET) on March 9, 2021, and run through 12:00 noon (ET) on March 25, 2021. During this period, prospective petitioners and representatives will be able to fill out petitioner and beneficiary information and submit their registration. See our updated practice alert on the FY2022 H-1B electronic registration process. As a reminder, USCIS will not implement its rule creating a wage-based selection process for H-1Bs for the upcoming H-1B cap season. For resources on the FY2022 cap-subject H-1B filing season, visit our featured issue page.
https://www.npr.org/2021/02/18/968989967/democrats-unveil-sweeping-immigration-bill NPR.ORG Democrats Unveil Sweeping Immigration Bill
http://enewspaper.latimes.com/infinity/article_share.aspx?guid=9a991667-3685-4d1a-8b08-9047b5fcfa72 ENEWSPAPER.LATIMES.COM enewspaper.latimes.com
Thank you, Elizabeth Wilbanks! https://www.independent.com/2021/02/16/92-year-old-undocumented-woman-denied-covid-19-vaccine/ INDEPENDENT.COM 92-Year-Old Undocumented Woman Denied COVID-19 Vaccine - The Santa Barbara Independent
https://apple.news/ArUPyC9W2SHyoMxiaBORNdQ APPLE.NEWS Biden pushes expanded pathways to citizenship as immigration bill lands in Congress — The Hill
https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/18/politics/biden-immigration-legislation/index.html CNN.COM White House announces sweeping immigration bill
USCIS Announces That FY2022 H-1B Cap Initial Registration Period Will Open on March 9 USCIS announced that the initial registration period for the FY2022 H-1B cap will open at 12:00 noon (ET) on March 9, 2021, and run through 12:00 noon (ET) on March 25, 2021. During this period, prospective petitioners and representatives will be able to fill out petitioner and beneficiary information and submit their registration. See our updated practice alert on the FY2022 H-1B electronic registration process. As a reminder, USCIS will not implement its rule creating a wage-based selection process for H-1Bs for the upcoming H-1B cap season. For resources on the FY2022 cap-subject H-1B filing season, visit our featured issue page.
https://www.npr.org/2021/02/18/968989967/democrats-unveil-sweeping-immigration-bill NPR.ORG Democrats Unveil Sweeping Immigration Bill
http://enewspaper.latimes.com/infinity/article_share.aspx?guid=9a991667-3685-4d1a-8b08-9047b5fcfa72 ENEWSPAPER.LATIMES.COM enewspaper.latimes.com
Thank you, Elizabeth Wilbanks! https://www.independent.com/2021/02/16/92-year-old-undocumented-woman-denied-covid-19-vaccine/ INDEPENDENT.COM 92-Year-Old Undocumented Woman Denied COVID-19 Vaccine - The Santa Barbara Independent
https://apple.news/ArUPyC9W2SHyoMxiaBORNdQ APPLE.NEWS Biden pushes expanded pathways to citizenship as immigration bill lands in Congress — The Hill
https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/18/politics/biden-immigration-legislation/index.html CNN.COM White House announces sweeping immigration bill
USCIS Announces That FY2022 H-1B Cap Initial Registration Period Will Open on March 9 USCIS announced that the initial registration period for the FY2022 H-1B cap will open at 12:00 noon (ET) on March 9, 2021, and run through 12:00 noon (ET) on March 25, 2021. During this period, prospective petitioners and representatives will be able to fill out petitioner and beneficiary information and submit their registration. See our updated practice alert on the FY2022 H-1B electronic registration process. As a reminder, USCIS will not implement its rule creating a wage-based selection process for H-1Bs for the upcoming H-1B cap season. For resources on the FY2022 cap-subject H-1B filing season, visit our featured issue page.
https://immigrationimpact.com/2021/03/04/us-citizenship-test-2021/?emci=2ba0b1c8-d87d-eb11-85aa-00155d43c992&emdi=3be26263-4d7f-eb11-85aa-00155d43c992&ceid=4521745 IMMIGRATIONIMPACT.COM Trump’s Citizenship Test Scrapped by USCIS Over Politicization and Complexity Concerns
https://apple.news/Alcn_fGSmSkahBDmz5L4kyg APPLE.NEWS Justice Dept. asks Supreme Court to dismiss 'sanctuary' immigration suits — NBC News
https://www.npr.org/2021/02/18/968989967/democrats-unveil-sweeping-immigration-bill NPR.ORG Democrats Unveil Sweeping Immigration Bill
http://enewspaper.latimes.com/infinity/article_share.aspx?guid=9a991667-3685-4d1a-8b08-9047b5fcfa72 ENEWSPAPER.LATIMES.COM enewspaper.latimes.com
Thank you, Elizabeth Wilbanks! https://www.independent.com/2021/02/16/92-year-old-undocumented-woman-denied-covid-19-vaccine/ INDEPENDENT.COM 92-Year-Old Undocumented Woman Denied COVID-19 Vaccine - The Santa Barbara Independent
https://apple.news/ArUPyC9W2SHyoMxiaBORNdQ APPLE.NEWS Biden pushes expanded pathways to citizenship as immigration bill lands in Congress — The Hill
https://immigrationimpact.com/2021/03/04/us-citizenship-test-2021/?emci=2ba0b1c8-d87d-eb11-85aa-00155d43c992&emdi=3be26263-4d7f-eb11-85aa-00155d43c992&ceid=4521745 IMMIGRATIONIMPACT.COM Trump’s Citizenship Test Scrapped by USCIS Over Politicization and Complexity Concerns
https://apple.news/Alcn_fGSmSkahBDmz5L4kyg APPLE.NEWS Justice Dept. asks Supreme Court to dismiss 'sanctuary' immigration suits — NBC News
https://www.npr.org/2021/02/18/968989967/democrats-unveil-sweeping-immigration-bill NPR.ORG Democrats Unveil Sweeping Immigration Bill
http://enewspaper.latimes.com/infinity/article_share.aspx?guid=9a991667-3685-4d1a-8b08-9047b5fcfa72 ENEWSPAPER.LATIMES.COM enewspaper.latimes.com
Thank you, Elizabeth Wilbanks! https://www.independent.com/2021/02/16/92-year-old-undocumented-woman-denied-covid-19-vaccine/ INDEPENDENT.COM 92-Year-Old Undocumented Woman Denied COVID-19 Vaccine - The Santa Barbara Independent
https://apple.news/ArUPyC9W2SHyoMxiaBORNdQ APPLE.NEWS Biden pushes expanded pathways to citizenship as immigration bill lands in Congress — The Hill
Congressman Salud Carbajal March 18 at 10:34 AM · Today, I'm excited to vote for the bipartisan Farm Workforce Modernization Act! I'm the son of a farmworker, and Congressman Jim Costa and I represent thriving agriculture districts. We know how impactful this bill will be to farmers and farmworkers alike.
https://thehill.com/homenews/house/543891-house-passes-bills-providing-path-to-citizenship-for-dreamers-farmworkers THEHILL.COM House passes bills providing citizenship path for Dreamers, farmworkers
https://apple.news/A7YJc-1tSS7ifhbdU1YkzKQ APPLE.NEWS House passes bills with path to citizenship for "Dreamers" and farmworkers — CBS News
https://immigrationimpact.com/2021/03/04/us-citizenship-test-2021/?emci=2ba0b1c8-d87d-eb11-85aa-00155d43c992&emdi=3be26263-4d7f-eb11-85aa-00155d43c992&ceid=4521745 IMMIGRATIONIMPACT.COM Trump’s Citizenship Test Scrapped by USCIS Over Politicization and Complexity Concerns
https://apple.news/Alcn_fGSmSkahBDmz5L4kyg APPLE.NEWS Justice Dept. asks Supreme Court to dismiss 'sanctuary' immigration suits — NBC News
https://www.npr.org/2021/02/18/968989967/democrats-unveil-sweeping-immigration-bill NPR.ORG Democrats Unveil Sweeping Immigration Bill
Congressman Salud Carbajal March 18 at 10:34 AM · Today, I'm excited to vote for the bipartisan Farm Workforce Modernization Act! I'm the son of a farmworker, and Congressman Jim Costa and I represent thriving agriculture districts. We know how impactful this bill will be to farmers and farmworkers alike.
https://thehill.com/homenews/house/543891-house-passes-bills-providing-path-to-citizenship-for-dreamers-farmworkers THEHILL.COM House passes bills providing citizenship path for Dreamers, farmworkers
https://apple.news/A7YJc-1tSS7ifhbdU1YkzKQ APPLE.NEWS House passes bills with path to citizenship for "Dreamers" and farmworkers — CBS News
https://immigrationimpact.com/2021/03/04/us-citizenship-test-2021/?emci=2ba0b1c8-d87d-eb11-85aa-00155d43c992&emdi=3be26263-4d7f-eb11-85aa-00155d43c992&ceid=4521745 IMMIGRATIONIMPACT.COM Trump’s Citizenship Test Scrapped by USCIS Over Politicization and Complexity Concerns
https://apple.news/Alcn_fGSmSkahBDmz5L4kyg APPLE.NEWS Justice Dept. asks Supreme Court to dismiss 'sanctuary' immigration suits — NBC News
https://www.npr.org/2021/02/18/968989967/democrats-unveil-sweeping-immigration-bill NPR.ORG Democrats Unveil Sweeping Immigration Bill


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    You can reach them at: 805-897-0066. It’s best to call Jaffe Arnold S Attorney at Law during business hours.
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    Jaffe Arnold S Attorney at Law is located at this address: 330 E Carrillo St Santa Barbara, CA 93101.
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    Jaffe Arnold S Attorney at Law store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 9:00AM - 5:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.