James Stelling

(on commack road)
Doctors in Commack, NY


6:00AM - 7:00PM
6:00AM - 7:00PM
6:00AM - 3:00PM
6:00AM - 3:00PM
6:00AM - 2:30PM
7:00AM - 2:30PM


500 Commack Road
Commack, NY


Island Fertility is a full service fertility practice of Stony Brook Community Medical, directed by James Stelling, MD, FCAOG, HCLD. It has been a long time dream of Dr. Stelling along with his partner, Bradley Trivax, MD, to build a community practice that can provide all types of fertility treatment in a warm, compassionate atmosphere with state of the art Andrology and Embryology laboratories ready to provide the highest quality and most advanced technology available for our patients. Island Fertility has hired a team of highly educated and experienced healthcare professionals to help patients navigate the world of infertility and fertility preservation. Our physicians are board certified reproductive endocrinologists and are the most qualified doctors to diagnose and treat fertility preservation and infertility problems. Our team consists of Dr. Richard Bronson, Dr. Avner Hershlag, Dr. James Stelling, Dr. Bradley Trivax and Dr. Lauren Zakarin Safier.


James Stelling Photo


  • Infertility
  • Fertility Preservation
  • Donor Sperm
  • Donor Oocyte
  • Donor Embryo
  • Insemination
  • Family Planning
  • Gestational Carrier
  • Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
  • Regulation of Menstrual Cycle
  • Preimplantation Genetic Testing
  • Genetic Testing
  • Blood Work
  • Sperm Preservation
  • Timed Intercourse
  • Ovulation Induction
  • Oocyte Preservation
  • Intra-cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
  • Assisted Hatching
  • Embryo Biopsy for Preimplantation Genetic Testing
  • Semen Analysis
  • Testicular Function Testing
  • Uterine Imaging
  • Fallopian Tube Imaging
  • LiNA OperåScope™ Hysteroscopy
  • ReceptivaDx™ Uterine Biopsy
  • Saline Sonogram
  • Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (RPL)
  • Embryo Cryopreservation
  • Teleheath


What tests are used to determine what issues are impacting a man’s fertility? ☑️ Testicular biopsy to identify abnormalities and to retrieve sperm to use with assisted reproductive techniques. ☑️ Genetic testing to determine if there is a genetic defect causing infertility. ☑️ Semen analysis is executed in the lab. ☑️ Hormone testing via a blood test to look at testosterone and other male hormones. ☑️ Imaging studies like a scrotal ultrasound or test of the vas deferens may be performed. Call us to find out more about testing to help pinpoint the causes of infertility at (631) 638-4600. #Testing #Maleinfertility #fertility
One of the causes of female infertility is primary ovarian insufficiency. Doesn’t sound familiar? It’s the technical terminology for early menopause when ovaries stop working and menstruation ends prior to age 40. The cause is often unknown, there are factors that are associated with early menopause including specific genetic conditions like Turner syndrome or carriers of Fragile X syndrome, immune system diseases, smoking and chemotherapy or radiation. 📱 Want to explore your options to expand your family? Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment. #femaleinfertility #earlymenopause #fertility #fertilityjourney
Can chlamydia impact fertility? It can. As one of the most common STIs in women under 25, it is known as the silent infection as most people don’t have symptoms. You may have burning during urination or abnormal vaginal discharge but many times, there are no symptoms. If left untreated, chlamydia can spread to the uterus and fallopian tubes, resulting in pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). PID can result in scarring in the fallopian tubes which leads to blockage and damage that causes infertility. Almost 24,000 women deal with infertility each year due to an undiagnosed STI, according to the CDC. Have an annual chlamydia screening if you’re under 25, a pregnant women or anyone at risk for the STI. It is easy to treat with antibiotics, so catching it early is beneficial. ⚠️ We are open and so happy to see patients. Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment. #chlamydia #annualscreening #yourhealthfirst #fertility
You asked. We're answering! 📚 Male infertility can be caused due to low sperm production, abnormal sperm function, or blockages that prevent the delivery of sperm. Illnesses, injuries, chronic health problems, lifestyle choices, and other factors can play a role in causing male infertility. Have a question? Comment it or message us! 💬
🍽️ Eating for optimal fertility is easy if you know what to nosh on…and what to avoid. Trans fats can raise your LDL cholesterol and lower your HDL cholesterol, which can affect ovulation. Foods high in trans fats include: *Shortening *Fried foods like doughnuts, French fries and fried chicken *Refrigerated dough, like rolls and biscuits *Baked goods like pies, cookies and cakes *Margarine You are what you eat so make wise choices and see the difference it makes! Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment. #eatingforlife #eatingforhealth #avoidtransfats #fertility
You asked. We're answering! 📚 Fertility treatments often include medications that help with hormones and ovulation, sometimes combined with minor surgical procedures. Here are two of the most common fertility treatments:  Intrauterine insemination (IUI): Healthy sperm is collected and inserted directly into your uterus when you’re ovulating.  In vitro fertilization (IVF): Eggs are taken from your ovaries and fertilized by sperm in a lab, where they develop into embryos. Then a doctor puts the embryos into your uterus. Have a question? Comment it or message us! 💬
True or false: you are only fertile on the day of ovulation. False. A woman is most fertile the three days leading up to and including the day of ovulation. For a woman with a 28 day cycle, this window would fall in days 11-14. If someone has a 35 day cycle, the fertile window will fall normally in days 18-22. ⚠️ We are open and thrilled to be seeing patients. Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment. #trueorfalse #ovulation #fertilityspecialist
What is LPD? A Luteal Phase Defect or LPD is simply an abnormality in the endometrial development. The luteal phase is a woman’s menstrual cycle. During the luteal phase, the production of hormone secretions like progesterone and estrogen increase. Normally during LPD, secretion of progesterone by the ovary is less than normal or the endometrium isn’t responding to the normal stimulation of progesterone. LPD impacts fertility. If you have questions about your fertility, call us at (631) 638-4600 to make an appointment today. #LPD #Fertilityhelp #fertility
If you’re a “poor responder,” don’t worry. There’s hope. Typically, a poor responder is someone whose ovaries and the body does not respond to fertility medications. There are some treatments for a poor response to ovarian stimulation that are commonly recommended including: ☑️ Modifying stimulation cycle medications ☑️ Changing the pituitary down-regulation protocols ☑️ Advanced lab techniques ☑️ Using adjuvant therapy Call us at (631) 638-4600 to make an appointment. We would love to be your partner for fertility treatments. #poorresponder #fertilitypartner #fertility #fertilityjourney
You asked. We're answering! 📚 According to studies, depending on the age group you may not need to be worried if you do not get pregnant immediately. Here is a guide on how long you should wait to visit the doctor: ✔️ If you're under 35 and healthy: Wait a year. Believe it or not, it can take a normal young couple up to 12 months to get pregnant. ✔️ If you're over 35: Wait six months. After 35, a woman is labeled advanced maternal age. Even though that term makes us cringe... I mean, who says 35 years is old??? The chances of conceiving start dipping around that age. ✔️ If you're over 40: Right away. After 40, a woman's eggs drop in quality as well as quantity, so not only are the chances of conceiving fewer, but the risk for miscarriage is greater. Again these are guidelines, so ensure you consult your doctor if you are concerned. Have a question? Comment it or message us! 💬 #fertility #fertilityjourney #fertilityawareness #infertilitytribe
Am I more likely to experience a miscarriage if I’ve had one? 💔 No. Miscarriage or the loss of pregnancy before 20 weeks, affects as many as 1 in 4 women. It can be caused by a host of things like anatomy issues, chronic illnesses like unmanaged diabetes, underlying hormonal imbalances or commonly by a chance abnormality in chromosomes. Having more than one miscarriage isn’t common, happening to 2-3% of couples. For anyone who has suffered recurrent miscarriages, fertility testing can help identify a cause and treatment plan. Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment and begin the process of conception. #Pregnancyandinfantlossmonth #Loss #Askthedoctor
True or false: It is common for it to take over 12 months to get pregnant. False. Age plays an important role. If the woman is younger than 35, there is about a 20-25% chance of her getting pregnant in any given month, as long as she is ovulating and there is ample sperm production. If a couple has been trying for 12 months or longer and has not conceived, a thorough evaluation can be beneficial. Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment and begin the process to grow your family. #Trueorfalse #Dontwait #fertility
🍬 Staying healthy means finding alternatives for sugar. One beneficial substitution is Stevia extract. Found in brand name products like Pure Via, Truvia and SweetLeaf, Stevia is a plant extract with little to no calories. Because it is sweeter than sugar, you need less of it to get the same amount of sweetness. It is very low in calories and considered a healthy sugar alternative for those who have diabetes or are looking to control their weight. Although Stevia is non-chemical, it does have a noticeable aftertaste, so it may not be ideal for coffee or tea. It can be found in powder or liquid and is great for cakes, pastries and sauces since it is relatively stable in heat. ⚠️ We are open and seeing patients. Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment. #sugarsubstitute #eatforhealth #stevia
You asked. We're answering! 📚 Infertility is a man's problem too. Here is a list of things that can affect a man's fertility: • History of prostatitis, genital infection, or sexually transmitted diseases • Exposure to hazards on the job or to toxic substances. These include radiation, radioactivity, welding, and many chemicals. Toxic chemicals include lead, ethylene dibromine, and vinyl chloride. • Cigarette or marijuana smoke • Heavy alcohol drinking • Exposure of the genitals to high temperatures • Hernia repair • Undescended testicles • Prescription medicine. These include opioid-like medicines that affect the central nervous system. An example is medicines to treat mental illness. • Mumps after puberty • A genetic problem or a problem that was present at birth (congenital) Have a question? Comment it or message us! 💬
What can cause a short period? 📅 There are many reasons. One is an anovulatory cycle, which is when your ovaries do not release an egg. This is most common in women who are in perimenopause. Without an egg being released, a period can become irregular. Changes in your cycle can make fertility more challenging, so it is worth looking into if it becomes a regular issue. Learn more here: https://loom.ly/9YVYAd4 . Call (631) 638-4600 to make an appointment if you have pain, if your cycle suddenly becomes shorter, or if you are trying to get pregnant. #Shortperiod #Fertilityconcerns #Alwayslearning
October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. One in four women will experience child or infant loss, including stillbirth, miscarriage, SIDS or the death of a newborn. Going through a loss of this magnitude can be overwhelming and many parents feel alone as they grieve. 💔 This month, take the opportunity to reach out to friends or loved ones who have suffered the loss of an infant or pregnancy. Just letting someone know that you’re thinking of them can make all the difference. At Island Fertility, we are here for you during Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month as well as the rest of the year. Call us at (631) 638-4600 to make an appointment anytime. #PregnancyandInfantLossAwarenessMonth #ShowSupport #October
Seeing a fertility specialist is a natural step on the road to expanding your family. On your first appointment, here are some topics that may come up so it is beneficial to have the answers available to discuss: ☑️ Birth control history ☑️ Menstrual history ☑️ Pregnancy history ☑️ History of STDs ☑️ Medications you are currently taking ☑️ Surgical history ☑️ Medical history ☑️ Work environment ☑️ Lifestyle Want to explore options for fertility treatments? Call us today at (631) 638-4600 for an appointment. #fertilityspecialist #firstappointment #fertilitytreatments #fertility
🥚 Extending a women’s reproductive span is possible, thanks to donor eggs. For many women in their 40s, as their optimal window of being able to conceive is growing short, there is the opportunity to become pregnant using the eggs of a donor. Thinking about your fertility? Call us today at (631) 638-4600 for an appointment and let’s come up with a plan. #donoreggs #conceptionispossible #wecanhelp
True or false: women should avoid pregnancy for three months after discontinuing birth control pills? False. There’s no reason to wait to try to get pregnant after discontinuing birth control pills. Most women start ovulating again about two weeks after taking the last pill. Call us today at (631) 638-4600 to learn more facts about fertility and to make a plan for your future. #trueorfalse #birthcontrolquestions #Noneedtowait #fertility
🍁 Enjoy the fall harvest of amazing produce and add a boost to your fertility. 🍽️ One amazing option is butternut squash. It is a healthy carb that has vitamin A for sperm health and overall hormone production. It has carotenes for egg health as well as vitamin C for healthy ovulation. Show butternut squash some love this fall and winter so roast some as a side dish or puree into a soup that is delicious! Check out more fertility friendly foods to try this fall: https://loom.ly/cskDTbA . ⚠️ We are open and so happy to see patients! Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment. #fallfoodsforfertility #fallharvest #nomnomnom #fertility
True or false: 12 percent of all infertility cases are a result of a woman either weighing too little or too much? True. The main factor in the body weight and fertility mix is estrogen, a sex hormone produced in fat cells. If someone has too little body fat, she can’t produce enough estrogen and her reproductive cycle shuts down. If someone has too much body fat, the body produces too much estrogen and begins to react as if it is on birth control, limiting her odds of getting pregnant. Both scenarios result in irregular cycles in which ovulation does not occur or is inadequate. 📱 Call (631) 638-4600 to make an appointment. #fertilityfacts #irregularcycles #alwayslearning
You asked. We're answering! 📚 In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a complex series of procedures used to help with fertility or prevent genetic problems and assist with the conception of a child. During IVF, mature eggs are collected (retrieved) from ovaries and fertilized by sperm in a lab. Then the fertilized egg (embryo) or eggs (embryos) are transferred to a uterus. The procedure can be done using your own eggs and your partner's sperm. Have a question? Comment it or message us! 💬
True or false: success in assisted conception is dependent on the quality of the sperm and eggs. True. As egg quality falls with age, one of the strongest predictors of whether an IVF cycle will be a success is the age of the woman. A cause is the development of chromosomal abnormalities in the egg as it matures, which can be passed to the embryo. With genetic screening, it is possible to choose the best embryos to replace them and increase the pregnancy rate. ⚠️ We are open and thrilled to be seeing patients. Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment. #trueorfalse #assistedconception #geneticscreening
Even though the birth rate is declining in the U.S., the number of women conceiving between the ages of 40 and 45 is consistently rising. Fertility can be a concern for women having children after the age of 40, as fertility begins to decline in women after 35. Read more here: https://loom.ly/EfJ7nJM If you’re 35 or older and have been trying to conceive for six months or longer, make an appointment to find out your options. Call (631) 638-4600. #pregnantafter40 #fertilitytreatments #Knowyouroptions
Are irregular cycles a sign of infertility? Irregular cycles do not automatically point to infertility, though they do make conception a challenge. The occasional irregular cycle is very common and can be caused by disruptions to sleep, stress levels or exercise. The hormone levels that regulate the menstrual cycle can be thrown off, so there is no need to be alarmed if this happens once in a while. The peak conception window is during ovulation and if your cycle is irregular, it can be difficult to properly time sex. 📱 Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment. #irregularcycles #fertilityspecialist #fertility
We’re proud to announce that our own Dr. Hershlag is chairing an international course on Saturday, November 7th. The CoGEN Course on Preimplantation Testing Scientific Program features Dr. Hershlag and a global panel of experts discussing topics including reproductive and ethical dilemmas, new DNA sequencing approach of pre-implantation embryos and more. 💻 To learn more, click here: https://loom.ly/_DwvPKg If you need to make an appointment, call our office at (631) 638-4600. #CoGEN #internationalcourse #drhershlag #alwayslearning
Island Fertility is proud to offer a complete range of diagnostic testing, much of it done in-office. One important test is semen analysis. The semen sample is analyzed for estimation of sperm in the sample, volume, observation of the swim pattern and percentage of sperm that are swimming. This valuable data will help your reproductive endocrinologist determine the likelihood of you conceiving on your own as well as how various fertility treatments will be able to help. 📱 Call (631) 638-4600 to make an appointment to find out more about our diagnostic services. Most testing is either non-invasive or minimally invasive and many tests are covered by insurance. #semenanalysis #diagnostics #calltoday #fertility #fertilityjourney #fertilityawareness #infertilitytribe #womenshealth #infertility #infertilityjourney #fertilitytreatment #infertilityawareness #infertilitysupport #fertilitytips #fertilitysupport #longisland #northshore
You asked. We're answering! 📚 A procedure in which fertility medications are used to stimulate the release of one or more eggs from the ovary is called ovulation induction. Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is used in conjunction with ovulation induction to achieve pregnancy. IUI entails placing washed, concentrated sperm directly into a woman’s uterus via a small catheter. Have a question? Comment it or message us! 💬
Testing is essential to get to the crux of any issue. That is especially true in the specialization of fertility. We offer a full range of diagnostic testing, most of it done in house. Many tests are non-invasive or minimally invasive and are covered by insurance. Common testing we offer includes: ✅ Uterine imaging: saline is placed in the uterus via a catheter, then viewed through a sonogram. ✅ Ovarian function testing: during a specific time in your menstrual cycle, this blood test and sonogram are performed. ✅ Fallopian tube imaging: a visit to our on-site radiologist to complete contrast imaging of the fallopian tubes to determine if they are open or closed. We are here to help with your fertility testing and plan. 📱 Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment. #fertilitydiagnostics #testing #makeanappointment
🥚 Want to check on your egg reserve? Easy. This is worthwhile, especially if you’re considering putting off getting pregnant for a few years. The simple blood test is done on day three of the menstrual cycle. This is the perfect time to discuss your fertility plans, including health factors, lifestyle choices and family history indicators…the things that can impact your ability to conceive. Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment. Let’s talk. #eggreserve #knowyourfertility #thetimeisnow #fertility
Planning ahead is always wise. We’re here to help you with yours. We specialize in male fertility preservation. For patients with normal ejaculatory function, it is as easy as delivering a sperm sample for cryopreservation. In the case of patients with less than normal sperm concentration in their semen sample or ejaculatory dysfunction, fine needle biopsy or microsurgical biopsy of the testes can be used to obtain sperm for cryopreservation. Frozen sperm can stay in storage for years. 📱 To learn more about fertility preservation, call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment. #malefertilitypreservation #fertilitypreservation #cryopresservation
We know that holidays can be difficult for those trying to start their families, and we wish that your Thanksgiving is filled with comfort and warmth of hope! 🦃 We are grateful for all the trust our patients put in us. #happythanksgiving #families #harvest #feast #fertilityjourney
🧀 Want to eat to boost your fertility? Think mature cheeses! Who doesn’t like aged cheddar, parmesan or manchego? These mature cheese varieties are high in polyamines or proteins found in plant and animal products. They occur naturally in humans. Research shows that polyamines may play an important part in reproduction. Namely, mature cheese is high in the polyamine putrescine which may play a role in sperm health. It may also help in improving egg health, especially in women 35 and older. Be mindful of portion size, since even a small amount can add calories and saturated fat. So sprinkle some into your diet or nosh on a bit with nuts or fruit. 📱 Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment to explore your options. #eatforfertility #maturecheeses #cheddar #parmesan #manchengo #nomnomnom
☝️ What is unexplained infertility? When fertility specialists have used their expertise and testing tools to determine why a person is experiencing problems conceiving but cannot come up with a clearly defined exact cause of infertility. The diagnosis of unexplained infertility is only used when all other diagnoses have been explored. Even without a label of exactly why you’re experiencing issues, there are treatment options available and you can conceive a healthy pregnancy. Want to explore your fertility options? 📱 Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment. #unexplainedinfertility #fertilityspecialist #options
Approximately 13 out of 100 couples in the U.S. struggle with infertility. The emotional ups and downs that impact relationships can be difficult to navigate. There are some things you can do to help deal with the emotional trauma of infertility including: Finding joy in the simple things. As dealing with infertility can dominate your life, you may find it difficult to stop thinking about it. Try to celebrate the little things. Try out a new hobby, listen to new music or take an online class. Do something to find happiness in an uncertain time. Read more things you can do to cope with the trauma of infertility here: https://loom.ly/t25wLps 📱 Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment to explore your options. #medicalblog #infertilitystress #findjoy #fertility
How do you know when it is time to see a fertility specialist? Ask yourself these questions: ✅ Can I track when I ovulate? ✅ Have I had more than one miscarriage? ✅ Are my periods painful? ✅ Has my partner or I ever had a history of STDs? ✅ Do I have an unhealthy Body Mass Index (BMI), either underweight or overweight? If the answer to any of these is yes, it might be time to talk to a fertility specialist. Call us at (631) 638-4600 to schedule an appointment today. Let’s begin your journey.
Prescription drugs won’t impact fertility, right? Wrong! Prescriptions can interfere with ovulation. Some antidepressants like SSRI’s can raise a woman’s serum prolactin level which interferes with regular ovulation. Even something as innocuous as an anti-nausea medication or antiemetic can alter prolactin levels. Make sure to tell your doctor of any prescription medications you are taking. 📱 We want to help you grow your family. Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment. #alwayslearning #fertilitymyths #fertilityexperts #fertility
💻 Island Fertility is proud to offer Telehealth service to our practice. The health and safety of our patients is always our highest priority. In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, we are taking all precautions to safeguard our patients and staff. Your exam is conducted in a safe, virtual environment, on a HIPAA secure platform. 📱 Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule your Telehealth visit and learn more about preparing for your virtual appointment here: https://loom.ly/d7pb-E4 #Telehealth #virtualvisit #doctorsinthemodernage #safety
Urban legends abound, even when it comes to fertility. Here are some popular myths that have been debunked: ✅ Laptops do not harm sperm. ✅ Sex positions do not affect the chances of conceiving or affect the gender of the baby. ✅ There is no scientific evidence proving the cough medicine will help a woman get pregnant. Don’t listen to rumors or waste time scrolling on the internet for fertility advice. Call (631) 638-4600 to schedule an appointment today and let’s get down to business!
We all know of estrogen but do you know how it aids infertility? Estrogen is the female sex hormone produced by the ovaries and is responsible for the development of female sex characteristics. Estrogen is largely responsible for stimulating the uterine lining to thicken during the first half of the menstrual cycle to prepare for ovulation. Estradiol and estrone are the main two estrogens. 📱 We’re here to help guide you on your path to parenthood. Call (631) 638-4600 to schedule an appointment today.
You asked. We're answering! 📚 An infertility workup will involve tests to determine how well each of the systems involved in conception is working. EGG PRODUCTION: To determine if and when you are ovulating SPERM PRODUCTION: A semen specimen will be analyzed for the number of sperm, their shape and movement. If the results are abnormal, a man may be examined by a urologist or tested for hormonal abnormalities or infection. FALLOPIAN TUBES: To see whether the fallopian tubes are open, an X-ray (called a hysterosalpingogram or HSG) may be taken while the dye is injected into the uterus and tubes. CERVIX: To determine whether sperm are able to swim through the cervix, a sample of cervical mucus is examined after intercourse. If this post-coital test is abnormal, other tests may be ordered to find out why. UTERUS: The shape of the uterus is shown in an HSG. It can also be seen through a telescope-like device (hysteroscope) inserted through the vagina and cervix. Have a question? Comment it or message us! 💬
#StonyBrookStrong Stony Brook Medicine 15 hrs · 📹 | Tuesday, December 15, 2020: Stony Brook receives first round of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines. Kisa King, MD, a resident in the Department of Emergency Medicine at Stony Brook University Hospital, was the first Seawolf to receive the vaccination. #StonyBrookStrong
A cancer diagnosis is a life-altering event. Some types of cancer and some treatments can affect sperm and eggs and reduce or prevent conception in the future. Fertility preservation is an important conversation to have with your doctor or a fertility specialist. What can be done? Women have options including: ☑️freezing embryos ☑️freezing ovarian tissue ☑️freezing eggs ☑️protecting ovaries by using hormone medication If you’ve been impacted by a cancer diagnosis, call (631) 638-4600 to find out more about your fertility preservation options.
You asked. We're answering! 📚 Some treatments correct factors that cause infertility. If they work, infertility should be reversed and a couple should be able to achieve one or more pregnancies. In contrast, other therapies are used to establish pregnancy in a treatment cycle without permanently correcting the underlying problem. In some cases, medication can improve or correct an underlying medical condition that makes it difficult to conceive. Have a question? Comment it or message us! 💬
Did you know that toxins have an impact on male fertility? Try to stay clear of environmental poisons and hazards including pesticides/ insecticides, lead, ionizing radiation, organic solvents, heavy metals and toxic chemicals. These toxins may exert estrogenic and anti-androgenic effects, which can induce sperm DNA damage or cause sperm epigenetic changes. 📱 Call (631) 638-4600 to schedule an appointment today.
You asked. We're answering! 📚 In the past, infertility was commonly considered to be solely a female problem. It is now recognized that a couple's infertility is just as likely to stem from problems in the male partner. After couples with infertility undergo testing, about 40 percent of the cases are found to stem from female factors and another 40 percent from male factor. In 10 percent of couples, infertility factors are found in both the man and woman. In the remaining 10 percent, infertility remains unexplained after testing. Because either or both may be involved, it is important to test both the man and woman before starting treatment. No matter what the cause, most treatments require the active participation of both partners Have a question? Comment it or message us! 💬
Miscarriages don’t run in families. Even if your mom or sister suffered a miscarriage, it doesn’t mean that it is your destiny, too. Genetic causes of miscarriage make up only about 5 percent of contributing factors. However, if you or your parent is a carrier of a chromosomal abnormality called a balanced translocation, in which the chromosomes are all present but are in the wrong location or mixed up, this can increase your risk of pregnancy loss. It can be diagnosed through genetic testing. 📱 Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment. We would love to be your partner in fertility.
Can birth control pills harm my fertility? No, birth control pills won’t harm or protect your fertility. By being on the pill, you aren’t saving eggs from ovulation. And being on the birth control pill won’t harm your fertility if you stay on it for an extended time. The truth is, once a woman stops using birth control pills, she’s no more or less likely to get pregnant than she would if she had never been on the pills in the first place. 📱 Get the answers you need. Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
📹 | Tuesday, December 15, 2020: Stony Brook receives first round of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines. Kisa King, MD, a resident in the Department of Emergency Medicine at Stony Brook University Hospital, was the first Seawolf to receive the vaccination. #StonyBrookStrong
We wish you a peaceful holiday season filled with hope and joy.
🍽️ Helping to prepare your body for conception can be delicious when you add some berries to your diet. Antioxidant-rich foods are a shining star with powerful benefits. Blueberries, strawberries and raspberries have natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients which help improve fertility. Antioxidants help to cancel out the effects of too many free radicals, resulting in improved egg quality and in regulating cycles. They are also high in vitamin C and folic acid, providing healthy fetal growth after conception. Add to your yogurt, cereal or whole grain waffles for an added kick to your breakfast routine. ⚠️ We are open and thrilled to see our patients. Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
If you’re over the age of 35 and have been trying to conceive for 6 months or if you’re under 35 and have been trying for a year, it is time to speak with a fertility specialist. We are here if you’ve been dealing with any of the following issues: ☑️ Patients with painful and/or irregular periods ☑️ Patients with more than one miscarriage in the past ☑️ Patient and partners who have certain endocrine disorders ☑️ Patients who are not in their recommended Body Mass Index (BMI) ☑️ Patients and partners who have a history of sexually transmitted disease ☑️ Patients and partners who have a history of cancer/chemotherapy/radiation or other treatment likely to cause infertility ☑️ Patients and partners who have a history of substance abuse or smoking ☑️ Patients who are concerned that their future plans may negatively impact their fertility before they are ready to conceive We provide a complete range of ovarian function and testicular testing to help determine your next steps. Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment today.
❤️ Scheduling sexual intercourse during your fertile window can give you the best chance of getting pregnant but sex can be painful if you’re not in the mood or if you are scheduling it often. Lubricants can help. If you do use a lubricant while trying to conceive, make sure to choose one that is shown to be safe and sperm-friendly as some can affect the sperm’s quality. Read the label and seek out fertility friendly ones. Natural oils including canola, olive and baby oils are considered sperm friendly as well. Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment to explore your fertility options.
🎉 Welcome to a New Year and a new you! As you begin or continue on your path to conception, it is the perfect time to make a resolution that will help to change your life this year. The goal of becoming a parent requires some self-care, so start thinking of ways to make your life easier. One way is to unplug from social media. It is not unusual to become depressed looking at baby pics and birth announcements on social media. Scrolling through your feed can be an avoidance technique, leading to procrastination, anxiety and episodes of depression. Set a time to shut down your social media browsing before bed, at least an hour before you intend on falling asleep. If you have an iPhone, use the “Downtime” feature in settings to set specific hours of downtime where you can still make phone calls and use certain apps. 🎯 Tip: Try reading a book or enjoy a coloring book for adults to relax before sleep. 🎊 Happy New Year from the team at Island Fertility! Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
As we bid adieu to the year 2020, it is time to think about how we can make 2021 better for us, physically and mentally. Little changes can make all the difference. 🎯 Tip: proactively anticipate problems before they pop up. Cut down on those little bumps in the road that put you in a bad mood. Think about the flow of your day. Do you leave enough time for your morning commute? Do you have meal plans for the whole day to avoid the late afternoon headache? Is it easier to do laundry on Sunday mornings to ensure fresh clothing ready for the week? Thinking of ways to cut down on the small things that derail your days will help your days be brighter and more productive. Call us at (631) 638-4600 to make an appointment to start your journey to conception. Let’s make 2021 a year to remember!
❤️ Want to feel empowered in 2021? As you’ve taken the steps to conception, take the steps to change your life for the better. Taking care of your mental and physical health can pay off in amazing ways. 🎯 Tip: one way is to implement saying “no.” A major stress cause is having a lot to do and little time to accomplish it. Prioritize your to-do list, reduce your have-to and you’ll find that it is easier to manage your time efficiently. Don’t say “yes” automatically and don’t feel guilty about saying “no.” We’re here when you want to start your journey to becoming a parent. Call us at (631) 638-4600 to make an appointment. Let’s start the year off right!
We wish you a peaceful holiday season filled with hope and joy.
🍽️ Helping to prepare your body for conception can be delicious when you add some berries to your diet. Antioxidant-rich foods are a shining star with powerful benefits. Blueberries, strawberries and raspberries have natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients which help improve fertility. Antioxidants help to cancel out the effects of too many free radicals, resulting in improved egg quality and in regulating cycles. They are also high in vitamin C and folic acid, providing healthy fetal growth after conception. Add to your yogurt, cereal or whole grain waffles for an added kick to your breakfast routine. ⚠️ We are open and thrilled to see our patients. Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
If you’re over the age of 35 and have been trying to conceive for 6 months or if you’re under 35 and have been trying for a year, it is time to speak with a fertility specialist. We are here if you’ve been dealing with any of the following issues: ☑️ Patients with painful and/or irregular periods ☑️ Patients with more than one miscarriage in the past ☑️ Patient and partners who have certain endocrine disorders ☑️ Patients who are not in their recommended Body Mass Index (BMI) ☑️ Patients and partners who have a history of sexually transmitted disease ☑️ Patients and partners who have a history of cancer/chemotherapy/radiation or other treatment likely to cause infertility ☑️ Patients and partners who have a history of substance abuse or smoking ☑️ Patients who are concerned that their future plans may negatively impact their fertility before they are ready to conceive We provide a complete range of ovarian function and testicular testing to help determine your next steps. Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment today.
Dealing with fertility issues can be a challenge, but here at Island Fertility, we try to minimize the stress by offering a range of diagnostic testing, most of which are performed on site. Many of the tests are covered by insurance and are minimally invasive. We offer: ☑️ Semen Analysis ☑️ Ovarian Function Testing ☑️ Testicular Function Testing ☑️ Fallopian Tube Imaging ☑️ Uterine Imaging ☑️ Uterine Biopsy If you need diagnostic testing for semen analysis, bloodwork for men and women or sonograms and imaging for female patients, call us today at (631) 638-4600 to make an appointment. We want to be your partner infertility.
Lifestyle changes can help with conception. To improve egg quality, heap your plate with vegetables and fruit. A recent study found a higher incidence of ovulatory disorder in women who consumed more trans fats, animal proteins and carbs. Instead, make sure half your plate at every meal is comprised of fruit and vegetables. 🎯 Pro tip: when cooking, if you want to retain the most nutrient values of vegetables, roast them in high heat for a short time with no water. You can also microwave them with a small amount of water. Let’s make 2021 a year to remember. 📱 Call (631) 638-4600 to make an appointment today.
What is premature ovarian failure? One type of female factor infertility is a premature ovarian failure or a complete cessation of menstruation and ovulation in women under 40. Also known as premature ovarian failure, the diagnosis is usually easy using blood work and a sonogram. The treatment may require IVF, depending on how far advanced the decline in ovarian function is when the treatment is happening. 📱 If you’re encountering fertility issues, make an appointment at (631) 638-4600.
🎉 Welcome to a New Year and a new you! As you begin or continue on your path to conception, it is the perfect time to make a resolution that will help to change your life this year. The goal of becoming a parent requires some self-care, so start thinking of ways to make your life easier. One way is to unplug from social media. It is not unusual to become depressed looking at baby pics and birth announcements on social media. Scrolling through your feed can be an avoidance technique, leading to procrastination, anxiety and episodes of depression. Set a time to shut down your social media browsing before bed, at least an hour before you intend on falling asleep. If you have an iPhone, use the “Downtime” feature in settings to set specific hours of downtime where you can still make phone calls and use certain apps. 🎯 Tip: Try reading a book or enjoy a coloring book for adults to relax before sleep. 🎊 Happy New Year from the team at Island Fertility! Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
As we bid adieu to the year 2020, it is time to think about how we can make 2021 better for us, physically and mentally. Little changes can make all the difference. 🎯 Tip: proactively anticipate problems before they pop up. Cut down on those little bumps in the road that put you in a bad mood. Think about the flow of your day. Do you leave enough time for your morning commute? Do you have meal plans for the whole day to avoid the late afternoon headache? Is it easier to do laundry on Sunday mornings to ensure fresh clothing ready for the week? Thinking of ways to cut down on the small things that derail your days will help your days be brighter and more productive. Call us at (631) 638-4600 to make an appointment to start your journey to conception. Let’s make 2021 a year to remember!
❤️ Want to feel empowered in 2021? As you’ve taken the steps to conception, take the steps to change your life for the better. Taking care of your mental and physical health can pay off in amazing ways. 🎯 Tip: one way is to implement saying “no.” A major stress cause is having a lot to do and little time to accomplish it. Prioritize your to-do list, reduce your have-to and you’ll find that it is easier to manage your time efficiently. Don’t say “yes” automatically and don’t feel guilty about saying “no.” We’re here when you want to start your journey to becoming a parent. Call us at (631) 638-4600 to make an appointment. Let’s start the year off right!
Stony Brook Medicine Yesterday at 8:59 AM · We understand that many of our patients are anxious to receive the #COVID19 vaccine. We look forward to being able to vaccinate our patients soon, but we currently do not have any vaccine available for our patients. You can determine if you are eligible to receive the vaccine by googling the New York State Department of Health COVID eligibility app. If you are eligible, it will also direct you to where you can receive the vaccine. https://on.ny.gov/39s4dGD
Dealing with fertility issues can be a challenge, but here at Island Fertility, we try to minimize the stress by offering a range of diagnostic testing, most of which are performed on site. Many of the tests are covered by insurance and are minimally invasive. We offer: ☑️ Semen Analysis ☑️ Ovarian Function Testing ☑️ Testicular Function Testing ☑️ Fallopian Tube Imaging ☑️ Uterine Imaging ☑️ Uterine Biopsy If you need diagnostic testing for semen analysis, bloodwork for men and women or sonograms and imaging for female patients, call us today at (631) 638-4600 to make an appointment. We want to be your partner infertility.
Lifestyle changes can help with conception. To improve egg quality, heap your plate with vegetables and fruit. A recent study found a higher incidence of ovulatory disorder in women who consumed more trans fats, animal proteins and carbs. Instead, make sure half your plate at every meal is comprised of fruit and vegetables. 🎯 Pro tip: when cooking, if you want to retain the most nutrient values of vegetables, roast them in high heat for a short time with no water. You can also microwave them with a small amount of water. Let’s make 2021 a year to remember. 📱 Call (631) 638-4600 to make an appointment today.
What is premature ovarian failure? One type of female factor infertility is a premature ovarian failure or a complete cessation of menstruation and ovulation in women under 40. Also known as premature ovarian failure, the diagnosis is usually easy using blood work and a sonogram. The treatment may require IVF, depending on how far advanced the decline in ovarian function is when the treatment is happening. 📱 If you’re encountering fertility issues, make an appointment at (631) 638-4600.
🎉 Welcome to a New Year and a new you! As you begin or continue on your path to conception, it is the perfect time to make a resolution that will help to change your life this year. The goal of becoming a parent requires some self-care, so start thinking of ways to make your life easier. One way is to unplug from social media. It is not unusual to become depressed looking at baby pics and birth announcements on social media. Scrolling through your feed can be an avoidance technique, leading to procrastination, anxiety and episodes of depression. Set a time to shut down your social media browsing before bed, at least an hour before you intend on falling asleep. If you have an iPhone, use the “Downtime” feature in settings to set specific hours of downtime where you can still make phone calls and use certain apps. 🎯 Tip: Try reading a book or enjoy a coloring book for adults to relax before sleep. 🎊 Happy New Year from the team at Island Fertility! Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
As we bid adieu to the year 2020, it is time to think about how we can make 2021 better for us, physically and mentally. Little changes can make all the difference. 🎯 Tip: proactively anticipate problems before they pop up. Cut down on those little bumps in the road that put you in a bad mood. Think about the flow of your day. Do you leave enough time for your morning commute? Do you have meal plans for the whole day to avoid the late afternoon headache? Is it easier to do laundry on Sunday mornings to ensure fresh clothing ready for the week? Thinking of ways to cut down on the small things that derail your days will help your days be brighter and more productive. Call us at (631) 638-4600 to make an appointment to start your journey to conception. Let’s make 2021 a year to remember!
#StonyBrookStrong Stony Brook Medicine 20 hrs · COVID-19 vaccinations have officially begun for those who are eligible and have scheduled appointments: https://bit.ly/3p02IWG Proud to be a part of this step in the right direction. #StonyBrookStrong 📸 : Stony Brook University Police Department
What do you know about trichomoniasis? Caused by a parasite known as Trichomonas vaginalis, it is common but not a reportable disease, so the CDC doesn’t require it to be reported upon diagnosis. During intercourse, these parasites travel from one person to another and thrive, especially in the urethra, vagina and vulva. Trichomoniasis is diagnosed based on a sample of vaginal fluid or urine. It can cause complications for pregnant women, including early delivery and low birth weights. A study found a 30% increase in low birth weight infants and a 30% increase in preterm birth. The good news is, the infection is treated with antibiotics. 📱 Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment. #Trichomoniasis #Complications #Infection #KnowYourBody
Stony Brook Medicine January 13 at 8:59 AM · We understand that many of our patients are anxious to receive the #COVID19 vaccine. We look forward to being able to vaccinate our patients soon, but we currently do not have any vaccine available for our patients. You can determine if you are eligible to receive the vaccine by googling the New York State Department of Health COVID eligibility app. If you are eligible, it will also direct you to where you can receive the vaccine. https://on.ny.gov/2LVk2NQ
Dealing with fertility issues can be a challenge, but here at Island Fertility, we try to minimize the stress by offering a range of diagnostic testing, most of which are performed on site. Many of the tests are covered by insurance and are minimally invasive. We offer: ☑️ Semen Analysis ☑️ Ovarian Function Testing ☑️ Testicular Function Testing ☑️ Fallopian Tube Imaging ☑️ Uterine Imaging ☑️ Uterine Biopsy If you need diagnostic testing for semen analysis, bloodwork for men and women or sonograms and imaging for female patients, call us today at (631) 638-4600 to make an appointment. We want to be your partner infertility.
Lifestyle changes can help with conception. To improve egg quality, heap your plate with vegetables and fruit. A recent study found a higher incidence of ovulatory disorder in women who consumed more trans fats, animal proteins and carbs. Instead, make sure half your plate at every meal is comprised of fruit and vegetables. 🎯 Pro tip: when cooking, if you want to retain the most nutrient values of vegetables, roast them in high heat for a short time with no water. You can also microwave them with a small amount of water. Let’s make 2021 a year to remember. 📱 Call (631) 638-4600 to make an appointment today.
What is premature ovarian failure? One type of female factor infertility is a premature ovarian failure or a complete cessation of menstruation and ovulation in women under 40. Also known as premature ovarian failure, the diagnosis is usually easy using blood work and a sonogram. The treatment may require IVF, depending on how far advanced the decline in ovarian function is when the treatment is happening. 📱 If you’re encountering fertility issues, make an appointment at (631) 638-4600.
What is menorrhagia? About one in five American women deal with menorrhagia or exceedingly heavy or long periods. In fact, some women are so used to these extreme cycles that they don’t realize that they are bleeding more than others. If you’re changing your pad or tampon every hour or passing clots larger than a quarter, your menstrual cycle may be too heavy and intense. Not only can it lead to anemia but it can make you tired, out of breath or low on energy due to blood loss. Menorrhagia can also be a sign of other health issues like uterine fibroids or cervical polyps. To make sure that this isn’t impacting your fertility, it is essential to get to the heart of any unusual cycles. 📱 If you’re dealing with menorrhagia and are trying to get pregnant, call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
We love hearing from you! Had a great experience? Let us know in the comments below! 👇 #Review #IslandFertility #PatientTestimonial #Fertility
#StonyBrookStrong Stony Brook Medicine January 19 at 11:35 AM · COVID-19 vaccinations have officially begun for those who are eligible and have scheduled appointments: https://bit.ly/3p02IWG Proud to be a part of this step in the right direction. #StonyBrookStrong 📸 : Stony Brook University Police Department
What do you know about trichomoniasis? Caused by a parasite known as Trichomonas vaginalis, it is common but not a reportable disease, so the CDC doesn’t require it to be reported upon diagnosis. During intercourse, these parasites travel from one person to another and thrive, especially in the urethra, vagina and vulva. Trichomoniasis is diagnosed based on a sample of vaginal fluid or urine. It can cause complications for pregnant women, including early delivery and low birth weights. A study found a 30% increase in low birth weight infants and a 30% increase in preterm birth. The good news is, the infection is treated with antibiotics. 📱 Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment. #Trichomoniasis #Complications #Infection #KnowYourBody
Stony Brook Medicine January 13 at 8:59 AM · We understand that many of our patients are anxious to receive the #COVID19 vaccine. We look forward to being able to vaccinate our patients soon, but we currently do not have any vaccine available for our patients. You can determine if you are eligible to receive the vaccine by googling the New York State Department of Health COVID eligibility app. If you are eligible, it will also direct you to where you can receive the vaccine. https://on.ny.gov/2LVk2NQ
Dealing with fertility issues can be a challenge, but here at Island Fertility, we try to minimize the stress by offering a range of diagnostic testing, most of which are performed on site. Many of the tests are covered by insurance and are minimally invasive. We offer: ☑️ Semen Analysis ☑️ Ovarian Function Testing ☑️ Testicular Function Testing ☑️ Fallopian Tube Imaging ☑️ Uterine Imaging ☑️ Uterine Biopsy If you need diagnostic testing for semen analysis, bloodwork for men and women or sonograms and imaging for female patients, call us today at (631) 638-4600 to make an appointment. We want to be your partner infertility.
When a man has low chances of conception with his partner, it is deemed male infertility. There are many reasons for male infertility. It can be linked to semen quality or sexual function and include: ✅ Sperm count: The concentration or number of sperm cells in a given amount of semen ✅ Sperm motility: This is measured as the percentage of moving sperm cells in a sample of semen ✅ Testosterone levels: Low levels of testosterone, the male sex hormone, can be responsible for infertility ✅ Erectile dysfunction: The inability to develop or maintain an erection ✅ Libido: Someone’s desire to have sex Infertility causes vary and depend on lifestyle choices, general health, genetics, fitness, diseases and dietary contaminants. Are you looking for answers concerning fertility? Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
Stony Brook Medicine Community Medical Group January 26 at 2:40 PM · How would you like to be addressed? At Stony Brook Medicine Community Medical Group, we pride ourselves on providing an inclusive and accepting safe space for patients to receive excellent medical care. While in our office, please share the name and pronouns you would like us to use to address you.
What is menorrhagia? About one in five American women deal with menorrhagia or exceedingly heavy or long periods. In fact, some women are so used to these extreme cycles that they don’t realize that they are bleeding more than others. If you’re changing your pad or tampon every hour or passing clots larger than a quarter, your menstrual cycle may be too heavy and intense. Not only can it lead to anemia but it can make you tired, out of breath or low on energy due to blood loss. Menorrhagia can also be a sign of other health issues like uterine fibroids or cervical polyps. To make sure that this isn’t impacting your fertility, it is essential to get to the heart of any unusual cycles. 📱 If you’re dealing with menorrhagia and are trying to get pregnant, call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
We love hearing from you! Had a great experience? Let us know in the comments below! 👇 #Review #IslandFertility #PatientTestimonial #Fertility
#StonyBrookStrong Stony Brook Medicine January 19 at 11:35 AM · COVID-19 vaccinations have officially begun for those who are eligible and have scheduled appointments: https://bit.ly/3p02IWG Proud to be a part of this step in the right direction. #StonyBrookStrong 📸 : Stony Brook University Police Department
Did you know that many patients who seek fertility guidance actually don’t need invasive treatment to realize their dreams of being parents? It is as simple as regulating the menstrual cycle of some patients to help them conceive naturally. Whether you’re having a rough time predicting your ovulation or need to learn more about your fertility window, we can help by managing your cycle so that you and your partner can conceive with timed intercourse. When you’re ready to learn more about your fertility options, call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
🙋 Does age play a part in my fertility? As many women are delaying conception to fulfill advanced education, start careers and settle into relationships, knowing the parameters of fertility at different ages is essential. Did you know that women in their early to mid-30s still have a well-stocked egg supply of high-quality eggs but that they are about half as fertile as women in their 20s? One in five women in the United States will have their first child after age 35, but one in three couples will struggle with infertility. Read more here: https://loom.ly/mQWfX-Q. When you’re ready to learn more about your fertility options, call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
When a man has low chances of conception with his partner, it is deemed male infertility. There are many reasons for male infertility. It can be linked to semen quality or sexual function and include: ✅ Sperm count: The concentration or number of sperm cells in a given amount of semen ✅ Sperm motility: This is measured as the percentage of moving sperm cells in a sample of semen ✅ Testosterone levels: Low levels of testosterone, the male sex hormone, can be responsible for infertility ✅ Erectile dysfunction: The inability to develop or maintain an erection ✅ Libido: Someone’s desire to have sex Infertility causes vary and depend on lifestyle choices, general health, genetics, fitness, diseases and dietary contaminants. Are you looking for answers concerning fertility? Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
Stony Brook Medicine Community Medical Group January 26 at 2:40 PM · How would you like to be addressed? At Stony Brook Medicine Community Medical Group, we pride ourselves on providing an inclusive and accepting safe space for patients to receive excellent medical care. While in our office, please share the name and pronouns you would like us to use to address you.
What increases a woman’s risk of infertility? Female fertility is known to decline with: ♦️ Age: A woman’s age impacts fertility as she will have a smaller number of eggs, eggs that are less healthy, and is likely to have health conditions that can cause fertility problems ♦️ Smoking ♦️ Excessive alcohol use ♦️ Extreme weight loss or gain ♦️ Excessive physical or emotional stress that results in absent periods or amenorrhea Want to explore your options for fertility? Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
Did you know that many patients who seek fertility guidance actually don’t need invasive treatment to realize their dreams of being parents? It is as simple as regulating the menstrual cycle of some patients to help them conceive naturally. Whether you’re having a rough time predicting your ovulation or need to learn more about your fertility window, we can help by managing your cycle so that you and your partner can conceive with timed intercourse. When you’re ready to learn more about your fertility options, call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
🙋 Does age play a part in my fertility? As many women are delaying conception to fulfill advanced education, start careers and settle into relationships, knowing the parameters of fertility at different ages is essential. Did you know that women in their early to mid-30s still have a well-stocked egg supply of high-quality eggs but that they are about half as fertile as women in their 20s? One in five women in the United States will have their first child after age 35, but one in three couples will struggle with infertility. Read more here: https://loom.ly/mQWfX-Q. When you’re ready to learn more about your fertility options, call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
When a man has low chances of conception with his partner, it is deemed male infertility. There are many reasons for male infertility. It can be linked to semen quality or sexual function and include: ✅ Sperm count: The concentration or number of sperm cells in a given amount of semen ✅ Sperm motility: This is measured as the percentage of moving sperm cells in a sample of semen ✅ Testosterone levels: Low levels of testosterone, the male sex hormone, can be responsible for infertility ✅ Erectile dysfunction: The inability to develop or maintain an erection ✅ Libido: Someone’s desire to have sex Infertility causes vary and depend on lifestyle choices, general health, genetics, fitness, diseases and dietary contaminants. Are you looking for answers concerning fertility? Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
What increases a woman’s risk of infertility? Female fertility is known to decline with: ♦️ Age: A woman’s age impacts fertility as she will have a smaller number of eggs, eggs that are less healthy, and is likely to have health conditions that can cause fertility problems ♦️ Smoking ♦️ Excessive alcohol use ♦️ Extreme weight loss or gain ♦️ Excessive physical or emotional stress that results in absent periods or amenorrhea Want to explore your options for fertility? Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
Did you know that many patients who seek fertility guidance actually don’t need invasive treatment to realize their dreams of being parents? It is as simple as regulating the menstrual cycle of some patients to help them conceive naturally. Whether you’re having a rough time predicting your ovulation or need to learn more about your fertility window, we can help by managing your cycle so that you and your partner can conceive with timed intercourse. When you’re ready to learn more about your fertility options, call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
🙋 Does age play a part in my fertility? As many women are delaying conception to fulfill advanced education, start careers and settle into relationships, knowing the parameters of fertility at different ages is essential. Did you know that women in their early to mid-30s still have a well-stocked egg supply of high-quality eggs but that they are about half as fertile as women in their 20s? One in five women in the United States will have their first child after age 35, but one in three couples will struggle with infertility. Read more here: https://loom.ly/mQWfX-Q. When you’re ready to learn more about your fertility options, call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
When a man has low chances of conception with his partner, it is deemed male infertility. There are many reasons for male infertility. It can be linked to semen quality or sexual function and include: ✅ Sperm count: The concentration or number of sperm cells in a given amount of semen ✅ Sperm motility: This is measured as the percentage of moving sperm cells in a sample of semen ✅ Testosterone levels: Low levels of testosterone, the male sex hormone, can be responsible for infertility ✅ Erectile dysfunction: The inability to develop or maintain an erection ✅ Libido: Someone’s desire to have sex Infertility causes vary and depend on lifestyle choices, general health, genetics, fitness, diseases and dietary contaminants. Are you looking for answers concerning fertility? Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
What increases a woman’s risk of infertility? Female fertility is known to decline with: ♦️ Age: A woman’s age impacts fertility as she will have a smaller number of eggs, eggs that are less healthy, and is likely to have health conditions that can cause fertility problems ♦️ Smoking ♦️ Excessive alcohol use ♦️ Extreme weight loss or gain ♦️ Excessive physical or emotional stress that results in absent periods or amenorrhea Want to explore your options for fertility? Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
Did you know that many patients who seek fertility guidance actually don’t need invasive treatment to realize their dreams of being parents? It is as simple as regulating the menstrual cycle of some patients to help them conceive naturally. Whether you’re having a rough time predicting your ovulation or need to learn more about your fertility window, we can help by managing your cycle so that you and your partner can conceive with timed intercourse. When you’re ready to learn more about your fertility options, call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
🙋 Does age play a part in my fertility? As many women are delaying conception to fulfill advanced education, start careers and settle into relationships, knowing the parameters of fertility at different ages is essential. Did you know that women in their early to mid-30s still have a well-stocked egg supply of high-quality eggs but that they are about half as fertile as women in their 20s? One in five women in the United States will have their first child after age 35, but one in three couples will struggle with infertility. Read more here: https://loom.ly/mQWfX-Q. When you’re ready to learn more about your fertility options, call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
When a man has low chances of conception with his partner, it is deemed male infertility. There are many reasons for male infertility. It can be linked to semen quality or sexual function and include: ✅ Sperm count: The concentration or number of sperm cells in a given amount of semen ✅ Sperm motility: This is measured as the percentage of moving sperm cells in a sample of semen ✅ Testosterone levels: Low levels of testosterone, the male sex hormone, can be responsible for infertility ✅ Erectile dysfunction: The inability to develop or maintain an erection ✅ Libido: Someone’s desire to have sex Infertility causes vary and depend on lifestyle choices, general health, genetics, fitness, diseases and dietary contaminants. Are you looking for answers concerning fertility? Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
🙋 Ovulation day is not necessarily the best day to try for conception. Sperm lives in the female reproductive tract for up to 3 days after intercourse, so it isn’t necessary to have sex every day or even on ovulation day. Knowing when you are fertile is the most important thing. Up to twenty percent of couples seeking infertility treatment are not timing intercourse correctly. A woman’s fertility window of six days includes the five days leading up to ovulation as well as the day of ovulation. A woman’s capacity to conceive seems to end on ovulation day, according to recent studies. Using ovulation kits to predict when you are about to ovulate and having sex on the two days prior to ovulation offers the greatest chance of conception. Want to learn more about your fertility options? Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
🙏 Thank you for your review. It has been a pleasure providing you with excellent service. ⚠️ We are open and seeing patients. Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
🤔 Does having a tilted uterus make it more difficult to conceive? Also known as a retroverted, retroflexed or tipped uterus, it is a normal anatomical variation and should not interfere with your ability to conceive. The uterus normally tips forward at the cervix. 1 in 4 women have a uterus that tilts backwards at the cervix. Although once believed that it might have an impact on fertility, studies now know that the position of the uterus doesn’t affect the ability of sperm to reach an egg. ⚠️ We are open and seeing patients. Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
🎯 Infertility is defined as trying to get pregnant with frequent intercourse for at least a year with no success. Ovulation disorders, meaning you ovulate infrequently or not at all, account for infertility in about 1 in 4 couples. One ovulation disorder is hypothalamic dysfunction. Two hormones produced by the pituitary gland are responsible for stimulating ovulation every month: follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). Production of these hormones can be disrupted by excess physical or emotional stress, very low or high body weight, or a recent substantial weight loss or gain that can be the cause. Irregular or absent periods are the most common signs and when this happens, it affects ovulation. If you’re having issues with fertility and would like to find out more about your options, call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
True or false: your weight affects your ability to conceive? 💪 That fact is true. Twelve percent of all infertility cases are based on weight issues. Whether your body is chronically malnourished or over-exercised, your menstrual cycle will be disrupted. You require a minimum of twenty-two percent body fat for normal ovulation and reproductive competence. Being overweight can alter hormone chemistry and help prevent ovulation. By adding or losing weight to reach a recommended body mass index between nineteen and twenty-five can remedy weight-related infertility. As weight impacts pregnancy as well, reaching a healthy BMI now will also help after conception. Want to learn more about your fertility options? Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
March is Endometriosis Awareness Month. Endometriosis is a disease in which tissue like the lining of the uterus grows in other places in the body. About 1 in ten women of childbearing age deal with endometriosis. How do you know if you have endometriosis? It is one of the most common gynecological diseases and there are some symptoms that are shared by many women who have endo including: ☑️Painful or debilitating menstrual cramps ☑️Difficulty conceiving ☑️Pain during or after sex ☑️Pain in the lower abdomen or intestine ☑️Painful bowel movements or painful urination during menstrual periods ☑️Heavy menstrual periods ☑️Premenstrual spotting or bleeding between periods For some women, the pain associated with endometriosis gets milder after menopause. ⚠️ We are open and seeing patients. Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
A sweet surprise from one of our patients! ⚠️ We are open and seeing patients. Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
Making healthy food choices will support your overall well-being and could even help give your fertility a boost. 🍳 Eggs are a great source of protein and can help your fertility. Eggs are rich in choline, which has been shown to have significant positive effects on fetal development. Start your day off with a nutritionally beneficial omelet full of vegetables or an egg baked inside half an avocado. 🎯 Pro tip: opt for a regular omelet rather than an egg white omelet as the yolk contains nutrients. ⚠️ We are open and thrilled to be seeing patients. Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
Will being on the birth control pill for too long delay my chances of getting pregnant? 🎯 No! Depending on the type of birth control you were using, the rate your cycle regulates may vary but not by much. If you use the Pill, studies show that your cycle should get back on track quickly, so you should expect to ovulate within a few weeks, barring any other issues. Reports show that after stopping the Pill, 80 percent of women who want to get pregnant do. ⚠️ We are open and thrilled to be seeing patients. Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
🎯 Have you been diagnosed as a “poor responder?” The term “poor responder” refers to someone whose ovaries and body do not respond to fertility medications. They may require much higher doses of stimulation medications to produce four or less than the optimal number of eggs needed to proceed in an IVF treatment. Poor responders are normally diagnosed after going through an IVF cycle resulting in a poor stimulation outcome. It can also be diagnosed through ovarian reserve testing. There are a few treatments for a poor response to ovarian stimulation that are recommended, including: ☑️ Modifying stimulation cycle medications ☑️ Altering the pituitary down-regulation protocols ☑️ Using adjuvant therapy like growth hormone ☑️ Advanced lab techniques like assisted hatching or day two transfers Have questions about your fertility? Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
Thank you for the wonderful review! We are always happy to hear from our patients. ⚠️ Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
🦷 If you’re trying to conceive, remember to floss! Your dental health is always important but if you’re considering expanding your family, make sure to see your dentist. Pregnancy raises your chance of gum disease, which can make early labor more likely. Go ahead schedule a dental exam and cleaning, then keep up with brushing, flossing, and using an antiseptic rinse daily. ⚠️ We are open and so happy to see patients. Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
🤔 Age affects a woman’s fertility, not a man’s…right? The impact of age is relevant for both men and women. Women experience a significant decline in fertility between the ages of 32 and 37, in some cases as much as 50 percent. Male infertility rates also go up with age. After the age of 40, a man is likely to experience a decrease in semen motility and volume. 🎯 Have questions about fertility? Learn about your options today. Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
A sweet surprise from one of our patients! ⚠️ We are open and seeing patients. Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
Making healthy food choices will support your overall well-being and could even help give your fertility a boost. 🍳 Eggs are a great source of protein and can help your fertility. Eggs are rich in choline, which has been shown to have significant positive effects on fetal development. Start your day off with a nutritionally beneficial omelet full of vegetables or an egg baked inside half an avocado. 🎯 Pro tip: opt for a regular omelet rather than an egg white omelet as the yolk contains nutrients. ⚠️ We are open and thrilled to be seeing patients. Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
🤔 Myth or reality: After an egg is released, it can be fertilized for up to two days. This is a myth. Although sperm can wait for three days or more to fertilize an egg, the egg has a shelf life of 12 to 24 hours. Timing is everything, especially when it comes to fertility. Understanding ovulation and knowing when you are ovulating is essential. If you have questions about ovulation or any fertility concerns, call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment. #MythOrFact #Ovulation #TimingIsEverything
Do you know the facts about diminished ovarian reserve? Or how to recognize it? It refers to the reproductive potential left within a woman’s two ovaries, including the number and quality of eggs. It usually occurs around menopause, but the rate of decrease in ovarian reserve varies from woman to woman. Some reasons for DOR include: ✅ Aggressive medical treatments, such as radiation for cancer treatment ✅ Cigarette smoking ✅ Genetic abnormalities like Fragile X Syndrome and other X chromosome abnormalities ✅ Ovarian surgery, including endometriosis treatment ✅ Pelvic infection ✅ Autoimmune diseases 🎯 Read more here: https://loom.ly/AyCXRtw. If you have questions about diminished ovarian reserve or any fertility concerns, call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
🎯 Have you been diagnosed as a “poor responder?” The term “poor responder” refers to someone whose ovaries and body do not respond to fertility medications. They may require much higher doses of stimulation medications to produce four or less than the optimal number of eggs needed to proceed in an IVF treatment. Poor responders are normally diagnosed after going through an IVF cycle resulting in a poor stimulation outcome. It can also be diagnosed through ovarian reserve testing. There are a few treatments for a poor response to ovarian stimulation that are recommended, including: ☑️ Modifying stimulation cycle medications ☑️ Altering the pituitary down-regulation protocols ☑️ Using adjuvant therapy like growth hormone ☑️ Advanced lab techniques like assisted hatching or day two transfers Have questions about your fertility? Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
Thank you for the wonderful review! We are always happy to hear from our patients. ⚠️ Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.
🦷 If you’re trying to conceive, remember to floss! Your dental health is always important but if you’re considering expanding your family, make sure to see your dentist. Pregnancy raises your chance of gum disease, which can make early labor more likely. Go ahead schedule a dental exam and cleaning, then keep up with brushing, flossing, and using an antiseptic rinse daily. ⚠️ We are open and so happy to see patients. Call (631) 638-4600 today to schedule an appointment.


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James Stelling


  • What is the phone number for James Stelling in Commack NY?
    You can reach them at: 631-638-4600. It’s best to call James Stelling during business hours.
  • What is the address for James Stelling on commack road in Commack?
    James Stelling is located at this address: 500 Commack Road Commack, NY 11725.
  • What are James Stelling(Commack, NY) store hours?
    James Stelling store hours are as follows: Mon-Tue: 6:00AM - 7:00PM, Wed-Thu: 6:00AM - 3:00PM, Fri: 6:00AM - 2:30PM, Sat: 7:00AM - 2:30PM, Sun: Closed.