I am a psychologist and therapist practicing in Exton (Chester County), Pennsylvania and have thirty of experience providing evaluation, counseling, and coaching services to children, preteens, teenagers, young adults, and parents.
In addition to my clinical work, I often run training workshops, speak in the community, and consult to schools and mental health agencies. I’ve conducted professional workshops and educational programs for psychiatrists, psychologists, school counselors, social workers, therapists, probation officers, caseworkers, school administrators, teachers, parents, and foster parents all around the United States and Canada as well as in Mexico, Russia, Croatia, and Germany.
I’ve written six books on parenting, counseling, and sport psychology, including the popular parenting paperback, Stop Negotiating with Your Teen: Strategies for Parenting Your Angry, Manipulative, Moody, or Depressed Adolescent, and a critically acclaimed book for mental health professionals entitled, Adolescent Therapy That Works: Helping Kids Who Never Asked for Help in the First Place. My most recent book— called a “MUST READ” by Parent magazine—is The Last Boys Picked: Helping Boys Who Don’t Play Sports Survive Bullying and Boyhood.