It’s important for former spouses to work together for the benefit of their children.
What Makes A Good Parenting Plan?
Should I keep my divorce off of Facebook?
How Could Social Media Affect My Divorce?
With basic knowledge of the divorce process, couples can settle their differences more easily.
5 Factors To Consider Before Divorce
It's complicated... even more so for military families.
Military Divorce: 3 Things To Consider
Divorce can have impacts in the workplace. What can be done to avoid problems?
Keeping Divorce From Causing Work Troubles
Joseph H. Beale, Attorney At Law, PLLC updated their phone number.
A good transportation plan can drastically improve scheduling with a parenting plan.
How Does Transportation Affect Co-Parenting?
Though it's good when both parents are in the picture, sole custody is better for children in these 6 situations.
When Is Sole Custody The Best Option?