Lots of great info in this article! If you are thinking about buying a home or if you have questions about what the process will look like you can give me a call and we will make a plan together. Easy thing to remember in this is the lower the rate the more money you can qualify for. #itsagreattimetobuy #homeownership #prideofownership #mortgage #refinancenow
Mortgage Rates Hit Record Lows for Three Consecutive Weeks
Chris, it was such a pleasure working for you! You are an exceptional person!! #refinance #lowrate #refi #mortgage #loanofficer
Homeownership rate rises to four-year high as Millennials are finally buying homes - HousingWire
If you've been thinking of any renovations or home improvements during quarantine this could be a great way to accomplish those goals. Give me a call with any questions!
This is fantastic news! If you are looking to buy a home this year, I would love the pleasure of walking through this journey with you! Happy New Year!!! #mortgage #firsttimebuyers #FannieMae #FreddieMac #homeloan #homeowners