For most Americans, a 401(k) strategy is a key part of your retirement plan. Here are tips to optimize.
Rethinking your 401(k): 5 retirement investment strategies to help you save
Follow a budget. Establish an emergency fund. Discover the secrets to saving for retirement from people who are saving the most.
9 Secrets From Retirement Super Savers Everyone Can Use
How much money do you need saved to retire comfortably? I can help you plan for your retirement– without overestimating the income you’ll need for it.
Are You Overestimating Your Expenses In Retirement?
Check out this article which describes the range of emotions most of us experience throughout market cycles. How are you feeling during these ups and downs?
The Cycle Of Market Emotions: Where Are We Now?
This decline in the investment markets has been fast and furious. It is hard to not get emotional with your investment strategy in times like this. I have kept copies of the Wall Street Journal in my office for years to remind me about how I felt during previous bear markets. The 3 attached excerpts from the articles lay out a timeline of about 15-months. It was helpful for me to go back and look at these articles because the same financial conflicts are discussed regarding the Federal Reserve offering assistance and the government struggling to come up with a plan. The market bottomed in March of 2009.
Contact me if you'd like to read the full articles.
I am reaching out to as many people as possible but feel free to email or call with any questions.
Stocks Drop to 50% of Peak
This Veteran’s Day, we express our gratitude to all the men and women who’ve served in the U.S. Armed Forces. Thank you for your service.
Here’s a list of important tax deadlines for 2021. Also, when you can expect your tax forms.
Important upcoming retirement account and tax filing dates
I'm thankful for so many things today, including our country, our freedom, my family, clients, co-workers and, of course, turkey. Wishing all of you a warm and wonderful Thanksgiving!