J's Alignment & Mufflers

(on great southwest pkwy)
Auto Repair in Grand Prairie, TX
Auto Repair


2625 S Great Southwest Pkwy
Grand Prairie, TX


Since 1998, J's Alignment & Mufflers has been providing quality alignment and muffler services to the Grand Prairie Area. We are dedicated to providing professional services at affordable rates in a timely manner.
Our ASE Certified Technicians are highly trained and are well equipped to handle all of your automotive service needs
Keeping your car in alignment with a properly working exhaust is important. That is why you need to bring it to a shop that offers your quality alignment and muffler services. Our trained specialists use the latest in automotive technology to make sure your car is properly aligned and your exhaust is working the way it should. We get the job done right, the first time, so you spend more time on the road, and less time in the shop.

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Company name
J's Alignment & Mufflers
Auto Repair


  • What is the phone number for J's Alignment & Mufflers in Grand Prairie TX?
    You can reach them at: 972-660-1717. It’s best to call J's Alignment & Mufflers during business hours.
  • What is the address for J's Alignment & Mufflers on great southwest pkwy in Grand Prairie?
    J's Alignment & Mufflers is located at this address: 2625 S Great Southwest Pkwy Grand Prairie, TX 75052.