Harvard will permanently close its dental service citing ‘Significant Financial Pressures’ on Dec. 31
Harvard to Permanently Close Dental Service and Pharmacy, Citing ‘Significant Financial Pressures’ | News | The Harvard Crimson
The chances of moving from intermittent confusion to full blown dementia are greatly increased by poor oral health. Poor oral health commonly consists of inflamed and bleeding gums, a condition which while noticeable, is largely painless until it reaches an advanced stage.
So what's the biological connection between dementia and poor oral health? The following diagram illustrates one pathway -- oral bacteria invading the blood stream and traveling to the brain where they trigger inflammation.
Wow., The end of the 2020 is fast approaching. Don't let your dental insurance benefits go to waste! Let us take care of your dental needs. Call today @ 941.492.3211 to schedule your appointment .
Benefits of taking radiographs :
The use of dental radiographs aids in diagnosing and treating dental problems at an early stage and can eventually save time, prevent more costly treatment, and reduce further discomfort. The dentist cannot see most diseases with the naked eye alone (clinical exam). A radiograph may expose infections in the bone, decay in between the teeth, overhang on fillings or open margins on crowns, periodontal disease (gum disease involving the bone), impacted teeth, abscesses, and certain tumors. Due to the low radiation exposure with digital radiographs in most cases, the benefits of taking radiographs outweigh the risks.
How to respond when a patient refuses radiographs
If you don’t succeed @ first, try try again !
Happy Pesach to those who celebrate ! ( begins @ sundown tonight )