Katie Lamb State Farm updated their business hours.
Like a big league pitcher, life is good at throwing us curve balls. Are you ready for the unexpected? Call or see me today to help prepare for the future with life insurance. Learn more: ow.ly/a1t350ywDXU.
Every new year is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on how you and your family have grown. Let's get together and make sure your life insurance is keeping up.
Who's in the mood for a gratitude challenge during the holidays? Write down or post something you're grateful for every day through the end of the year. You can start now in the comments! #Motivation
Knowing your family is protected with life insurance is one more reason to celebrate the season. I can help. Call or stop in for a quote anytime.
Deer are out more during the early morning and dusk hours of the day, and they're most active during the late fall and early winter. Not to mention all the other animals you need to be alert for. Learn more here: st8.fm/animals19
Help make decisions that impact your community and country by voting on Election Day. ow.ly/pYIR50BYQFd
Happy (early) Birthday Katie Lynn Lavarias!!!!! So thankful to have you on the team!! I hope you have the best day and the best birthday weekend!!
Michelle Thomas and I appreciate you! ❤️
Life insurance can help give you comfort that your family's future is protected. Contact me, and we'll talk about your options.
Let your voice be heard.
Wishing all my friends and neighbors a safe and happy Halloween!
Knowing your family is protected can help make these uncertain times a little easier. Call me to discuss your life insurance needs.
Long before smartphones, switchboards were the hub of communication between State Farm and our customers. Today, you can reach me by phone, email, text and more.
Make your voice heard — Election Day is Nov. 3. Please remember to vote if you haven't already.
Make your life a little easier: Enroll in AutoPay. It’s a secure, convenient way to help make sure you never miss a payment. Click ow.ly/CpH150BYRpl to enroll!
MY middle name? Good Neighbor.
Nothing changes a day faster than a smile.
Safe drivers could earn a discount up to 30% or more with Drive Safe & Save. Text SAVE to 78836 or go to ow.ly/85qZ50BYRf6 to get started.
Is your home ready for the winter?ow.ly/FJpc50BYQOz
DIY Tips for Winterizing Your Home - State Farm®