Dr. Klein specializes in bio-mechanics and orthotic design. Dr. Khoobyar specializes in diabetes and surgery. Their combined expertise and collaborative practice ensures that patients receive appropriate treatment and advice. They take pride in taking the time to listen to the patient and in walking the patient through their diagnosis. They are driven by the philosophy that the patient's understanding of their health is just as important as receiving excellent treatment . There should be no mystery involved in medical care.
The office accepts most insurance plans and is happy to offer affordable fees.
We take pride in our honest consultation. We want to answer your questions and make you feel better while living a healthy life.
Business Hours are by Appointment Only:
Dr. Khoobyar: Tues/Fri
Dr. Klein: Wed/ Fri
(Because we are a family owned and operated practice, we prefer no walk-ins in order to make your experience with us more pleasant! Please give us a call to make an appointment- if we miss your call, we are with a patient...Please leave a message. We look forward to addressing and correcting your foot pain problems!)