Coffee with Kristen
Monday, Wednesday, Friday - Early Morning
#AskKristen #SpeakYourTruth #MasteryToolkit #CoffeeWithKristen #Facebooklive
Your body language reveals your feelings, emotions, and intentions. Get tuned in to the silent messages you’re sending by watching my video.
#BodyLanguage #LifeMastery #Emotions #Feelings #Intentions #SpeakYourTruth #KristenBomas
Coffee with Kristen: The Colors of October and the Colors of YOU
I am grateful for the freedom I feel when I release my emotions.
#MantraOnTheGo #MorningMantra #Mantra #MasterYourFears #KristenBomas #SpeakYourTruth #Gratitude #Freedom #Emotions
October is Show Your Colors month. During the next thirty days I invite you to show your true colors by revealing what you believe in and want in life.
#ShowYourColors #Life #LifeMastery #LawOfAttraction #Beliefs #SpeakYourTruth #Dreams #LifeGoals #KristenBomas
Brodie and his carrot wish every one a happy National black dog day!
Have a wonderful Thursday!!
#pugs #blackpugs #NationalBlackDogDay #HappyNationalBlackDogDay #KristenBomas
It is a beautiful gift to give and receive caring in this life. Honor yourself knowing you’ve given to another human life by caring for others.
#Honor #SpeakYourTruth #Positivity #Gratitude #ShowYourColors #MakeChange #mindfulness #KristenBomas
Coffee with Kristen: Moving beyond an overwhelming life. #overwhelmed #PeacefulLiving #KristenBomas #Kristen #CoffeeWithKristen
Today I ask about another with compassion for understanding them.
#MantraOnTheGo #MorningMantra #Mantra #MasterYourFears #KristenBomas #SpeakYourTruth #AnxietyRelief #LoveYourself #Understanding #Compassion #Judgment
When you let go of a mistake or painful experience, you release the judgment and are left with growth and the beauty that life has to offer.
#Judgment #SpeakYourTruth #positivity #Communication #ShowYourColors #MakeChange #mindfulness #KristenBomas
Others are external to me.
#MantraOnTheGo #MorningMantra #Mantra #MasterYourFears #KristenBomas #SpeakYourTruth #AnxietyRelief #LoveYourself #Inspiration #Hope #Relationships
Is there something in your life that you would like to rewrite? Use each day as an opportunity to take one thing and make one change.
#NewBeginnings #SpeakYourTruth #positivity #Communication #ShowYourColors #MakeChange #mindfulness #KristenBomas
When you wake up feeling grateful for the day take the opportunity to use your energy to pay that gratitude forward. I will teach you how in my video.
#ExpressYourGratitude #MasterYourFears #KristenBomas #Gratitude #LifeMastery #PayItForward
I pay it forward with an act of kindness to a stranger.
#MantraOnTheGo #MorningMantra #Mantra #MasterYourFears #KristenBomas #SpeakYourTruth #StayCalm #AnxietyRelief #PayItForward #Manifest #Kindness
Today focus on positive energy, good deeds in your community, and practicing acts of kindness of any size.
#worldkindnessday #MasterYourFears #KristenBomas #GoodDeeds #LifeMastery #Kindness
Coffee with Kristen: Sunrise, what is it about for you? It is Kindness Day, let’s follow the sun to a new beginning. #KindnessDay #Sunrise #MeaningOfSunrise #Kindness #KindToSelf #kristen #KristenBomas #CoffeeWithKristen
Love is truth.
#MantraOnTheGo #MorningMantra #Mantra #MasterYourFears #KristenBomas #SpeakYourTruth #StayCalm #AnxietyRelief #Truth #Love
Each morning, go inside yourself and write down at least five things you are grateful for. You will notice what you manifest is more in line with your dreams. My video will teach you how.
#ExpressYourGratitude #MasterYourFears #KristenBomas #Gratitude #LifeMastery #LookInward
The Soul comes from a place of pure energy – love.
#JourneyofaSage #Relationships #KristenBomas #LawOfAttraction #LifeMastery
The energy from me manifests love.
#LifeMastery #Love #MantraOnTheGo #MorningMantra #Mantra #MasterYourFears #KristenBomas #SpeakYourTruth
Join Kristen in her latest workshop "Manifesting Your Dreams" to learn to DEFINE your vision, OVERCOME roadblocks to your dreams and CREATE and activate your vision board.
Act now as the first 100 customers have the option to "Pay What You Can" as a special introductory offer into this exciting and transforming series.
#2021visionboard #visionboards #2021goals #makingdreamsintogoals #fitnessjournal #NewYearNewMe #Inspiration #LifeMastery #LawOfAttraction
Your Vision Board and Manifesting Your Dreams Into Reality
I’m rolling out the welcome mat for you to visit my new website. There you will gain insights and inspiration from my library of life mastery videos, radio shows, blogs, and meditations. Pursue your destiny. Visit
#LifeMastery #MasterYourFears #KristenBomas #SpeakYourTruth
The experiences of this life are either fear-based and uncomfortable or love-based and comfortable. Let me guide you toward a life of love, joy, unity, and acceptance with my book, The Journey of a Sage.
#KnowYourWorth #Experiences #SpeakYourTruth #newyearnewme #Fear #Love #KristenBomas #LifeMastery
Coffee with Kristen: It is Black History Month! Let’s Celebrate! #BlackHistoryMonth #BlackLivesMatter #CoffeeWithKristen #Kristen #KristenBomas