If you’re dealing with old debt, make sure you’re taking the right steps to avoid starting over. https://bit.ly/33SFjNr
Resetting The Clock On Old Debt | Bankrate
The best way to avoid drama in the closing process is to handle the things you can control correctly and promptly and be as prepared as possible for the unexpected situations that might crop up. https://bit.ly/2ZXZRTF
Navigating Your Real Estate Closing
The number of people filing for bankruptcy could set records next year. And, while bankruptcy reform artificially spurred the 2005 record of nearly 2.1 million cases filed, this peak will be all about the reality of a Covid-19-blasted economy. https://bit.ly/3hYggxi
After The Covid-19 Deluge, A Bankruptcy Tidal Wave?
Two-thirds of those who file for bankruptcy cite medical issues as a factor, according to a study last year in the American Journal of Public Health. https://bit.ly/35Q9JCM
'This is going to bankrupt me': Americans rack up $45B worth of medical debt in collections
Bankruptcy is a legal process that lets people or entities who can't pay their debts obtain some type of relief by having those debts either reorganized or eliminated. https://bit.ly/32KgG64
How Bankruptcies Work | The Ascent
Bankruptcy is a difficult process that has long-term implications on your financial situation, so it's not something to jump into blindly. But if you've evaluated all your options and determined that bankruptcy is your best chance for a fresh start, then you should pick the smartest time to file and go through the entire process correctly. http://bit.ly/2AZfOvM
How Bankruptcies Work | The Ascent
There are several situations in which a real estate attorney can be helpful in the home-buying and selling process, from reviewing the purchase contract in a typical sale to dealing with a uniquely complicated one. https://bit.ly/3dtiLY7
Do You Need A Real Estate Attorney When Buying Or Selling A House?
If your financial situation has you feeling like there is no light at the end of the tunnel, you may be considering filing for bankruptcy. http://bit.ly/32J7nkt
What Really Happens When You File for Bankruptcy?
Recovery from bankruptcy is a step-by-step and often gradual process, and is best achieved by personally committing to good, healthy, financial practices. https://yhoo.it/32sGEZi
How to Bounce Back From Bankruptcy in 5 Easy Steps
Many people could benefit from bankruptcy relief but don't file because of fear, myths or misplaced optimism. https://bit.ly/2SdEklE
Fear of Bankruptcy Holds Too Many People Back - NerdWallet
The #bankruptcy means test determines who can file for debt forgiveness through Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
The Bankruptcy Means Test: What It Is, Why It Matters - NerdWallet
Although a bankruptcy filing remains on your credit report for up to a decade, the situation is not quite as bad as it seems. The effect on your credit will diminish over time until it drops off your report completely. https://yhoo.it/35Ee2zp
Bankruptcies are expected to surge — but a filing isn't fatal to your credit
Before you sign a reaffirmation agreement, it’s a good idea to consult a bankruptcy attorney. An experienced attorney can help you determine if it’s the right fit for you and, if it is, make sure that you do everything correctly and in your best interests. https://bit.ly/3trpr0e
What Is A Reaffirmation Agreement? | Bankrate
Bankruptcy will stay on your record for up to seven years to 10 years, depending on what chapter you file. The good news, however, is that you can establish good credit even with a bankruptcy filing on your record. https://bit.ly/2FBtLQC
How to Rebuild Credit After Bankruptcy | The Motley Fool
Title defects typically fall into three categories: unpaid debts, public record errors, and ownership/access disputes. Within those three main categories, there's a wide variety of issues that may "cloud" a title, or in other words, create a defect. https://bit.ly/360lBRH
What Is a Defective Title in Real Estate?
Are you facing a mountain of debt and not making any progress surmounting it? Bankruptcy may be the tool you need to get over the hump.
What Is Bankruptcy? - NerdWallet
Before taking the big leap into bankruptcy, consult a bankruptcy attorney and learn the facts about how credit scores treat bankruptcy. You just may be able to minimize the damage and get a jump on re-establishing your credit after filing.
7 common myths about how bankruptcy affects credit
Legally, ownership of the home is determined by who’s on the deed, which records and transfers title for the home. There are a few different ways in which you can designate ownership. https://bit.ly/35o1pZN
Buying A Home Before Marriage? Here Are 4 Important Considerations To Keep In Mind