What is a Gold IRA and when can you own one. https://www.forbes.com/sites/bobcarlson/2020/09/21/when-you-can-and-cant-own-gold-in-an-ira/?ss=taxes#35d016796c65
When You Can And Can’t Own Gold In An IRA
Whether you are using your HSA to invest or to cover health expenses, you will want these helpful tips.
Getting the Most From Your Health Savings Account | www.financialhotspot.com
How can you make the most of your retirement investments and keep more of your hard-earned retirement income? By taking the time to do the necessary tax planning to avoid costly retirement income tax mistakes. Here are some common mistakes to look out for: https://bit.ly/36pHf34
Tax Mistakes In 2020 That Could Ruin Your Retirement
If you’ve been forced to stop working due to a layoff, business closure, or something else, you’ll need to make sure your finances are in order before officially retiring early. Here’s what you need to do. https://bit.ly/3gwsc91
5 Money Steps to Take If You're Forced to Retire Early
But how do you know how your business model rates? It turns out there are nine questions you can use to determine the strength--of lack thereof--of your business model. https://bit.ly/2QszekI
These 9 Questions Will Tell You If You Have A Great Business Model.
Too many people don’t take their IRA and 401(k) paperwork seriously enough... If you are one of them, here are two recent cases that may surprise you. https://bit.ly/2G0Gtyd
Why Your Retirement Account Paperwork Needs To Be Done Right
With holidays around the corner are you thinking of putting some money aside? Here is a great article to help make your money work for you.
4 Ways to Make Your Money Work for You
Overpaying for Insurance Affects Retirement, Study Shows
Overpaying for Insurance Affects Retirement, Study Shows
Here are some great social security tips - it's not too early to consider them! https://www.forbes.com/sites/tomhager/2020/01/16/social-security-lifehacks/?utm_source=followingimmediate&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20200116#59b9d6f41f9e
Social Security #LifeHacks
Getting the Most From Your Health Savings Account
Getting the Most From Your Health Savings Account | www.financialhotspot.com
What Happens To The Money Withheld Due To Social Security's Earnings Test?https://www.forbes.com/sites/kotlikoff/2020/09/20/ask-larry-what-happens-to-the-money-withheld-due-to-social-securitys-earnings-test/?ss=taxes#3366c65f2dec
Ask Larry: What Happens To The Money Withheld By Social Security’s Earnings Test?
The power of a penny, teaching kids and ourselves about positive leadership and inspiration. https://www.forbes.com/sites/robdube/2020/09/14/what-the-power-of-a-penny-can-teach-our-kids-and-ourselves-about-positive-inspiration-and-leadership/#7344ca5574a1
What The Power Of A Penny Can Teach Our Kids And Ourselves About Positive Inspiration And Leadership
When will I start receiving the extra aid in unemployment? Your money questions answered
When will I start receiving the extra aid in unemployment? Your money questions answered
Garrett Kruckeberg is one of our two managing partners at the firm. He earned his Masters of Professional Accounting from West Texas A&M University in 2012. Outside of work he enjoys traveling and coaching cheerleading. #LKCPA #accountingfirm #amarilloaccountingfirm
How to build team diversity: https://www.startups.com/library/expert-advice/building-diverse-teams
The Deal With Team Diversity: Building a Diverse Team
Does your employer offer 401 (k) matching? Here is an article that explains how it works.
Learn More About How 401(k) Matching Works
Why the increase in your Social Security check could among the smallest ever next year.
Why the increase in your Social Security check could among the smallest ever next year
Find out how you can get the most with your Health Savings account. https://financialhotspot.com/2020/06/25/getting-the-most-from-your-health-savings-account/ Getting the
Getting the Most From Your Health Savings Account | www.financialhotspot.com
Be on the lookout for new version of SSN scam.
Taxpayers should be on the lookout for new version of SSN scam | Internal Revenue Service
Here are 5 ways families can manage their money as kids continue classes.
Story from COUNTRY Financial: How parents can get their finances on track
If you are evaluating franchising your business, consider the following risks and rewards of franchising. https://www.franchiselawsolutions.com/franchising/risks-rewards/
4 Risks and Rewards of Franchising a Business | Internicola Law Firm
5 Tips on Claiming Charitable Donations on Your Taxes
5 Tips on Claiming Charitable Donations on Your Taxes | www.financialhotspot.com
Reducing costs and increasing revenue is the only way to keep your business growing, but many businesses are in the habit of overspending for basic business needs. Here are some common areas where businesses over-spend. https://www.inc.com/larry-alton/seven-areas-where-businesses-habitually-overspend.html
7 Areas Where Businesses Habitually Overspend
Small companies often face difficult financial times and may struggle with cash flow. Here are solutions to the four most pressing small-company financial problems. https://www.inc.com/peter-cohan/four-solutions-to-small-business-money-problems.html
4 Solutions to Small-Business Money Problems
If you’re looking for more of a gradual transition into retirement, or aren't sure you are ready to stop working, you might consider phased retirement where you gradually reduce your workweek hours and responsibilities. https://www.thebalance.com/is-a-phased-retirement-right-for-you-4156625
Should You Consider Phased Retirement?
Here is a great article on how you can scale your business during these tough times. Let us know what you think. https://www.forbes.com/sites/serenitygibbons/2020/10/27/how-to-scale-your-business-in-tough-times/
How To Scale Your Business In Tough Times
Keeping your business and personal accounts separate is important for many reasons; helping you keep track of expenses, income and prepare for tax session - as an added bonus - it also helps your business build its own credit rating.
5 Things to Consider When Starting a New Nonprofit Organization
5 Things to Consider When Starting a New Nonprofit Organization | www.financialhotspot.com
Gallup studies have found that diverse workgroups have higher profits. They also found companies that emphasized diversity in the workplace had employees that were more likely to stay at the company. https://www.score.org/blog/10-business-benefits-diversity-workplace
10 Business Benefits of Diversity in the Workplace
10 Great Tips to Save You Money on Your Car Insurance Policy
10 Great Tips to Save You Money on Your Car Insurance Policy | www.financialhotspot.com
We’ve all seen the statistics on how many businesses fail within the first few years of operation, and the current pandemic may accelerate that struggle for some startups. Here are 4 things you should never do if you want your startup to thrive: https://startupnation.com/manage-your-business/stop-business-last/
Stop Doing These 4 Things if You Want Your Business to Last
Perks include the ability to sync your bookkeeping software with your business bank account so you always have accurate, up-to-the-minute records. Plus, your critical financial data is backed up safely off-site.
Beginning and managing a business is difficult—no matter who you are or what your business is. Here are 15 of the most common small business mistakes made by startups and entrepreneurs: https://www.fundera.com/blog/small-business-mistakes
15 Common Small Business Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Mallory Brown is a staff accountant at the firm. She earned her Masters of Professional Accounting from West Texas A&M University in 2012. Outside of work her and her husband enjoy spending time with their nieces and nephew as well as family and friends. #LKCPA
Many people only think about taxes when they’re filing in the spring but tax planning should be a year-round matter. This is especially important to keep in mind since all financial and investment decisions you make can have an impact on your taxes. https://smartasset.com/financial-advisor/tax-planning
An Overview of Tax Planning - SmartAsset
If you are contemplating buying a home, you should know and review the pros and cons of the investment you are about to make—as you would any investment decision—before signing on the dotted line. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/mortgages-real-estate/08/home-ownership.asp
All the Pros and Cons of Investing in a Home
If you're the type who always ends up with $5 in your account just before payday and has no idea how that happened, you may be in need of some budgeting assistance. https://www.bustle.com/p/21-budgeting-hacks-all-millennials-should-know-15867575
21 Budgeting Hacks All Millennials Should Know
Our office will be closed to in person visits 11/23/20 - 11/27/20.
We will be available via phone or email Monday and Tuesday.
info@amarillocpa.com or 806-553-1245
We hope you have a safe and enjoyable Holiday!
Early retirement comes in various shapes and sizes and what it looks like to you will determine exactly what you need to do to get there. In general, here are the steps you can take: https://www.businessinsider.com/personal-finance/how-to-retire-early-steps-for-early-retirement
How to retire early so you can work, travel, and relax on your own schedule
5 Budget Tips for Raising Extra Money to Reach Financial Goals
https://financialhotspot.com/2020/07/17/5-budget-tips-for-raising-extra-money-to-reach-financial-goals/ 5
5 Budget Tips for Raising Extra Money to Reach Financial Goals | www.financialhotspot.com
Starting your own business and thinking about marketing? Here are some ideas for your small business.
How to Advertise Your Business Online
When visiting in person this week be sure to call ahead so that we can limit the lobby to 1 client at a time. We also offer curbside pick up and drop off. Call upon arrival to let us know you are outside. Masks will be required during your visit.
Stay safe and have a great week!
A data breach can be immobilizing, especially for small to mid-sized businesses. Not only can the cost be crippling, the long-term impact on a company’s viability may be impossible to reverse. Here are some ideas to keep your business safe https://www.allbusiness.com/protect-your-small-business-from-todays-cybersecurity-threats-128625-1.html
How to Protect Your Small Business From Today’s Cybersecurity Threats | AllBusiness.com
Due to unforeseen COVID-19 staff quarantine requirements and for the safety of our staff and patrons we have made the decision to drastically limit in person meetings at the firm next week. We will be happy to continue to assist you via phone or email in the time being.
info@amarillocpa.com or 806-553-1245
Stay safe and we will see you soon!
6 Things Millennials Need to Know About Getting Life Insurance
6 Things Millennials Need to Know About Getting Life Insurance | www.financialhotspot.com
When are you required to report rental income and expenses?
Rental Income and Expenses - Real Estate Tax Tips | Internal Revenue Service
Ask the professionals! Talk to your accountant to figure out what the best accounting software solution is for your business.
7 Key Tips for Managing Credit and Eliminating Debt
7 Key Tips for Managing Credit and Eliminating Debt | www.financialhotspot.com
End-of-Year Tax Tips for Residential Real Estate Investors
If you put off bookkeeping too long, you end up with bounced checks, overdue invoices or figures that don’t add up.
Starting your own business helps you to face your fears, accept your limitations, and forces you to lay a foundation under those dreams. Here are some bits of advice to keep in mind on your journey. https://addicted2success.com/success-advice/10-proven-methods-that-successful-startups-live-by/
10 Proven Methods That Successful Startups Live By
5 Simple Options to Raise Capital for New Small Businesses
5 Simple Options to Raise Capital for New Small Businesses | www.financialhotspot.com
Covid 19 and the impact it has on small business. https://www.forbes.com/sites/rhettbuttle/2020/12/01/managing-covid-19s-impact-on-small-businesses-a-conversation-with-wisconsin-state-treasurer-sarah-godlewski/?ss=small-business-strategy
Managing Covid-19’s Impact On Small Businesses: A Conversation With Wisconsin State Treasurer Sarah Godlewski
How To Set Your Budget For Great Work Perks
How To Set Your Budget For Great Work Perks
Let's take a look at a few different tips to help independent contractors and the self-employed get a little tax relief. https://money.howstuffworks.com/personal-finance/personal-income-taxes/10-tax-tips-for-freelancers-and-contract-employees.htm
10 Tax Tips for Freelancers and Contract Employees
In the simplest of terms, cash flow is the amount of money that a business has, whether that money is being transferred in or out of the business. Managing that money can be a bit more complicated, requiring some helpful tools and tricks of the trade. https://www.business.com/articles/cash-flow-management-101/
How to Manage Your Small Business Cash Flow - business.com
10 Simple Budgeting Tips That Can Transform Your Life
10 Simple Budgeting Tips That Can Transform Your Life | www.financialhotspot.com
It's easier to achieve success if you set a goal, but not all goals are created equal. Here are 6 steps to setting - and reaching - financial goals. https://www.incharge.org/financial-literacy/budgeting-saving/how-to-set-financial-goals/
How To Set Financial Goals: 6 Simple Steps
Whatever type of business you want to start, using the following nine tips can help you be successful in your venture. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/pf/08/make-money-in-business.asp
9 Tips for Growing a Successful Business
Here are 3 ways gratitude can grow your business. https://www.forbes.com/sites/lisacurtis/2020/11/25/three-ways-gratitude-can-grow-your-business/?ss=small-business-strategy
Three Ways Gratitude Can Grow Your Business
Is it time to rethink your business structure? https://www.forbes.com/sites/allbusiness/2020/11/23/rethink-your-business-structure/?ss=small-business-strategy
Business Entity Types 101: Is It Time To Rethink Your Business Structure?
5 Simple Options to Raise Capital for New Small Businesses
5 Simple Options to Raise Capital for New Small Businesses | www.financialhotspot.com
Starting your own business helps you to face your fears, accept your limitations, and forces you to lay a foundation under those dreams. Here are some bits of advice to keep in mind on your journey. https://addicted2success.com/success-advice/10-proven-methods-that-successful-startups-live-by/
10 Proven Methods That Successful Startups Live By
Stress shopping, or shopping to relieve stress, can unexpectedly become your source of more stress, especially if your budget is tight and finances start to be drained when spending becomes uncontrolled. https://www.healthhub.sg/live-healthy/1732/5-signs-of-stress-shopping-and-how-not-to-be-trapped
5 Signs of Stress Shopping and How Not To Be Trapped
Monday & Tuesday: 9am - 4pm
Wednesday: 9am -12pm
Thursday & Friday: Closed
We hope you have a safe and enjoyable Holiday!
See you next week!
What are the best negotiation tactics, and how can you fine tune them? Here are five approaches that work—and five to avoid. https://www.waldenu.edu/programs/communication/resource/ten-dos-and-donts-of-business-negotiating
Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide whether saving or investing is the better choice to reach your financial goals. But, for certain goals, one is better than the other. https://www.moneyunder30.com/investing-vs-saving
Investing Vs. Saving: Which Should You Do, When, And How? - Money Under 30
10 Simple Budgeting Tips That Can Transform Your Life
10 Simple Budgeting Tips That Can Transform Your Life | www.financialhotspot.com
Find out if you are eligible to save in a traditional or Roth IRA.
IRA Contribution Limits for 2021
Start tax planning now and you could owe the government less money in the spring.
10 Year-End Tax Tips for 2020
Get a $300 Tax Deduction for Cash Donated to Charities in 2020.
The CARES act of 2020 allows non-itemizers the ability to deduct up to a $300 cash donation to qualified charities in 2020 in addition to the standard deduction. Act by 12/31/20 to take advantage of this deduction!
Working from home? Here are 7 tips you could use during this pandemic. https://www.themuse.com/advice/coronavirus-work-from-home-tips
7 Essential Tips for Working From Home During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Monday - Wednesday: 9am - 4pm
Thursday & Friday: Closed
Happy New Year, we hope you have a safe and enjoyable Holiday!
See you next year! 😉
Thinking of ways you can stay in touch with customers? Here are 7 tips that you might find beneficial. https://www.zenefits.com/workest/7-tips-to-stay-in-touch-with-customers-during-this-pandemic-holiday/
7 Tips to Stay in Touch With Customers During This Pandemic Holiday | Workest
Were you aware of any of these?
These 7 Types Of Miscommunication Kill Your Team’s Productivity
Worried about experiencing burn out? Here are 3 tips on how you can avoid it.https://hbr.org/2020/04/3-tips-to-avoid-wfh-burnout https://hbr.org/2020/04/3-tips-to-avoid-wfh-burnout
3 Tips to Avoid WFH Burnout
Five Helpful Tips for Leaving a Will
Five Helpful Tips for Leaving a Will | www.financialhotspot.com
Traditional retirement accounts, including 401(k)s and IRAs, have a 10 percent early withdrawal penalty if you take a distribution before age 59 ½.
The Most Important Ages for Retirement Planning: Age 59 ½
Find out if you are eligible to save in a traditional or Roth IRA.
IRA Contribution Limits for 2021
Start tax planning now and you could owe the government less money in the spring.
10 Year-End Tax Tips for 2020
Financial planners say wait until 70, but few Americans take that advice.
5 Reasons to Claim Social Security at Age 70
10 Great Tips to Save You Money on Your Car Insurance Policy https://financialhotspot.com/2020/08/28/10-great-tips-to-save-you-money-on-your-car-insurance-policy/
10 Great Tips to Save You Money on Your Car Insurance Policy | www.financialhotspot.com
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act provides tax credits to reimburse employers for providing paid sick leave and paid family and medical leave to employees unable to work because of the Coronavirus. See #IRS guidelines: https://go.usa.gov/xvzu4 #COVIDreliefIRS
New credits fund employers for Coronavirus-related paid leave | Internal Revenue Service
Be wary of scam calls claiming to be #IRS. Criminals often demand payment right away http://irs.gov/alerts
Tax Scams / Consumer Alerts | Internal Revenue Service
Were you aware of any of these?
These 7 Types Of Miscommunication Kill Your Team’s Productivity
Worried about experiencing burn out? Here are 3 tips on how you can avoid it.https://hbr.org/2020/04/3-tips-to-avoid-wfh-burnout https://hbr.org/2020/04/3-tips-to-avoid-wfh-burnout
3 Tips to Avoid WFH Burnout
7 Ideas to Increase Your Retirement Savings https://financialhotspot.com/2020/09/04/7-ideas-to-increase-your-retirement-savings/
7 Ideas to Increase Your Retirement Savings | www.financialhotspot.com
IRSTaxTip: The CARES Act made changes in how many deduct charitable contributions. If you don't itemize deductions, you may now take a charitable deduction of up to $300 for cash contributions made in 2020 to qualifying organizations. https://go.usa.gov/x79jx #IRS #COVIDreliefIRS
How the CARES Act changes deducting charitable contributions | Internal Revenue Service
7 Hidden Signs Difficult Times May Be Affecting Team Productivity
7 Hidden Signs Difficult Times May Be Affecting Team Productivity
Some people who weren’t eligible for an Economic Impact Payment this year may be eligible for the #IRS Recovery Rebate Credit when they file their taxes in 2021. #GetReady: http://irs.gov/eip
Economic Impact Payments | Internal Revenue Service
Financial planners say wait until 70, but few Americans take that advice.
5 Reasons to Claim Social Security at Age 70
10 Great Tips to Save You Money on Your Car Insurance Policy https://financialhotspot.com/2020/08/28/10-great-tips-to-save-you-money-on-your-car-insurance-policy/
10 Great Tips to Save You Money on Your Car Insurance Policy | www.financialhotspot.com
7 Ways to Build Your Credit Score Without Using Credit Cards https://financialhotspot.com/2020/09/11/7-ways-to-build-your-credit-score-without-using-credit-cards/
7 Ways to Build Your Credit Score Without Using Credit Cards | www.financialhotspot.com
9 Basic Financial And Analytics Metrics Every Startup Founder Should Know
9 Basic Financial And Analytics Metrics Every Startup Founder Should Know
Here's how to increase your Social Security payout.
10 Strategies to Maximize Social Security
Second Stimulus Package: What's in It for You
Second Stimulus Package: What's in It for You
#IRS reminder: Limits on charitable contributions have been temporarily suspended. You may deduct qualified contributions of up to 100% of your adjusted gross income. https://go.usa.gov/xfQZs #COVIDreliefIRS
Charitable Contribution Deductions | Internal Revenue Service
7 Ideas to Increase Your Retirement Savings https://financialhotspot.com/2020/09/04/7-ideas-to-increase-your-retirement-savings/
7 Ideas to Increase Your Retirement Savings | www.financialhotspot.com
10 Ways For Entrepreneurs To Power Through Tough Times
10 Ways For Entrepreneurs To Power Through Tough Times
#IRS is issuing a 2nd round of Economic Impact Payments. No action needed on your end. http://irs.gov/EIP #COVIDreliefIRS
For legal and tax purposes, you can structure your business in different ways. Choosing the right one can impact how you file and how much you owe at tax time. Here’s a quick summary of the most popular business-structure options.
5 Essential Tax Tips for New Business Owners | Credit Karma Tax®
5 essential tax tips for new business owners
5 Essential Tax Tips for New Business Owners | Credit Karma Tax®
7 Ways to Build Your Credit Score Without Using Credit Cards https://financialhotspot.com/2020/09/11/7-ways-to-build-your-credit-score-without-using-credit-cards/
7 Ways to Build Your Credit Score Without Using Credit Cards | www.financialhotspot.com
9 Basic Financial And Analytics Metrics Every Startup Founder Should Know
9 Basic Financial And Analytics Metrics Every Startup Founder Should Know
We are here to help, contact us today!
Here’s a friendly reminder to file your taxes on time!
Retirement Plans for Small Entities and Self-Employed
Retirement Plans for Small Entities and Self-Employed | Internal Revenue Service
Tax Filing: Should You Itemize Deductions This Year? https://financialhotspot.com/2020/09/18/tax-filing-should-you-itemize-deductions-this-year/
Tax Filing: Should You Itemize Deductions This Year? | www.financialhotspot.com
10 Ways For Entrepreneurs To Power Through Tough Times
10 Ways For Entrepreneurs To Power Through Tough Times
#IRS is issuing a 2nd round of Economic Impact Payments. No action needed on your end. http://irs.gov/EIP #COVIDreliefIRS
How to avoid these costly mistakes.
10 Costly 401(k) Rollover Mistakes To Avoid Now
What is Asynchronous Communication? How can it help your business?
The Art Of Asynchronous: Optimizing Efficiency In Remote Teams
7 Places to Find Money to Pay Down Your Credit Card Debt https://financialhotspot.com/2020/09/25/7-places-to-find-money-to-pay-down-your-credit-card-debt/
7 Places to Find Money to Pay Down Your Credit Card Debt | www.financialhotspot.com
Still waiting for your stimulus check (a.k.a. economic impact payment(s))? Owe taxes?
IRS Should Deliver Full Stimulus Payments To Those Who Owe Back Taxes, Urges Taxpayer Advocate
We are here to help, contact us today!
Here’s a friendly reminder to file your taxes on time!
Don't forget to file!
7 Tips For Living Primarily on Social Security During Retirement https://financialhotspot.com/2020/10/02/7-tips-for-living-primarily-on-social-security-during-retirement/
7 Tips For Living Primarily on Social Security During Retirement | www.financialhotspot.com
Credit card debt is the number one obstacle to getting ahead financially. Those little pieces of plastic are so convenient to use, and it's so easy to forget that it's real money we're dealing with when we whip them out to pay for a purchase, large or small.
New Updates to Our Warning About Social Security Phone Scams
New Updates to Our Warning About Social Security Phone Scams
How to avoid these costly mistakes.
10 Costly 401(k) Rollover Mistakes To Avoid Now
What is Asynchronous Communication? How can it help your business?
The Art Of Asynchronous: Optimizing Efficiency In Remote Teams
What is a W-9 and Who Needs One? https://financialhotspot.com/2020/10/08/what-is-a-w-9-and-who-needs-one/
What is a W-9, and Who Needs One? | www.financialhotspot.com
It may sound simple, but many people struggle with this first rule. Make sure you know what your job is worth in the marketplace, by conducting an evaluation of your skills, productivity, job tasks, contribution to the company, and the going rate, both inside and outside the company, for what you do. Being underpaid even a $1,000 a year can have a significant cumulative effect over the course of your working life.
IRS offers option when PPP loan forgiveness is denied.
IRS offers option when PPP loan forgiveness is denied
Identity theft a risk to consumers as online purchases increase
Identity theft a risk to consumers as online purchases increase
Don't forget to file!
7 Tips For Living Primarily on Social Security During Retirement https://financialhotspot.com/2020/10/02/7-tips-for-living-primarily-on-social-security-during-retirement/
7 Tips For Living Primarily on Social Security During Retirement | www.financialhotspot.com
5 Areas You Might be Wasting Money Each Month https://financialhotspot.com/2020/10/16/5-areas-you-might-be-wasting-money-each-month/
5 Areas You Might be Wasting Money Each Month | www.financialhotspot.com
An important step to consider when trying to get ahead financially is budgeting. After all, how can you know where your money is going if you don't budget? How can you set spending and saving goals if you don't know where your money is going? You need to set up a budget whether you make thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.
IRS Announces Filing Season Open Date (It’s Later Than Expected)
IRS Announces Filing Season Open Date (It’s Later Than Expected)
Treasury Signals Intention To Make Cryptocurrency Like Bitcoin Reportable On FBAR
Treasury Signals Intention To Make Cryptocurrency Like Bitcoin Reportable On FBAR
New $300 Weekly Unemployment Benefit: When You Get It Depends On Where You Live
New $300 Weekly Unemployment Benefit: When You Get It Depends On Where You Live
What is a W-9 and Who Needs One? https://financialhotspot.com/2020/10/08/what-is-a-w-9-and-who-needs-one/
What is a W-9, and Who Needs One? | www.financialhotspot.com
If your employer offers a 401(k) plan (or another type of employer-sponsored retirement savings program), you should consider contributing to it if you can afford to. Often, with 401(k) plans, your employer will contribute the same amount that you put toward your account up to a certain percent. This is often referred to as an "employer match." If your employer doesn't offer a retirement plan, consider an IRA.
Learning the basics of taxes is necessary for freelancers. Some of the things to consider are: What forms would you need? When are the deadlines? What documents should you keep?
Spread the word!
#IRS tips to tell employees about the #EITC:
• Place flyers in break rooms: https://go.usa.gov/xAFZ9
• Add a link on your internal site: http://irs.gov/eitc
• Include stuffers with your mailings: https://go.usa.gov/xAFZQ
The Covid Bankruptcies: Guitar Center to Youfit
Bankrupt Companies 2020: Businesses That Went Bust Because of Covid
5 Areas You Might be Wasting Money Each Month https://financialhotspot.com/2020/10/16/5-areas-you-might-be-wasting-money-each-month/
5 Areas You Might be Wasting Money Each Month | www.financialhotspot.com
An important step to consider when trying to get ahead financially is budgeting. After all, how can you know where your money is going if you don't budget? How can you set spending and saving goals if you don't know where your money is going? You need to set up a budget whether you make thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.
Find out what qualifies as a tax-deductible from your refinancing expenses https://www.rocketmortgage.com/learn/refinance-tax-deductions
How To Claim Refinance Tax Deductions | Rocket Mortgage
If you’ve recently earned dividends you may need to pay taxes. Learn more about it here: https://smartasset.com/taxes/dividend-tax-rate#q=dividends
The Dividend Tax Rate for 2019-2020 - SmartAsset
Property taxes may vary across the country. Get an overview of how they work: https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/briefing-book/how-do-state-and-local-property-taxes-work
How do state and local property taxes work?
10 Business Tax Savings Strategies You Can Use Before the Year Ends https://financialhotspot.com/2020/10/23/10-business-tax-savings-strategies-you-can-use-before-the-year-ends/
10 Business Tax Saving Strategies You Can Use Before the Year Ends | www.financialhotspot.com
If your employer offers a 401(k) plan (or another type of employer-sponsored retirement savings program), you should consider contributing to it if you can afford to. Often, with 401(k) plans, your employer will contribute the same amount that you put toward your account up to a certain percent. This is often referred to as an "employer match." If your employer doesn't offer a retirement plan, consider an IRA.
Learning the basics of taxes is necessary for freelancers. Some of the things to consider are: What forms would you need? When are the deadlines? What documents should you keep?
What does retirement look like? Have you started planning? https://www.navyfederal.org/makingcents/knowledge-center/retirement-savings/thinking-about-retirement/envisioning-your-retirement-goals.html
Envisioning & Setting Retirement Goals
Where does your money go? Your pay stub has all the answers to your questions. https://www.privatebank.bankofamerica.com/financial-empowerment/paycheck.html
Understanding Your Paycheck: Pay, Benefits, & Taxes
What to Consider When Choosing a Financial Advisor https://financialhotspot.com/2020/10/30/what-to-consider-when-choosing-a-financial-advisor/
What to Consider When Choosing a Financial Advisor | www.financialhotspot.com
Is your family running a business? Learn these tips to point your family business in the right direction https://www.privatebank.bankofamerica.com/financial-empowerment/family-business.html
Understanding Your Role In Running A Family Business
Find out what qualifies as a tax-deductible from your refinancing expenses https://www.rocketmortgage.com/learn/refinance-tax-deductions
How To Claim Refinance Tax Deductions | Rocket Mortgage
If you’ve recently earned dividends you may need to pay taxes. Learn more about it here: https://smartasset.com/taxes/dividend-tax-rate#q=dividends
The Dividend Tax Rate for 2019-2020 - SmartAsset
13 Reasons the IRS May Audit You https://financialhotspot.com/2020/11/06/13-reasons-the-irs-may-audit-you/
13 Reasons the IRS May Audit You | www.financialhotspot.com
Charitable giving can help people in more ways than one, especially with your estate, tax, and financial plan. Find out what charitable giving plan works for you https://www.forbes.com/sites/halseyschreier/2021/02/12/personal-finance-for-young-adults-charitable-planning/?sh=3d0c25e6d976
Personal Finance For Young Adults: Charitable Planning
Finding the right tax professional can be confusing at first. Read further for tips and advice on how to find the right tax professional for you. https://www.forbes.com/sites/ambergray-fenner/2021/02/16/how-to-choose-a-tax-professional/?ss=taxes&sh=7032c7d51df5
How To Choose A Tax Professional
What does retirement look like? Have you started planning? https://www.navyfederal.org/makingcents/knowledge-center/retirement-savings/thinking-about-retirement/envisioning-your-retirement-goals.html
Envisioning & Setting Retirement Goals
Where does your money go? Your pay stub has all the answers to your questions. https://www.privatebank.bankofamerica.com/financial-empowerment/paycheck.html
Understanding Your Paycheck: Pay, Benefits, & Taxes
What to Consider When Choosing a Financial Advisor https://financialhotspot.com/2020/10/30/what-to-consider-when-choosing-a-financial-advisor/
What to Consider When Choosing a Financial Advisor | www.financialhotspot.com
In this day and age, virtual accounting is becoming more commonplace. Learn more on how virtual accounting can help you today. https://financialhotspot.com/2020/12/04/what-you-should-know-about-virtual-accounting/
What You Should Know About Virtual Accounting | www.financialhotspot.com
Are you planning to buy a new car? Add an electric or hybrid vehicle to your options. Some states in the United States offer an incentive in a form of a tax rebate. https://www.tesla.com/support/incentives
Electric Vehicle & Solar Incentives
Aside from conserving energy, your taxes can also benefit from going solar. Homeowners who recently purchase the system can earn a solar investment tax credit. https://www.energysage.com/solar/cost-benefit/solar-investment-tax-credit/
The Solar Tax Credit Explained | EnergySage
Are you mailing your tax returns? Here are some tips from the USPS. https://www.usps.com/taxes/
Mail Your Tax Return with USPS
Thinking of Medicare enrollment? Avoid these 3 mistakes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/dianeomdahl/2021/02/16/dont-make-these-3-mistakes-that-can-mess-up-your-medicare-enrollment/?sh=2760ab331eea
Don’t Make These 3 Mistakes That Can Mess Up Your Medicare Enrollment
13 Reasons the IRS May Audit You https://financialhotspot.com/2020/11/06/13-reasons-the-irs-may-audit-you/
13 Reasons the IRS May Audit You | www.financialhotspot.com