The story begins about fifteen years ago, over a holiday soirée at Bouchon, inside their private nook known as The Cork Room. While sipping great burgs and champagne, with lively banter between bites of our sumptuous meal, we discovered some common threads in life. Like my father, he served as one of "the few, the proud" in the Marine Corps during war combat. We appreciate hard work, discipline, and share a passion for great business opportunities. For us, being an entrepreneur is's a way of life. So, why did we decide to join forces to create this business? Perhaps, best coined by philosopher Aristotle, "the whole is more than the sum of its parts."
Wine has a rich history, for more than 7000 years of civilization it has been embraced for cultural, traditional, medicinal, and religious customs and beliefs. For us, wine is about conviviality...sharing a bottle of vino at the family table, clinking our glasses during times of celebration, or socializing with friends at a neighborhood joint. Laplace Wine Bar & Shop will have a chalkboard of thought-provoking wines by-the-glass, retail space with an eclectic array of local and import 750s, craft beers flowing from tap, and gourmet gifts for immediate consumption or wrapped to go. Relax and unwind in our idyllic Mediterranean patio and quench your thirst with a glass of Rosé or sink your teeth into a savory Syrah. We're here to make your visit and shopping experience convenient, approachable, and memorable.