Our team is made up of highly trained and experienced information security professionals, devoted to providing a comprehensive information security assessment. Each of our engineers has completed eight years of experience in the information security field before joining the team and holds an active Certified Information Systems Security Professional certification, as well as many of the following:
Certified Information Security Auditor (CISA)
BS7799 Lead Auditor Accreditation (BS7799) (*Applies for auditing to ISO 17799 and 27001/2 standards)
NSA Infosec. Assessment Methodology (NSA IAM/IEM)
Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE+I)
Checkpoint Certified System Engineer (CCSA/CCSE)
Certified Sidewinder Firewall Administrator (CCSE)
Netscreen Certified Security Associate (NCSE)
ASIS Physical Security Professional (PSP™)