1 year ago..... Joey Cme Thomas Grajek John Armando Edmiston Scott Spindel
#garyvee #garyvaynerchuk #gamechanger
#michaelmogill #crisp #GameChangerSummit
They all helped me realize it was time for me to open my own firm. Attending the seminar in San Diego and then a week later in Atlanta lit a fire in me and I made the change. Thanks everyone!!! Forever grateful!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
1 year ago.....
Thomas Grajek John Armando Edmiston Scott Spindel
#garyvee #garyvaynerchuk #gamechanger
#michaelmogill #crisp #GameChangerSummit
They all helped me realize it was time for me to open my own firm. Attending the seminar in San Diego and then a week later in Atlanta lit a fire in me and I made the change. Thanks everyone!!! Forever grateful!!! ❤❤❤❤❤
Glad you all are in my corner!!!!
Unfortunately being drunk is not a defense in Virginia if you commit a crime (unless someone drugged you or it falls under limited defense of involuntary intoxication).
Anytime someone has been charged or convicted of a criminal offense in Virginia it could have an impact on employment or searching for a new job or it can even affect a security clearance. Make sure that you know what you need to report and that you report it accurately and timely. Sometimes a person is fired or let go or doesn't get the job because they were not honest about their past record or failed to report it at all versus not getting it because they were arrested or convicted.
There are options if you are faced with domestic violence in your home!
How to fight Domestic Violence in Northern Virginia
Mental health treatment dockets are a win for everyone!!!!!
Perspective | In one Virginia courtroom, a judge tries to stop a revolving door
Juvenile cases are some of my favorites because I enjoy helping try to give kids a chance at a great future despite the poor choices they made or acts they may have committed.
Law Office of Ann Thayer, PLLC on Google
Juveniles have their entire lives ahead of them and they deserve an attorney who will fight hard for them so they can have a future! We believe every kid has potential to grow and learn from their mistakes.
What is it about a little rain that causes so many car accidents in Northern Virginia? Just passed 4 accidents in a 6 mile stretch. It is raining but it isn't that bad. Slow down and pay attention on the road. Pretty sure officers were issuing tickets in these incidents and all involv1ed multiple vehicles.
Happy first responders day!!! Thanks for the risk you all take each and every day. Stay safe out there!
As we get closer to starting Halloween weekend....just a reminder that costumes and tricks or treat shenanigans don't let you off the hook for crimes in Virginia. You can still get drunk in public, disorderly conduct, drug possession, underage possession of alcohol, stalking, speeding, reckless driving, dui, dwi, assault charges and various other offenses. Have fun but stay safe for Halloween!
#thayeristhere #juveniledefense #trafficticketdefense #halloween #duidefense #dwidefense #protectiveorderattorney #criminaldefenseattorney
Most people are not bad. Everyone makes mistakes. When clients hire me I try to get them the best outcomes possible but I also try to inform them about the law and how it will impact them the next time around if they get caught. This is true for many types of cases whether it is alcohol or drug cases, larceny and shoplifting, speeding/dui/dwi/ reckless driving and even domestic violence matters. We all make mistakes but we also can learn to be better prepared to accept consequences if we choose to make those bad choices again! Being an attorney doesn't stop at helping a client in court. We can't make out clients listen but we can provide them the knowledge and tools they need to make better decisions!
#thayeristhere #criminaldefense
#juveniledefense #duidefense
#trafficdefense #learnfromyourmistakes #protectiveorderattorney
Domestic violence can happen in any home but you are not alone!
Law Office of Ann Thayer, PLLC on Google
Some Virginia courts are using webex or zoom for virtual trials, motions, and hearings due to covid19. However, you cannot do this to your pets, kids, roommates, or significant others just to get through your court hearing or meeting in peace.
#thayeristhere #tistheseason #covid19 #criminaldefense #zoommeeting #zoom
#criminaljustice #juveniledefense #cat #juvenilejustice #recklessdrivingattorney
#protectiveorderattorney #duidefense
#dwidefense #trafficticket #itwasntme #petsofinstagram #catsofinstagram
Drive safe today. All this rain can make the roads more challenging when you slow down, change lanes, pass other cars, or get off exits on the highway.
#thayeristhere #raining #duidefense #flooding
#trafficticket #trafficdefense
#criminaldefense #criminaljustice #northernva #juvenilejustice #juveniledefense #fairfaxattorney #protectiveorderattorney
Just remember you love your dog. You love your dog. You love your dog. (And animal abuse and cruelty is illegal in Virginia!)
Parking like this can start fights or cause property damage to your car or even can result in your car being towed. Don't let this happen to you!
Disclaimer for social media posts! #bettersafethansorry
One thing about life that never changes is that there will always be roadblocks in your way or obstacles to overcome. Everyone has to face challenges and setbacks in life. It is how you fight through them that matters in the end!
#thayeristhere #nevergiveup
#adversity #perseverance #fairfaxattorney #duidefense #juveniledefense #trafficticket #trafficticketdefense #dwiattorney #criminaldefense
#criminaljustice #neverquit #assaultandbatteryattorney
✅Law School Graduation 2004
✅Opened Own Law Firm 2020
✅1 year Anniversary 2021
✅Pandemic Didn't Stop Me
✅Still more dreams to fulfill
#thayeristhere #dreambig
#fairfaxattorney #nevergiveup
#juveniledefense #duidefense #juvenilejustice #dwiattorney
#criminaljustice #trafficdefense
#criminaldefense #trafficticket #domesticviolenceattorney
#1yearold #anniversary
Congrats to Jessica Foster who has been selected as the next judge in Fauquier GDC!!!!
Congrats to Che Rogers who has been selected as the next PWC GDC Judge! Always good to see an awesome defense attorney on the bench! And congrats to Judge Petula Metzler on moving up to PWC CC!
Read our blog to learn about the fine increase for reckless driving and other new traffic laws in Virginia. For more information, contact The Law Office of Ann Thayer, PLLC today.
New Law Increases Fine for Reckless Driving in Virginia