Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca

(on south street)
Lawyers and Law Firms in Fitchburg, MA
Lawyers and Law Firms


9:00AM - 4:00PM
9:00AM - 4:00PM
9:00AM - 4:00PM
9:00AM - 4:00PM
9:00AM - 4:00PM


982 South Street
Fitchburg, MA


We provide peace of mind to our clients and their families in the areas of estate planning, probate, estate administration and elder law. We are committed to personal service to each client, using only those legal tools and techniques that suit the individual client's needs, goals and personal situation.


Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca Photo Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca Photo Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca Photo


  • Estate Planning
  • Elder Law
  • Special Needs
  • Asset Protection
  • Estate Tax Planning
  • Business Planning
  • Probate
  • Medicaid Crisis Planning
  • VA Benefits


What Do I Need to Do When my Spouse Dies? The passing of a spouse is a devastating time in a person’s life and one that throws their world into turmoil. While in the midst of grieving, they’re confronted with a multitude of responsibilities requiring their attention — not only the immediate tasks of preparing for memorial services and notifying family and friends, but also beginning to tackle the requisite legal notifications and financial changes. DELLAMONACA.COM What Do I Need to Do When my Spouse Dies? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
What Do I Look for in a Trustee? If you decide to leave assets in a trust for your beneficiaries, consider your designation of trustee carefully. The most important person in the trust framework is the trustee, the one responsible for managing trust assets. DELLAMONACA.COM What Do I Look for in a Trustee? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How to Protect Your Estate from Unintended Heirs What happens when a decedent’s will or trust does not provide for a decedent’s child? DELLAMONACA.COM How to Protect Your Estate from Unintended Heirs | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
What Does an Executor Do? My aunt recently asked me to be the executor of her will when she dies. I’m flattered that she asked, but I’m not sure what exactly the job entails. DELLAMONACA.COM What Does an Executor Do? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Estate Planning Needs for Every Stage Although there is often a progression of complexity in estate planning, this progression generally follows stages in life rather than specific ages. DELLAMONACA.COM Estate Planning Needs for Every Stage | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How Do I Find a Good Estate Planning Attorney? Estate planning is a systematic method that manages the personal and financial matters of a person in case of death. The legal document for the necessary plan for death is called the Last Will and Testament, which includes the set of instructions for the condition and distribution of the estates. DELLAMONACA.COM How Do I Find a Good Estate Planning Attorney? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How to Keep Track of Mom’s Healthcare Information if She Gets Sick or Injured Build your own medical emergency packet. DELLAMONACA.COM How to Keep Track of Mom’s Healthcare Information if She Gets Sick or Injured | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Will a ‘Will’ Really Pay Off? A will itself is a legal document that describes the process of splitting up one’s personal property and possessions among family and loved ones. DELLAMONACA.COM Will a ‘Will’ Really Pay Off? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Can I Revoke a Power of Attorney? Cindy, a widow in her early 60s, was undergoing physical therapy for an injury to her foot, making it difficult for her to get around. In addition, she was suffering depression brought on by the immobility and pain, resulting in her neglecting to pay bills and taking care of other financial affairs. DELLAMONACA.COM Can I Revoke a Power of Attorney? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How Can Siblings Settle Disputes over an Estate? Unfortunately, due to hidden resentments, siblings still tend to end up in court suing each other and losing great chunks of their inheritance in the process all too frequently. DELLAMONACA.COM How Can Siblings Settle Disputes over an Estate? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How Important Is Estate Planning in the Pandemic? Planning for unfortunate events is particularly critical in the era of Covid-19. DELLAMONACA.COM How Important Is Estate Planning in the Pandemic? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How to Choose a Trustee Only you know the strengths and weaknesses of your family members, putting you in the best position to decide if your spouse or your child can appreciate a trustee’s responsibilities. DELLAMONACA.COM How to Choose a Trustee | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How Does Guardianship Work? As a result of illness, old age or incapacity, what may happen when you can no longer handle your own decision-making, handle your own money or make your own health care choices? Who can step in to help and how are they empowered? DELLAMONACA.COM How Does Guardianship Work? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Avoid Estate Planning Mistakes These all-too-common misconceptions can steer your estate plans in the wrong direction right from the start. Here’s how to overcome them and tips to build the right plan for your family. DELLAMONACA.COM Avoid Estate Planning Mistakes | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
When Do We Need an Elder Law Attorney? Consult an elder care lawyer preemptively, to avoid making a panicked phone call in the moment. DELLAMONACA.COM When Do We Need an Elder Law Attorney? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
What’s Involved in the Probate Process? The probate process refers to court proceedings that you have to go through when a loved one passes on, and they have left an asset in their name. DELLAMONACA.COM What’s Involved in the Probate Process? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
What Estate Planning Documents Do I Need for a Happy Retirement? Most people can't wait for retirement, and even more would likely opt for some form of early retirement, if they had the opportunity. Whenever you ultimately decide to cut down your time at work or leave the workforce altogether, you need to ensure that you have a full slate of estate planning documents in place. DELLAMONACA.COM What Estate Planning Documents Do I Need for a Happy Retirement? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Reviewing Your Estate Plan Protects Goals, Family Most people wish to have more control over who and how their assets are managed than what the state laws provide, and so they draft documents that can override the Laws of Intestacy, when those laws do not match their objectives. DELLAMONACA.COM Reviewing Your Estate Plan Protects Goals, Family | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
What Does It Mean to Be an Executor? It means you are in charge of managing the person’s assets after death, but what does it really mean? An executor has many roles and responsibilities. Executors should first understand it is a significant responsibility and not something to be taken lightly. DELLAMONACA.COM What Does It Mean to Be an Executor? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Does My Estate Plan Need an Audit? Estate planning is the process of transferring the management of your assets, if and when you are unable to manage them yourself due to disability or death. Whether you have $100 or $100 million you should have an estate plan. DELLAMONACA.COM Does My Estate Plan Need an Audit? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
What are Attorney’s Obligations after You Die? Attorney-client privilege requires that attorneys keep confidential and refrain from sharing all secrets and other confidences of clients. DELLAMONACA.COM What are Attorney’s Obligations after You Die? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How Important Is Avoiding Probate? Probate is a process to transfer the assets after someone dies. For example, when a homeowner passes, probate allows for the home to be sold or transferred, if necessary, even though the owner is no longer alive to sign a deed. DELLAMONACA.COM How Important Is Avoiding Probate? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Estate Planning for a Second Marriage and Blended Family Second (or third or fourth) marriages often require careful balancing between the needs of the surviving spouse and the needs of the children from a previous marriage. DELLAMONACA.COM
Why Everyone Needs an Estate Plan First, let’s debunk the myth that an estate plan needs to be both elaborate and expensive. DELLAMONACA.COM
The Wrong Power of Attorney Could Lead to a Bad Outcome When do you need your estate plan to ‘go to work’ for you? While you may think the right answer is ‘after I die,’ the actual answer is ‘if I lose the ability to manage my own affairs.’ DELLAMONACA.COM The Wrong Power of Attorney Could Lead to a Bad Outcome | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How Much Power Does an Executor Have? There are continuing misconceptions regarding what powers are held by a personal representative and when he can exercise them. DELLAMONACA.COM How Much Power Does an Executor Have? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Can I Leave My Pet Some of My Estate? In addition to writing wills, Minnesotans are now setting up trusts to care for pets, ranging from dogs and horses to parrots and raccoons. DELLAMONACA.COM Can I Leave My Pet Some of My Estate? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
What Does an Estate Planning Attorney Actually Do? Estate planning is crucial, setting up a peace of mind for you, as you enter your senior years. Most people don’t create a will because they are afraid to even think about the possibility of death. It feels like too big of a responsibility. DELLAMONACA.COM What Does an Estate Planning Attorney Actually Do? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Act Quickly to Protect an Estate When dealing with the emotional pain of the loss of a loved one, family members also have to address daunting administrative tasks. DELLAMONACA.COM Act Quickly to Protect an Estate | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Estate Battles Over Personal Property Distribution Personal property is a unique category of asset. Even in the simplest after-death distribution, personal property can become a hindrance to final distribution. There are a couple of reasons why. DELLAMONACA.COM Estate Battles Over Personal Property Distribution | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Despite Pandemic, Many Still Don’t Have an Estate Plan The Covid-19 has produced a rise in estate planning...but not a large enough one. Most Americans still do not have a last will and testament. DELLAMONACA.COM Despite Pandemic, Many Still Don’t Have an Estate Plan | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Is My Estate Plan Set with a Power of Attorney? When do you need your estate plan to “go to work” for you? While you may think the right answer is “after I die,” the actual answer is “if I lose the ability to manage my own affairs. DELLAMONACA.COM Is My Estate Plan Set with a Power of Attorney? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Preparing for the Impact of Alzheimer’s Disease It is estimated that by 2040, the number of Americans living with Alzheimer’s, dementia or other cognitive disorders is expected to double to close to 12 million due to the aging population, according to a recent study by RBC Wealth Management and Aon. DELLAMONACA.COM Preparing for the Impact of Alzheimer’s Disease | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Estate Planning Actions to Consider before 2020 Ends If you have not already been inundated with invitations to webinars, articles and newsletters regarding estate planning, you should consider doing so before the end of the year, since you undoubtedly will receive these over the next few months. DELLAMONACA.COM Estate Planning Actions to Consider before 2020 Ends | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Do I Need to Name a Guardian for My Children in the Will? Why naming a guardian for your child is important. DELLAMONACA.COM Do I Need to Name a Guardian for My Children in the Will? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Good Planning for Life Is Also Good Planning for a Pandemic It’s hard to plan for next week, let alone the future, when our environment, the advice from the experts and indeed the outbreak itself, seems to change on a daily basis. DELLAMONACA.COM Good Planning for Life Is Also Good Planning for a Pandemic | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
What Do I Need to Do after the Death of My Spouse? The death of your spouse is a period of unimaginable grief. Unfortunately, there are many legal and financial obligations that will not wait. DELLAMONACA.COM What Do I Need to Do after the Death of My Spouse? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Special Needs Plans Need Regular Reviews to Protect Loved Ones Estate planning generally focuses primarily on lifetime protection and post-death distribution of assets. Special needs planning focuses primarily on the individual beneficiary’s lifestyle and care needs. DELLAMONACA.COM Special Needs Plans Need Regular Reviews to Protect Loved Ones | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
What are the Responsibilities of a Trustee? A trustee is a manager of assets in a trust. The grantor creates the trust and appoints the trustee. A trustee has a ‘fiduciary duty’ to serve the grantor and not benefit personally. DELLAMONACA.COM What are the Responsibilities of a Trustee? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
The Biggest Mistake in Trusts: Funding Your real estate holdings, life insurance, bank accounts and retirement savings won’t magically flow into your trust. DELLAMONACA.COM The Biggest Mistake in Trusts: Funding | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Retirement Account Beneficiary Choices and Your Estate It is surprisingly easy and common to make mistakes when designating beneficiaries on retirement and investment accounts. DELLAMONACA.COM Retirement Account Beneficiary Choices and Your Estate | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
What Trusts are Available for Estate Planning? Trusts are an essential part of most estate plans, even the plans of people with moderate wealth. You need to know the basics of trusts, especially the key terms and concepts of the most widely-used types of trusts. DELLAMONACA.COM What Trusts are Available for Estate Planning? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
What Key Estate Planning Terms Should I Know? Estate planning is an incredibly important tool, not just for the uber wealthy or those thinking about retirement. On the contrary, estate planning is something every adult should do. DELLAMONACA.COM What Key Estate Planning Terms Should I Know? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Does My Business Need a Power of Attorney? As a business person you may have seen the term "durable power of attorney" in several situations. Power of attorney is a strange term because it's not immediately clear what powers an attorney for the business may have. DELLAMONACA.COM Does My Business Need a Power of Attorney? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
No Time Like the Present Pandemic to Get the Estate Plan Going There’s nothing like a once-in-a-lifetime global pandemic to focus one’s thinking. This year has been one for the books. DELLAMONACA.COM No Time Like the Present Pandemic to Get the Estate Plan Going | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Does Sleep Help with Alzheimer’s? So how does one clean the brain? According to a study published in the journal Science, prioritizing sleep could be the key to eliminating toxins. DELLAMONACA.COM Does Sleep Help with Alzheimer’s? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Make Sure Your Estate Plan Protects Digital Assets Do you have accounts, records or information that are accessed using your mobile phone, through an internet connection, or by using a keyboard or through a touch-screen or tablet? DELLAMONACA.COM Make Sure Your Estate Plan Protects Digital Assets | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
The Biggest Estate Planning Mistakes and How to Avoid Them “” One of the biggest wealth transfers our nation has ever seen is about to take place. Over the next 25 years, as much as $68 trillion of wealth will be passed to succeeding generations. DELLAMONACA.COM The Biggest Estate Planning Mistakes and How to Avoid Them “” | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How Do You Stop Family Fights Over an Inheritance? After a loved one passes, one of the biggest hurdles families face is passing wealth onto the next generation. Unfortunately, family dynamics can spur conflict and infighting among descendants. DELLAMONACA.COM How Do You Stop Family Fights Over an Inheritance? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Do I Really Need a Will? There’s much to plan for in life — college, your wedding, your first child, life insurance — and with more than enough to keep you busy, it’s easy to forget about your will. After all, no one wants to sit around and dwell on their death, but it is perhaps one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. DELLAMONACA.COM Do I Really Need a Will? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
The Importance of a Will There’s much to plan for in life—college, your wedding, your first child, life insurance—and with more than enough to keep you busy, it’s easy to forget about your will. DELLAMONACA.COM The Importance of a Will | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
What Does Legacy Planning Mean? To ensure a lasting legacy, you need to get your documents in order and have a clear plan for how your wealth will transfer, avoiding taxes and inheritor pitfalls along the way. DELLAMONACA.COM What Does Legacy Planning Mean? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
What are the Biggest Estate Planning Mistakes? Taking a few simple steps now can potentially help save your beneficiaries thousands in legal fees and taxes. DELLAMONACA.COM What are the Biggest Estate Planning Mistakes? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How Does Probate affect Real Estate Transactions? Is it better to transfer the title of the home to us, or to leave it as it is given her age and go through probate? DELLAMONACA.COM How Does Probate affect Real Estate Transactions? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Advice If You are Named Executor of a Family Estate After a loved one passes, one of the biggest hurdles that families face, is passing wealth onto the next generation. Unfortunately, family dynamics can spur conflict and infighting among descendants. DELLAMONACA.COM Advice If You are Named Executor of a Family Estate | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
It’s Time to Stop Procrastinating and Have Your Estate Plan Done The steady drone of coronavirus news these past nine months has spurred countless older Americans to face a long-procrastinated task: writing—or rewriting—their wills. DELLAMONACA.COM It’s Time to Stop Procrastinating and Have Your Estate Plan Done | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Is Probate Required If There Is a Surviving Spouse? A common misconception is that you do not have to probate a will when your spouse dies. DELLAMONACA.COM Is Probate Required If There Is a Surviving Spouse? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Should a Husband and Wife have Separate Trusts? In situations where both spouses want the surviving spouse to inherit all the assets, which is often the case, a joint trust can be far less complicated to set up and maintain than separate trusts, with less headaches for the surviving spouse. DELLAMONACA.COM Should a Husband and Wife have Separate Trusts? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How Do I Plan for a Loved One with Special Needs? It is critical that parents and grandparents give careful thought to any gift of money or bequest in an estate plan, when the recipient has special needs. DELLAMONACA.COM How Do I Plan for a Loved One with Special Needs? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
What are the Biggest Estate Planning Mistakes? Taking a few simple steps now can potentially help save your beneficiaries thousands in legal fees and taxes. DELLAMONACA.COM What are the Biggest Estate Planning Mistakes? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How Does Probate affect Real Estate Transactions? Is it better to transfer the title of the home to us, or to leave it as it is given her age and go through probate? DELLAMONACA.COM How Does Probate affect Real Estate Transactions? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
What are the Basic Estate Planning Documents? In a nutshell, an estate plan encompasses the accumulation, conservation and distribution of an estate. Done well, it will enhance and maintain the financial security of the next generation. DELLAMONACA.COM What are the Basic Estate Planning Documents? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
What Questions Keep Pre-Retirees Awake at Night? Do you have answers for these four questions? Then congratulations and rest easy: You really are ready to retire. DELLAMONACA.COM What Questions Keep Pre-Retirees Awake at Night? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Elder Financial Abuse on the Rise during Pandemic The pandemic is isolating many elderly Americans—as family members distance themselves, in an effort to keep everyone safe. DELLAMONACA.COM Elder Financial Abuse on the Rise during Pandemic | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
What Happens to Credit Card Debt when Someone Dies? If you get bogged down with a high balance that you can’t easily afford to pay off, it can take years to get out of debt. However, what happens to your credit card debt, if you die before you’ve repaid it? DELLAMONACA.COM What Happens to Credit Card Debt when Someone Dies? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
It’s Time to Stop Procrastinating and Have Your Estate Plan Done The steady drone of coronavirus news these past nine months has spurred countless older Americans to face a long-procrastinated task: writing—or rewriting—their wills. DELLAMONACA.COM It’s Time to Stop Procrastinating and Have Your Estate Plan Done | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Is Probate Required If There Is a Surviving Spouse? A common misconception is that you do not have to probate a will when your spouse dies. DELLAMONACA.COM Is Probate Required If There Is a Surviving Spouse? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How to Organize Digital Assets You must now make sure that your loved ones have access to your digital assets should you die. DELLAMONACA.COM How to Organize Digital Assets | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Zappos CEO had No Will and That Is a Mistake If you pass away without a will, a state court generally decides who gets your assets and, if you have children, who will care for them. DELLAMONACA.COM Zappos CEO had No Will and That Is a Mistake | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
What Should I Know about a Living Trust? A living trust is an estate planning legal document that contains your instructions and authorization for what you want to happen to your assets, when you become disabled or pass away. DELLAMONACA.COM What Should I Know about a Living Trust? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
What are the Basic Estate Planning Documents? In a nutshell, an estate plan encompasses the accumulation, conservation and distribution of an estate. Done well, it will enhance and maintain the financial security of the next generation. DELLAMONACA.COM What are the Basic Estate Planning Documents? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
What Questions Keep Pre-Retirees Awake at Night? Do you have answers for these four questions? Then congratulations and rest easy: You really are ready to retire. DELLAMONACA.COM What Questions Keep Pre-Retirees Awake at Night? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Elder Financial Abuse on the Rise during Pandemic The pandemic is isolating many elderly Americans—as family members distance themselves, in an effort to keep everyone safe. DELLAMONACA.COM Elder Financial Abuse on the Rise during Pandemic | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How Much Should We Tell the Children about the Estate Plan? Even those with thorough estate plans might have neglected to discuss details with potential heirs. DELLAMONACA.COM How Much Should We Tell the Children about the Estate Plan? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How Can Estate Planning Address the Troubled Child? Every family has one–or maybe more–black sheep. They’re people who march to their own drum and handing them an inheritance could be problematic. DELLAMONACA.COM How Can Estate Planning Address the Troubled Child? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Is the Pandemic Motivating People to Do Estate Planning? Lack of understanding around estate planning may be leading Americans to avoid getting a will, even as interest is on the rise due to the global pandemic, according to a new survey from financial services leader Policygenius. DELLAMONACA.COM Is the Pandemic Motivating People to Do Estate Planning? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
What Do I Need to Know about Creating a Will? Creating a will is one of the most basic elements of estate planning. There are different types of wills you can choose from, including a simple will. DELLAMONACA.COM What Do I Need to Know about Creating a Will? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How to Organize Digital Assets You must now make sure that your loved ones have access to your digital assets should you die. DELLAMONACA.COM How to Organize Digital Assets | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Zappos CEO had No Will and That Is a Mistake If you pass away without a will, a state court generally decides who gets your assets and, if you have children, who will care for them. DELLAMONACA.COM Zappos CEO had No Will and That Is a Mistake | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
What Kind of Estate Planning Mistakes Do People Make? Many people plan their estates diligently, with input from legal, tax and financial professionals. Others plan earnestly but make mistakes that can potentially affect both the transfer and destiny of family wealth. DELLAMONACA.COM What Kind of Estate Planning Mistakes Do People Make? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
What You Should Never, Ever, Include in Your Will A last will and testament is a straightforward estate planning tool, used to determine the beneficiaries of your assets when you die, and, if you have minor children, nominating a guardian who will raise your children. Wills can be very specific but can’t enforce all of your wishes. For example, if you want to leave… DELLAMONACA.COM What You Should Never, Ever, Include in Your Will | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How Can I Easily Pass My Home to My Only Child? I am a single retired parent to an adult daughter, who is an only child. The home I currently reside for the last 26 years still has a mortgage and the deed is in my name only. I have a will that states everything is left to my daughter, and then to my grandson, if she proceeds me in death. Should my daughter be added to the deed? DELLAMONACA.COM How Can I Easily Pass My Home to My Only Child? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How Much Should We Tell the Children about the Estate Plan? Even those with thorough estate plans might have neglected to discuss details with potential heirs. DELLAMONACA.COM How Much Should We Tell the Children about the Estate Plan? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How Can Estate Planning Address the Troubled Child? Every family has one–or maybe more–black sheep. They’re people who march to their own drum and handing them an inheritance could be problematic. DELLAMONACA.COM How Can Estate Planning Address the Troubled Child? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Is the Pandemic Motivating People to Do Estate Planning? Lack of understanding around estate planning may be leading Americans to avoid getting a will, even as interest is on the rise due to the global pandemic, according to a new survey from financial services leader Policygenius. DELLAMONACA.COM Is the Pandemic Motivating People to Do Estate Planning? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How to Plan for ‘Black Sheep’ Kid in Will There are several myths about how estates must be distributed that can lead to lots of worry about what will happen to a “wild child” in the future and stress about family dynamics. DELLAMONACA.COM How to Plan for ‘Black Sheep’ Kid in Will | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How Can Blended Families Use Estate Planning to Protect All of the Siblings? No matter how solid the relationships might be, it is important for parents to be aware how blended families can create unique estate planning issues. DELLAMONACA.COM How Can Blended Families Use Estate Planning to Protect All of the Siblings? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Estate Planning Is Best When Personalized When something is tailored to one’s needs, everything can go smoother. DELLAMONACA.COM Estate Planning Is Best When Personalized | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
What Kind of Estate Planning Mistakes Do People Make? Many people plan their estates diligently, with input from legal, tax and financial professionals. Others plan earnestly but make mistakes that can potentially affect both the transfer and destiny of family wealth. DELLAMONACA.COM What Kind of Estate Planning Mistakes Do People Make? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
What You Should Never, Ever, Include in Your Will A last will and testament is a straightforward estate planning tool, used to determine the beneficiaries of your assets when you die, and, if you have minor children, nominating a guardian who will raise your children. Wills can be very specific but can’t enforce all of your wishes. For example, if you want to leave… DELLAMONACA.COM What You Should Never, Ever, Include in Your Will | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How Can I Easily Pass My Home to My Only Child? I am a single retired parent to an adult daughter, who is an only child. The home I currently reside for the last 26 years still has a mortgage and the deed is in my name only. I have a will that states everything is left to my daughter, and then to my grandson, if she proceeds me in death. Should my daughter be added to the deed? DELLAMONACA.COM How Can I Easily Pass My Home to My Only Child? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
What are Options for Powers of Attorney? Powers of attorney come in different forms, each suited for a specific purpose. They serve as useful tools in any estate-planning effort. DELLAMONACA.COM What are Options for Powers of Attorney? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Should I Add that to My Will? A last will and testament is the foundation of an estate plan, which lets you plan for your estate after you’re gone. However, there are certain things that you might not want to put in your will. DELLAMONACA.COM Should I Add that to My Will? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Should I Create Estate Plan Myself? The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has pushed many people to make long-delayed decisions about estate planning. Many people will try the do-it-yourself route via various websites or books. Internet DIY websites make it easy to download forms, but there are mistakes people make when they try do-it-yourself estate planning. DELLAMONACA.COM Should I Create Estate Plan Myself? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
What Legal Documents Should You Have? A majority of retirees—53%—have a last will and testament. However, most lack six other crucial legal documents. DELLAMONACA.COM What Legal Documents Should You Have? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How to Plan for ‘Black Sheep’ Kid in Will There are several myths about how estates must be distributed that can lead to lots of worry about what will happen to a “wild child” in the future and stress about family dynamics. DELLAMONACA.COM How to Plan for ‘Black Sheep’ Kid in Will | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How Can Blended Families Use Estate Planning to Protect All of the Siblings? No matter how solid the relationships might be, it is important for parents to be aware how blended families can create unique estate planning issues. DELLAMONACA.COM How Can Blended Families Use Estate Planning to Protect All of the Siblings? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
States with Most Affordable Long-Term Care? There are currently 73 million baby boomers in the U.S., and by the end of the coming decade, all of them will have turned 65, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. DELLAMONACA.COM States with Most Affordable Long-Term Care? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Should You Update Your Will When You Move? State-by-state differences in matters around taxes, inheritance, marital property and more make a thorough review imperative. DELLAMONACA.COM Should You Update Your Will When You Move? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Estate of Charles Schulz Still Making Money Is there a person on the planet who doesn't love the Peanuts characters? Snoopy, Charlie Brown, Lucy, Pigpen, Schroeder, and the gang are the iconic creations of Charles Schulz. In fact, it is still so popular that they earned Schulz's estate $32.5 million over the last year, two decades since his death due to cancer. DELLAMONACA.COM Estate of Charles Schulz Still Making Money | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Can an Executor be Replaced? Drafting a last will and testament can help to ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes after you pass away. You can also use your will to name a legal guardian for minor children or choose an executor for your estate. DELLAMONACA.COM Can an Executor be Replaced? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
What are Options for Powers of Attorney? Powers of attorney come in different forms, each suited for a specific purpose. They serve as useful tools in any estate-planning effort. DELLAMONACA.COM What are Options for Powers of Attorney? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Should I Add that to My Will? A last will and testament is the foundation of an estate plan, which lets you plan for your estate after you’re gone. However, there are certain things that you might not want to put in your will. DELLAMONACA.COM Should I Add that to My Will? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Wealthy Women Face Challenges in Estate and Tax Planning Given the expectation the Biden administration will roll back some of Trump’s favorable policies of the past four years, tax consultants and accountants are already hard at work. But for HNW women, dealing with election fallout is minor, compared to the bigger fish they have been frying in the tax pan for decades. DELLAMONACA.COM Wealthy Women Face Challenges in Estate and Tax Planning | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How do I Settle an Estate if I’m Named Executor? Usually when asked to be the executor of a family member’s estate, the person feels honored and trusted. It’s a big responsibility, since the executor will be tasked with carrying out a loved one’s final wishes. DELLAMONACA.COM How do I Settle an Estate if I’m Named Executor? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How to Plan for a ‘Fragile’ Beneficiary Today, estate planning can encompass more than addressing your potential tax exposure. It frequently requires protection of a “fragile beneficiary,” who can include family members with disabilities, individuals struggling with addiction, spendthrifts and even minors and there are planning options available to do so. DELLAMONACA.COM How to Plan for a ‘Fragile’ Beneficiary | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
It Is Important to have a Digital Estate Plan What happens to all your digital accounts, services and property after you die? The official name for all these is a Digital Estate Plan. With the lines increasingly blurred between our on-and off-line lives, it's more important than ever to have a plan for your digital holdings. DELLAMONACA.COM It Is Important to have a Digital Estate Plan | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
What to Do First when Spouse Dies After a loved one dies, their affairs need to be set in order. You might find yourself planning a funeral, paying bills and closing accounts. The list of things you need to do after someone dies can seem endless, especially during a time when you are also grieving. DELLAMONACA.COM What to Do First when Spouse Dies | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
States with Most Affordable Long-Term Care? There are currently 73 million baby boomers in the U.S., and by the end of the coming decade, all of them will have turned 65, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. DELLAMONACA.COM States with Most Affordable Long-Term Care? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Does a Trust Have to Be Funded to Be Valid? If you don’t also fund it, unexpected things can happen and some of those things may not reflect the intent to the grantor. DELLAMONACA.COM Does a Trust Have to Be Funded to Be Valid? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Can I Fire the Executor of My Will? It’s possible to make changes to your will after it’s written, including removing or adding an executor, if necessary. DELLAMONACA.COM Can I Fire the Executor of My Will? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
The Difference between Power of Attorney and Guardianship for Elderly Parents The difference between power of attorney and guardianship is a common question asked by adult children. Both roles share a duty to provide care and oversight of medical care and health. DELLAMONACA.COM The Difference between Power of Attorney and Guardianship for Elderly Parents | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Wealthy Women Face Challenges in Estate and Tax Planning Given the expectation the Biden administration will roll back some of Trump’s favorable policies of the past four years, tax consultants and accountants are already hard at work. But for HNW women, dealing with election fallout is minor, compared to the bigger fish they have been frying in the tax pan for decades. DELLAMONACA.COM Wealthy Women Face Challenges in Estate and Tax Planning | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How do I Settle an Estate if I’m Named Executor? Usually when asked to be the executor of a family member’s estate, the person feels honored and trusted. It’s a big responsibility, since the executor will be tasked with carrying out a loved one’s final wishes. DELLAMONACA.COM How do I Settle an Estate if I’m Named Executor? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How to Plan for a ‘Fragile’ Beneficiary Today, estate planning can encompass more than addressing your potential tax exposure. It frequently requires protection of a “fragile beneficiary,” who can include family members with disabilities, individuals struggling with addiction, spendthrifts and even minors and there are planning options available to do so. DELLAMONACA.COM How to Plan for a ‘Fragile’ Beneficiary | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Control of Assets a Key Issue in Deciding on a Trust Avoiding probate usually is the main appeal for living trusts. Trusts also can provide a gentler transition, if the grantor becomes incapacitated. DELLAMONACA.COM Control of Assets a Key Issue in Deciding on a Trust | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Every Adults Needs a Will and a Health Care Power of Attorney A serious illness can happen at any age, but just 18% of those 55 and older have a living will, power of attorney for health care and a last will and testament, according to a 2019 study by Merrill Lynch Wealth Management. AZ Central’s recent article entitled “What to know about wills and health care… DELLAMONACA.COM Every Adults Needs a Will and a Health Care Power of Attorney | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
What Is a Conservatorship? When an individual cannot make important decisions for himself or herself, a judge appoints someone called the conservator or guardian to make decisions. The conservator has the legal backing of the court in all decisions, including finances, medical and personal care. DELLAMONACA.COM What Is a Conservatorship? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Do We Need Estate Planning? Everyone, regardless of financial status or age, can benefit from having an estate plan—assuming you have assets to leave and people to leave them to. DELLAMONACA.COM Do We Need Estate Planning? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Am I Named in a Will? How Would I Know? How can we see if there was a will and if it’s worth pursuing? DELLAMONACA.COM Am I Named in a Will? How Would I Know? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Does a Trust Have to Be Funded to Be Valid? If you don’t also fund it, unexpected things can happen and some of those things may not reflect the intent to the grantor. DELLAMONACA.COM Does a Trust Have to Be Funded to Be Valid? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How Do You Plan for the Death of a Spouse? Beneficiary designations, tying up loose ends, reporting last wishes—here’s what you can do now. DELLAMONACA.COM How Do You Plan for the Death of a Spouse? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
When Does a Power of Attorney Fail to Do Its Job? Every estate plan should have a power of attorney, in which you give one or more people authority to act as agents on your behalf when you aren’t able to. DELLAMONACA.COM When Does a Power of Attorney Fail to Do Its Job? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Divorce, Death and Details: Missteps can Create Estate Planning Disasters After the divorce, Mike logged onto the employer’s benefits system and tried, but failed, to delete Wendy as the beneficiary of his life insurance. DELLAMONACA.COM Divorce, Death and Details: Missteps can Create Estate Planning Disasters | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Can Unmarried Couples have an Estate Plan? The couple needs to create an appropriate estate plan. If they truly want inheritance rights, they need to execute testamentary documents, such as wills. DELLAMONACA.COM Can Unmarried Couples have an Estate Plan? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Control of Assets a Key Issue in Deciding on a Trust Avoiding probate usually is the main appeal for living trusts. Trusts also can provide a gentler transition, if the grantor becomes incapacitated. DELLAMONACA.COM Control of Assets a Key Issue in Deciding on a Trust | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Every Adults Needs a Will and a Health Care Power of Attorney A serious illness can happen at any age, but just 18% of those 55 and older have a living will, power of attorney for health care and a last will and testament, according to a 2019 study by Merrill Lynch Wealth Management. AZ Central’s recent article entitled “What to know about wills and health care… DELLAMONACA.COM Every Adults Needs a Will and a Health Care Power of Attorney | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
What’s the Difference between Per Stirpes vs. Per Capita in Estate Planning? Here’s a closer look at what per stirpes vs. per capita means. DELLAMONACA.COM What’s the Difference between Per Stirpes vs. Per Capita in Estate Planning? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How Do You Plan for the Death of a Spouse? Beneficiary designations, tying up loose ends, reporting last wishes—here’s what you can do now. DELLAMONACA.COM How Do You Plan for the Death of a Spouse? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
When Does a Power of Attorney Fail to Do Its Job? Every estate plan should have a power of attorney, in which you give one or more people authority to act as agents on your behalf when you aren’t able to. DELLAMONACA.COM When Does a Power of Attorney Fail to Do Its Job? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Divorce, Death and Details: Missteps can Create Estate Planning Disasters After the divorce, Mike logged onto the employer’s benefits system and tried, but failed, to delete Wendy as the beneficiary of his life insurance. DELLAMONACA.COM Divorce, Death and Details: Missteps can Create Estate Planning Disasters | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
We're so excited to share our new Masterclass! I share tips on things like: --How to keep your family out of court and conflict. --What steps to take now to protect your children and name back-up parents who can step in if something happens to you. --How to avoid the high cost of death taxes … even if they go higher! --How my clients get the help they need to pay for long-term nursing care when it’s needed … and protect their loved ones from losing everything to the nursing home. --What you need to do right now to keep your assets out of our already-clogged and slow-moving courts to protect your loved ones should you become sick, disabled or die. Watch today and please share with those you care about:
How Does the Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Work in Estate Planning? Estate planning can help you pass on assets to your heirs, while potentially minimizing taxes. When gifting assets, it’s important to consider when and how the generation-skipping tax transfer (GSTT) may apply. DELLAMONACA.COM How Does the Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Work in Estate Planning? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Should I Use a Living Trust in Estate Planning? I understand that most people don’t need a living trust because probate is simple in the state, but can having a living trust save you time or money? DELLAMONACA.COM Should I Use a Living Trust in Estate Planning? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Should I Pass a Certificate of Deposit in My Will? Is there a Certificate of Deposit for a husband and wife where if one passes away, the CD is not subject to probate for the surviving spouse? DELLAMONACA.COM Should I Pass a Certificate of Deposit in My Will? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca added a new photo. March 2 at 5:11 PM · Our team
Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca added a new photo. March 2 at 5:09 PM · Our office
We're so excited to share our new Masterclass! I share tips on things like: --How to keep your family out of court and conflict. --What steps to take now to protect your children and name back-up parents who can step in if something happens to you. --How to avoid the high cost of death taxes … even if they go higher! --How my clients get the help they need to pay for long-term nursing care when it’s needed … and protect their loved ones from losing everything to the nursing home. --What you need to do right now to keep your assets out of our already-clogged and slow-moving courts to protect your loved ones should you become sick, disabled or die. Watch today and please share with those you care about:
How Do You Handle Probate? Although there is considerable legal information and misinformation, it is generally understood that a last will and testament is the device used to distribute property after death. However, the why, how and when are less familiar. DELLAMONACA.COM How Do You Handle Probate? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Get Estate Plan in Order, If Spouse Is Dying from a Terminal Illness Planning for the death of a spouse is difficult and painful. It involves conversations that we don’t want to have. DELLAMONACA.COM Get Estate Plan in Order, If Spouse Is Dying from a Terminal Illness | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Attorney DellaMonaca received his second covid vaccine shot today. He's glad that it will help keep his clients safe, and he encourages everyone who qualifies to pursue getting vaccinated. It can be frustrating, and the slots fill up quick, but please stay with it, and let's beat this virus together.
Estate Planning Meets Tax Planning By being very selective about who receives which type of money—whether Traditional or Roth IRAs, after-tax brokerage accounts, life insurance, etc.—you can dramatically cut the share that goes to the IRS and increase the amount going to your family. DELLAMONACA.COM Estate Planning Meets Tax Planning | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Does Living Trust Help with Probate and Inheritance Taxes? I was told that unlike wills, a trust doesn’t require probate and is not taxable. My main asset is a house that I want to pass on to my son. Would a living trust help? DELLAMONACA.COM Does Living Trust Help with Probate and Inheritance Taxes? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
We're so excited to share our new Masterclass! I share tips on things like: --How to keep your family out of court and conflict. --What steps to take now to protect your children and name back-up parents who can step in if something happens to you. --How to avoid the high cost of death taxes … even if they go higher! --How my clients get the help they need to pay for long-term nursing care when it’s needed … and protect their loved ones from losing everything to the nursing home. --What you need to do right now to keep your assets out of our already-clogged and slow-moving courts to protect your loved ones should you become sick, disabled or die. Watch today and please share with those you care about:
How Do I Talk to the Children about My Estate Planning? Many baby boomers may hesitate to discuss money with their children, but the reality is that a massive amount of wealth will be transferred in the next couple of decades. DELLAMONACA.COM How Do I Talk to the Children about My Estate Planning? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
If I Move to a New State, Do I Need to Update My Estate Plan? While legally you may not need all-new estate planning documents if you move to a different state, you should have your documents reviewed by a local attorney in your new home. DELLAMONACA.COM If I Move to a New State, Do I Need to Update My Estate Plan? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Estate Planning for a Blended Family If you’re in a blended family, you’re already aware of the emotional and financial issues involved in your daily life. However, what about the future? DELLAMONACA.COM Estate Planning for a Blended Family | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
What’s a Living Will? A living will is a legal document that allows you to specify the kind of care you’d like to receive in end-of-life situations. This is different from an advance healthcare directive, though either one can be an important part of an estate plan. DELLAMONACA.COM What’s a Living Will? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How Do You Handle Probate? Although there is considerable legal information and misinformation, it is generally understood that a last will and testament is the device used to distribute property after death. However, the why, how and when are less familiar. DELLAMONACA.COM How Do You Handle Probate? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
We're so excited to share our new Masterclass! I share tips on things like: --How to keep your family out of court and conflict. --What steps to take now to protect your children and name back-up parents who can step in if something happens to you. --How to avoid the high cost of death taxes … even if they go higher! --How my clients get the help they need to pay for long-term nursing care when it’s needed … and protect their loved ones from losing everything to the nursing home. --What you need to do right now to keep your assets out of our already-clogged and slow-moving courts to protect your loved ones should you become sick, disabled or die. Watch today and please share with those you care about:
Is it Better to Have a Living Will or a Living Trust? Whether you need a living will vs. living trust as part of your estate plan depends on your overall financial situation and goals. However, it’s helpful to consider the advantages of including one or both in your planning efforts. DELLAMONACA.COM Is it Better to Have a Living Will or a Living Trust? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Sound Like a Broken Record in Estate Planning? The year 2020, plagued by COVID-19, has exposed all of our vulnerabilities to disease and death, regardless of age, gender, and socio-economic class. DELLAMONACA.COM Sound Like a Broken Record in Estate Planning? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
Should Inherited Money Be Equally Split Between Family Members When you’re planning to divide your estate unequally, explain the reasons to your heirs, and remember: They might be hurt anyway. DELLAMONACA.COM Should Inherited Money Be Equally Split Between Family Members | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
How Do I Talk to the Children about My Estate Planning? Many baby boomers may hesitate to discuss money with their children, but the reality is that a massive amount of wealth will be transferred in the next couple of decades. DELLAMONACA.COM How Do I Talk to the Children about My Estate Planning? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
If I Move to a New State, Do I Need to Update My Estate Plan? While legally you may not need all-new estate planning documents if you move to a different state, you should have your documents reviewed by a local attorney in your new home. DELLAMONACA.COM If I Move to a New State, Do I Need to Update My Estate Plan? | Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca


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Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca
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  • What is the phone number for Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca in Fitchburg MA?
    You can reach them at: 978-342-1914. It’s best to call Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca during business hours.
  • What is the address for Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca on south street in Fitchburg?
    Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca is located at this address: 982 South Street Fitchburg, MA 01420.
  • What are Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca(Fitchburg, MA) store hours?
    Law Office of Michael D. DellaMonaca store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 9:00AM - 4:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.