Law Offices of Adrian H. Altshuler & Associates

The Law Offices of Adrian H. Altshuler & Associates is a full service law firm providing assistance with criminal defense, family law, divorce & estate planning matters. We know your legal issue can't wait and are standing by 24/7 to assist you with your needs. Call now.

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Law Offices of Adrian H. Altshuler & Associates

US Postal Code:37064

Address: 219 3rd Ave N, Franklin
Store Hours:
Mon-Fri: 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Sat-Sun: Closed

Law Offices of Adrian H. Altshuler & Associates

US Postal Code:37027

Address: 1616 Westgate Cir, #363, Brentwood
Store Hours:
Mon-Fri: 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Sat-Sun: Closed

Law Offices of Adrian H. Altshuler & Associates

US Postal Code:38401

Address: 604 N High St., Columbia
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Latest Law Offices of Adrian H. Altshuler & Associates news

Tennessee’s legislative bodies are considering a new “red flag” law that would permit a temporary confiscation of guns from “at-risk” persons. The legislation would allow the courts in Tennessee to remove firearms on a temporary basis from relatives who are deemed to present a threat either to other people or themselves. ALTSHULERLAW.COM Serious Flaws in Tennessee’s Proposed New Red Flag Law
For years, we have known there is a connection between mental illness and incarceration. As public facilities for treating people with mental illness have closed, patients have been left with few choices. They can treat with private doctors, an expensive option that may not be available to all people, or they rely on community services, which are often underfunded and difficult to access. ALTSHULERLAW.COM Mental Health and the Criminal Justice System
People need to understand what actions constitute domestic abuse. Victims who are abused in any way should seek advice from an experienced family lawyer to understand their rights and to review their options. There are immediate remedies that can require that the abuser stop the contact and remove themselves from the marital home. ALTSHULERLAW.COM Types of Domestic Abuse
Drunk driving is a very serious offense in Tennessee. Even first-time offenders face time in jail, license revocation for up to one year, and substantial fines. Anyone who pleads or is found guilty of a DUI will be required to attend a mandatory alcohol counseling program. A conviction also means having to install an interlock ignition device (IID) on your car when you are permitted to drive. ALTSHULERLAW.COM What Is a Felony DUI?
There are many different types of investment properties that earn an income: rental properties, condos, apartments, stocks, and many other types of real and personal property. Some of the investments provide a little extra cash for the owners. Other investments provide a livelihood. ALTSHULERLAW.COM Division of Property Rights When Spouses Own Investment Properties
New, dangerous drugs pop up on the black market all the time, creating significant health risks to users. One of these is a new form of methamphetamine (aka “meth”) which is currently ravaging East Texas. As a result, Texans in possession of drugs, in addition to manufacturers and sellers, are becoming the target of state and federal criminal drug enforcement actions. ALTSHULERLAW.COM A Deadlier Meth – “Super Meth” – Is Raising Alarms
New state laws require life sentences for more criminal offenses. The enforcement of these laws through arrests, prosecutions, and convictions is causing a large increase in the Tennessee state prison population. ALTSHULERLAW.COM New Analysis Reveals Tennessee’s Growth in Life Sentences for Criminal Offenses
Going through a divorce is not only fueled with a variety of emotions, but it is also driven by parties attempting to obtain evidence of wrongdoing to be used as leverage in settlement or at trial. Sometimes it’s spurred on by plain old anger as one party looks for anything that can cause embarrassment to the other. Making it harder for information to be found can make your life (and case) a little easier. ALTSHULERLAW.COM How to Keep Your Online Life Confidential During Divorce
Who knows where certain information comes from? You hear through the grapevine over the years that one thing or another can keep you from getting arrested if you’ve committed a crime. Unfortunately, that bad game of “whisper down the lane” can very well have the opposite result because what you’ve heard is frequently wrong. ALTSHULERLAW.COM Busting 4 Myths About Being Arrested
There was a time when society and courts automatically handed over child custody and essentially total control of raising a divorced couples’ children to the mother. For a long time that was the standard without question, but it is slowly becoming a thing of the past. Fathers who were taught their place was being a periodic guest in their children’s lives every other weekend have realized they are entitled to more of a role in rearing their kids. ALTSHULERLAW.COM What Is the Fathers’ Rights Movement?
Mandatory mask wearing has been a controversial subject for many months around the country. Some states have issued a sweeping mandate while others, like Tennessee, have refrained leaving it to individual municipalities to decide and enforce. This can make it tricky for anyone traveling around the state to know whether they risk being arrested just for crossing an invisible boundary line that holds citizens to different rules. ALTSHULERLAW.COM Can I Be Arrested for Not Wearing a Mask in Tennessee?
Child support payments are to be used for your children’s benefit, to ensure that they are clothed, fed, educated, and kept healthy. While we know parents want what’s best for their children, we also know that child support can be a contentious issue. ALTSHULERLAW.COM I Need to Change My Child Support. What Do I Do?