Law Offices of Christopher E. Grell

(on franklin street ste oakland)
Lawyers and Law Firms in Oakland, CA
Lawyers and Law Firms


1841 Franklin Street Ste 501 Oakland, CA 94612
Oakland, CA


The law offices of Christopher E. Grell is rated as being an AV Preiment Law firm with a A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau.

The firm handles all different types of personal injury and wrongful death cases including products liability, medical malpractice, asbestos and a special interest in cases involving dietary supplements and herbal products.


Company name
Law Offices of Christopher E. Grell
Lawyers and Law Firms


  • What is the phone number for Law Offices of Christopher E. Grell in Oakland CA?
    You can reach them at: 510-832-2980. It’s best to call Law Offices of Christopher E. Grell during business hours.
  • What is the address for Law Offices of Christopher E. Grell on franklin street ste oakland in Oakland?
    Law Offices of Christopher E. Grell is located at this address: 1841 Franklin Street Ste 501 Oakland, CA 94612 Oakland, CA 94612.