A successful parenting plan prioritizes the needs of the child.
3 Tips For Creating A Custody Plan
Splitting retirement accounts, losing child-related credits and other financial implications may have impactful tax implications.
Will Divorce Affect My Taxes?
The requirements for divorce may change, but the causes are likely to remain the same.
Why Do Marriages End?
Cooperating with one another can help children adjust to their new living situation.
Creating A Healthy Co-Parenting Relationship
One parent may badmouth the other during divorce.
Does Parental Alienation Harm Kids?
When birds flee the coop, they sometimes take the family's large nest egg with them.
Is My Spouse Hiding Assets Out Of State?
How much of a working spouse's social security benefits does a non-working spouse get in the event of a divorce in Texas?
Do Spouses Split Social Security In Divorce?
How divorced parents in Texas can relieve holiday visitation stress by swapping dates and traditions.
Co-Parenting The Cheer
Serving in the military shouldn't affect the ability to serve as a guardian.
How To Balance Duty And Parenting