Before you file for bankruptcy, you could be ordered to take a credit counseling class. This will give you a chance to take a look at your finances and debt.
During the bankruptcy procedure, a “meeting with the creditors” will take place and its primary purpose is to gather all the facts about the debt of the filer. A qualified bankruptcy attorney can prepare you for this meeting so that it goes smoothly.
A child may be eligible for disability benefits when they are under 18, meets the definition of disability, and the child’s parent is disabled or deceased and were insured at the time of death.
Did you know that you don’t have to be legally blind in order to qualify for disability benefits? In many cases, having low vision, even without another medical condition, may be enough for you to qualify.
You and your spouse have probably spoken in depth about issues such as cremation or burial and end-of-life medical treatment. It’s a smart idea, however, to recognize that it’s impossible to know who will live longest. Experts recommend that everyone has a will that includes directions for end-of-life care.
If you and your spouse are considering both bankruptcy and a divorce, we can explain your options. Often, it is a better idea to handle the bankruptcy before the divorce, but every situation is unique and must be assessed separately.