The Santa Clarita Valley has adopted several new legislations that update employee rights during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Visit our blog to learn about a few of these important legal changes that every worker in SCV and other parts of California should know:
SCV Adopts Legal Updates for Employees Working During the Coronavirus Pandemic
If you test positive for the novel coronavirus, can you file for workers’ compensation? We discuss the possibilities in our workers’ comp law blog.
Is Coronavirus a Valid Reason to File for Workers’ Compensation?
If you were injured in a work accident and have been researching workers’ compensation, you may have seen it described as a “no-fault” system. What exactly does this mean? Read our blog to learn more:
Why is Workers’ Compensation Described as a “No-Fault” System?
If you have been injured in a collision while driving a work vehicle, you may be confused about how you can recover compensation for your injuries. For more information, check out our blog:
How Do I Recover Compensation for a Work Vehicle Accident?
The importance of documented medical treatment in a workers’ compensation claim is why following that treatment exactly as your doctor advised is crucial. Read our blog to learn more:
The Importance of Following Your Doctor’s Advice After a Work Injury
For employees who are not able to return to their previous role but can work, their employer may offer modified work or alternative work. Read our blog to learn more:
Returning to Work After an Injury: Regular, Modified, and Alternative Work
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