We're all concerned about the Covid-19 pandemic. But while you're out stocking up on toilet paper, Lysol, and groceries, be kind to one another.
What is COVID-19 and What Are the Symptoms? | Kaiser Permanente
How Can I Protect Myself From Getting COVID-19? | Kaiser Permanente
Even though it's supposed to be ridiculously cold this weekend, Spring is just around the corner and that means it's Home Improvement season. Here are some DIY fail for your enjoyment. Don't try these at home!
That Didn't Go as PLANNED! | Funniest DIY Fails | AFV 2019
While you wouldn't want Mr. Haney minding your farm, you do need someone looking out for you. We offer Farm Insurance for farms big and small. Call today for quote.
GreenAcres Mr. Haney's Farm Minding Service
According to the weatherman, it's supposed to actually seem like winter beginning on Friday and lasting through at least next week. Here are some tips to help you get out on the roads quickly and safely.
11 Simple Tricks to Protect Your Car in Winter
As the weather turns colder, the risk of a house fire increases. Common causes of winter house fires include improper use of space heaters, fireplaces, and unattended cooking.
Take time to protect your home and family. Develop a plan and have a fire drill. Identify a safe family meeting place. Practice so everyone knows what to do in the event of an actual house fire.
October is National Fire Safety Month
Be prepared for a fire emergency! This is a great time to review your insurance coverage to make sure all valuables are covered and protected against the unexpected.
Keep these general fire safety tips in mind:
Every home should have working smoke detectors. Check your detectors once a month and change batteries whenever the time changes.
Check appliances for frayed cords and plugs.
Don't run electrical cords under rugs.
Make sure lamps and nightlights aren't touching bedding or curtains.