Our company was founded by Collectors for Collectors in 2001. Ever since our business was established June 2012, we have endeavored to provide excellent product and customer service. Our team is made up entirely of Collectors. We advocate to Toy Lovers and Collectors "Helping Expand The Universe they Create". That is our motto and forever will be! We even try to give help trying to find items. We may not guarantee we can find everything but we will give it a good go at it. We think every little bitgoes a long way. That is why we are especially happy to let you know our item get sent out with the most care. This to ensure that all our product arrive as safe as possible to your hands. We Aslo Ship WorldWide. Yes, Our Store is on ebay not a seller a Store, this is to give you the customer the best security. A Double dose of protection when it comes to shopping online. With our business structure mixed with eBay we found it to be a succuessful combination. As one of The Best Online stores we feel this is one of the best ways to limit the handling of items as you find in box stores toys. Some may not mind the constant public handling items get hanging on a hook or sitting on a shelve of a store that doesn't care about the item or you. Here we care about you and the item you get. As we may not control the ill handling some Postal Carriers give during transport. But we go to bat when it comes these situations. For the most part these situations are rare in happening. From our Whole Team Welcome!!Please enjoy our Social pages and Site and Most Important the Sound Piece Of Mind while Shopping!!