We focus on more than just the HVAC, we look at the whole home to give you the best options for helping your home, and your wallet.
We look for the most optimal way to make your home cooler in the best and fastest way possible. We look at recessed lights, receptacles, and any possible cracks in the walls that need sealed to help keep the air in, and the outside weather where it belongs. We will also check for a biological growth within your units. With the moisture and condensers in your units, certain biological growths can become prominent and harm the air quality within your home. We care to see happy, healthy homes. Call today to let us clean and sterilize your equipment and give you a whole home assessment.
Get a club membership for $144. With that you get:
- free service calls for the year
- 10% off all parts and labor
- two tune-ups/year
Call today! 1-844-LegitAC