Leroy Alignment & Brake Service

(on lander ave)
Auto Repair in Hilmar, CA
Auto Repair


8422 Lander Ave
Hilmar, CA


Leroy's Alignment and Brake Service can service and repair all foreign and domestic vehicles. Bring in your foreign and domestic auto, SUV, or pickup today with complete confidence that your vehicle will be serviced or repaired correctly the first time. Worried about the factory warranty on your new car? Don't be! We have the skills, training, and equipment necessary to perform all required maintenance on your new vehicle while maintaining your warranty


Company name
Leroy Alignment & Brake Service
Auto Repair


  • What is the phone number for Leroy Alignment & Brake Service in Hilmar CA?
    You can reach them at: 209-632-7411. It’s best to call Leroy Alignment & Brake Service during business hours.
  • What is the address for Leroy Alignment & Brake Service on lander ave in Hilmar?
    Leroy Alignment & Brake Service is located at this address: 8422 Lander Ave Hilmar, CA 95324.