Healthcare may be one of your biggest expenses in retirement. Manage your risk.
Healthy Body, Healthy Pocketbook
Worried that inflation may rise in the years ahead? You’re not alone. #TIPS
TIPS for Inflation
Thinking about a prepaid debit card? Consider the pros and cons. #debitcard
Weighing the Benefits of Prepaid Debit Cards
Creating a home inventory can help you fully recover any property losses you incur. Include these four things.
Inventorying Your Possessions
Before retiring early, take a look at the cold, hard facts. #retiringearly #retirement
How to Retire Early
Choices, choices, choices. Make sure you know the benefits and limitations before committing your money. #ETF
Mutual Funds vs. ETFs
Consider a bucket plan to go with your bucket list.
A Bucket Plan to Go with Your Bucket List
College, kids and costs.
Getting a Head Start on College Savings
When you chase the market, it’s easy to fall behind. Develop a sound investment strategy.
Events on Wall Street
Is there a role for both active and passive investments in your portfolio?
The Great Debate Continues: Active vs. Passive
Do you know what all those emojis you keep seeing in your text messages mean? Here’s a handy guide.
Mastering Mobile Lingo
In September, stock prices dropped as investors worried about stalled fiscal stimulus talks, the upcoming election, and new European coronavirus cases.
Monthly Market Insights | October 2020
Many people stop being "and-a-half" around age 12. But at age 50, "and-a-half" makes a comeback. #SocialSecurity
Important Birthdays Over 50
Social Security: Retirement's main source of income or monthly bonus? You decide. #SocialSecurity
Perception vs. Reality
When are you taking your #SocialSecurity benefits? Considering the timing can help maximize your benefit.
A Fruitful Retirement: Social Security Benefit
Considering alternative investments? It’s critical to sort through the complexity. #AlternativeInvestments
Are Alternative Investments Right for You?
The #StockMarket has a long and storied history, from the Dutch East India Company to Wall St.
From Boats to Brokers
Don’t get greedy when the market rises, and don’t panic when it falls. Sound advice—learn more. #BuyLowSellHigh
The Cycle of Investing
Health & Human Services: Age can make a difference in the cost of a long-term-care policy.
What to Look for in a Long-Term Care Policy
“The only things certain in life are death and taxes.” Benjamin Franklin #LifeInsurance
The Other Sure Thing
15-year vs. 30-year: know your refinancing options.
Lots of Variables with Fixed-Rate Mortgages
The question everyone has: Will Social Security be around for you? Read this. #socialsecurity #retirement
Social Security: The Elephant in the Room
Value. Growth. Cycles. Underperform. Outperform. Confusing? When was your last Investment IQ test? #ValueInvesting
Value vs. Growth Investing
Recovery. Recession. Gross Domestic Product. Learn the language of economic cycles.
The Business Cycle
In October, stock prices felt increased pressure due to inaction on a second American fiscal stimulus bill and a rise in global COVID-19 cases.
Monthly Market Insights | November 2020
Working in Retirement: New trend or same old story?
Where Will Your Retirement Money Come From?
Do you know what all those emojis you keep seeing in your text messages mean? Here’s a handy guide.
Mastering Mobile Lingo
Do you know what your #insurance needs are, when you’re married, with children?
Insurance Needs Assessment: Married With Children
The tax rules that govern donating art are complex and confusing. #taxes #art
Donating Art: Taxation Abstraction
If you want to avoid any potential surprises at tax time, it may make sense to know where you stand when it comes to the AMT.
Do You Owe The AMT?
Agent Jane Bond wants you to know about how bonds help diversify a portfolio.
Jane Bond: Decoding Diversification
An ILIT could play a role in your estate strategy.
A Primer on Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts
Here are eight mistakes to avoid when #saving #retirement.
Eight Mistakes That Can Upend Your Retirement
The reasons to #invest may have nothing to do with your #retirement. Here are four good reasons.
Four Really Good Reasons to Invest
In November, stock prices powered higher and energized investors thanks to a month-long succession of positive news events.
Monthly Market Insights | December 2020
Wall Street has a lot of cliches. How many do you know?
16 Wall Street Cliches in 60 Seconds
Rebalancing = restoring a portfolio to its original risk profile. Are you feeling a little off balance? #Rebalance
Rebalancing Your Portfolio
What do you need to know in the face of post COVID-19 volatility?
Pullbacks, Corrections, and Bear Markets
That big list of dreams and goals isn't the only way to look at your bucket list.
A New Way to Look at Your Bucket List
Lifestyle inflation can be the enemy of wealth building.
Keeping Up with the Joneses
M0 is the total of all physical currency worldwide. What’s it look like?
How Big is Money?
The CPI has shown low inflation since '09. Are your prices rising faster than the average? #Inflation
Inflation & Your Money
The question everyone has: Will Social Security be around for you? Read this. #socialsecurity #retirement
Social Security: The Elephant in the Room
When you chase the market, it’s easy to fall behind. Develop a sound investment strategy.
Events on Wall Street
There are many factors to consider before tapping retirement money to pay for college.
Should You Tap Retirement Savings to Fund College?
Bill Folds: How many does it take before a $20 bill tears?
Life and Death of a Twenty Dollar Bill
Take an inside look into Simplified Employee Pension plans.
Is a SEP-IRA Right for Your Business?
Ever wonder about those free credit scores you get once a year? #creditscore #credit
The Lowdown on Those Free Credit Scores
Take the time to think about these three things when shopping for your next vehicle.
Consider These 3 Things Before Driving Off the Lot
The #StockMarket has a long and storied history, from the Dutch East India Company to Wall St.
From Boats to Brokers
The roof protects your home against nature’s risks. Is your personal wealth protected against life's risks?
The Value of Insuring Against Life’s Risks
If you died, what would happen to your email archives, social
profiles, and online accounts?
Safeguard Your Digital Estate
How much do you know about stocks?
How Stocks Work
Social Security has been a fact of retirement life since 1935. Are you eligible for benefits?
9 Facts About Social Security
To work or not to work? That is the question for retirees.
Perception vs. Reality
The roof protects your home against nature’s risks. Is your personal wealth protected against life's risks?
The Value of Insuring Against Life’s Risks
If you died, what would happen to your email archives, social
profiles, and online accounts?
Safeguard Your Digital Estate
Creating a home inventory can help you fully recover any property losses you incur. Include these four things.
Inventorying Your Possessions
Finding the proper #insurance for your #condo means knowing what is covered by the association’s insurance.
A Brief Guide To Condo Insurance
How much do you know about stocks?
How Stocks Work
Social Security has been a fact of retirement life since 1935. Are you eligible for benefits?
9 Facts About Social Security
To work or not to work? That is the question for retirees.
Perception vs. Reality
The roof protects your home against nature’s risks. Is your personal wealth protected against life's risks?
The Value of Insuring Against Life’s Risks
Three important questions to consider before you start taking #SocialSecurity.
Three Key Questions to Answer Before Taking Social Security
Three tips for giving smart from the heart.
Charitable Giving: Smart from the Heart
Trying to decide whether to buy or rent a home? There are 4 important questions you should consider.
To Buy or Not to Buy
Creating a home inventory can help you fully recover any property losses you incur. Include these four things.
Inventorying Your Possessions
Finding the proper #insurance for your #condo means knowing what is covered by the association’s insurance.
A Brief Guide To Condo Insurance
How much do you know about stocks?
How Stocks Work
For a small business, the loss of a key person could cause financial hardship.
Protecting Your Business from the Loss of a Key Person
Periodic withdrawals in retirement may not be such a good idea.
Systematic Withdrawals in Retirement
Value. Growth. Cycles. Underperform. Outperform. Confusing? When was your last Investment IQ test? #ValueInvesting
Value vs. Growth Investing
Three important questions to consider before you start taking #SocialSecurity.
Three Key Questions to Answer Before Taking Social Security
Three tips for giving smart from the heart.
Charitable Giving: Smart from the Heart
Trying to decide whether to buy or rent a home? There are 4 important questions you should consider.
To Buy or Not to Buy
Do you know how missing the best and worst market days might affect your #portfolio?
It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times
As complex as the details of taxes can be, the income tax process is fairly straightforward.
How Income Taxes Work
For a small business, the loss of a key person could cause financial hardship.
Protecting Your Business from the Loss of a Key Person
Periodic withdrawals in retirement may not be such a good idea.
Systematic Withdrawals in Retirement
Value. Growth. Cycles. Underperform. Outperform. Confusing? When was your last Investment IQ test? #ValueInvesting
Value vs. Growth Investing
Three important questions to consider before you start taking #SocialSecurity.
Three Key Questions to Answer Before Taking Social Security
Here are 5 facts about Social Security you absolutely need to know. #socialsecurity #retirement
Social Security: Five Facts You Need to Know
Chris Rock once remarked, “You don’t pay taxes – they take taxes.” That applies not only to income, but also to capital gains.
A Taxing Story: Capital Gains and Losses
Do you know how missing the best and worst market days might affect your #portfolio?
It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times
As complex as the details of taxes can be, the income tax process is fairly straightforward.
How Income Taxes Work
For a small business, the loss of a key person could cause financial hardship.
Protecting Your Business from the Loss of a Key Person
Periodic withdrawals in retirement may not be such a good idea.
Systematic Withdrawals in Retirement
Earnings season can move markets. Find out why.
Earnings for All Seasons
What do you think your #retirement will be like? Attitudes are changing, and many are working in their #goldenyear
Retirement Redefined
Did you know that women control 51% of all personal wealth in the United States?
Women on the Rise
Don't procrastinate: pursue your financial goals by creating a long-term strategy.
The Cost of Procrastination
Here are 5 facts about Social Security you absolutely need to know. #socialsecurity #retirement
Social Security: Five Facts You Need to Know
Chris Rock once remarked, “You don’t pay taxes – they take taxes.” That applies not only to income, but also to capital gains.
A Taxing Story: Capital Gains and Losses
Understanding credits and deductions is one of the critical building blocks to making the tax code work for you.
How to Make the Tax Code Work for You
When you choose to take Social Security might impact your retirement income. Find out how. #socialsecurity #retire
Social Security: The $64,000 Question
The key to #healthcare in retirement might be a patchwork of different choices.
Extended Care: A Patchwork of Possibilities
Earnings season can move markets. Find out why.
Earnings for All Seasons
What do you think your #retirement will be like? Attitudes are changing, and many are working in their #goldenyear
Retirement Redefined
Did you know that women control 51% of all personal wealth in the United States?
Women on the Rise
“The only things certain in life are death and taxes.” Benjamin Franklin #LifeInsurance
The Other Sure Thing
Here’s a look at what goes into creating a $20 bill and what determines when a bill’s lifespan ends.
Life and Death of a Twenty Dollar Bill
Understanding credits and deductions is one of the critical building blocks to making the tax code work for you.
How to Make the Tax Code Work for You
When you choose to take Social Security might impact your retirement income. Find out how. #socialsecurity #retire
Social Security: The $64,000 Question
The key to #healthcare in retirement might be a patchwork of different choices.
Extended Care: A Patchwork of Possibilities
Earnings season can move markets. Find out why.
Earnings for All Seasons
Medicare Advantage—Medicare Part C—is coverage from a private health insurance plan. Learn about the differences between Medicare Advantage and Original Medicare coverage here:
Medicare Advantage Plans (Medicare Part C)
Just because you’re under 65 years of age doesn’t mean you don’t qualify for Medicare. There are a few specific scenarios where you are eligible earlier. Learn more:
Qualifying For Medicare Under Age 65
Whether you are already retired or just starting to prepare, take a look at your home. Is rightsizing the right decision?
Rightsizing for Retirement
“The only things certain in life are death and taxes.” Benjamin Franklin #LifeInsurance
The Other Sure Thing
Here’s a look at what goes into creating a $20 bill and what determines when a bill’s lifespan ends.
Life and Death of a Twenty Dollar Bill
Understanding credits and deductions is one of the critical building blocks to making the tax code work for you.
How to Make the Tax Code Work for You