Liberty Tire & Custom Wheel

(on southern)
Auto Repair in West Palm Beach, FL
Auto Repair
Body Shops


4657 Southern
West Palm Beach, FL


Title: Liberty Tire & Custom Wheel
Street: 4657 Southern Boulevard
City: West Palm Beach
State: FL
Zip: 33415
Phone: 561-255-8582
URL: http://www.LibertyTireCustomWheel.com
Email: shop@LibertyTireCustomWheel.com
We specialize in Tires and Used Tires.
We are proud to provide auto repair for West Palm Beach FL. We will take care of your car and treat it like our own. We will gladly provide all the necessary auto repair services. When you bring in your automobile, our auto repair technicians will do their best to bring your car back to perfect shape.


Company name
Liberty Tire & Custom Wheel
Auto Repair


  • What is the phone number for Liberty Tire & Custom Wheel in West Palm Beach FL?
    You can reach them at: 561-255-8582. It’s best to call Liberty Tire & Custom Wheel during business hours.
  • What is the address for Liberty Tire & Custom Wheel on southern in West Palm Beach?
    Liberty Tire & Custom Wheel is located at this address: 4657 Southern West Palm Beach, FL 33415.