Life Cycle OB GYN & Pediatrics

(on winn)
Doctors in Decatur, GA
Health and Medical


8:30AM - 5:00PM
8:30AM - 5:00PM
8:30AM - 5:00PM
8:30AM - 5:00PM
8:30AM - 5:00PM


428 Winn Ct.
Decatur, GA


Life Cycle OB GYN & Pediatrics have been serving the Atlanta Metro since 2001. From annual well woman exams to pre-natal care & contraception assistance, we can help. Call us today, Our team of doctors are ready to help with your new family member.


While some tests are part of a standard annual checkup at the gynecologist, others are sometimes included based on symptoms and lifestyle. It's a good idea to talk to your gynecologist about any concerns and be upfront about any reasons why testing might be warranted.
Unfortunately, home pregnancy tests are notorious for giving incorrect readings. If you need to be absolutely sure before you share the news and celebrate, we’re always ready to help you confirm a possible pregnancy.
Pap screening, which is the first step in testing for cervical cancer, is a vital part of maintaining reproductive health. Beginning at age 21, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that women have a Pap test every two years up to age 29, and then every three years after that.
It’s very important to start considering the state of your reproductive health before you start trying to conceive. Eliminating your own health conditions can make for an easier pregnancy.
There is no way to prepare for symptoms from menopause, because no two situations are identical. Consult your gynecologist, but it’s possible to employ some lifestyle modifications to control symptoms. For example, you can avoid food or drinks that seem to trigger hot flashes, and dress in layers, so you can remove some layers when a flash begins.
Did you know that annual testing for chlamydia and gonorrhea is recommended for all sexually active adolescents and young women up to the age of 25? In addition, HIV testing is recommended for all sexually active women beginning at age 19 until age 64.
The likelihood of a successful pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy depends on many factors, including age, whether you have already had children, and why the first ectopic pregnancy occurred. It may have occurred due to a birth defect of the fallopian tubes, complications of a ruptured appendix, or having a previous ectopic pregnancy.
Bone mineral density (BMD) is related to bone strength which can become a major consideration when we enter our senior years. BMD testing is used to diagnose low bone mass and osteoporosis, and prevention and treatment can include calcium and vitamin D, exercise, and osteoporosis medications.
For patients needing to diagnose and view inside thick tissue, or bone and joint structures, such as the skull, ultrasound will not work. Instead other imaging methods like MRI and CT scanning are used because they can penetrate the bone mass to make an image.
Various health organizations all recommend that women should have their first Pap smear at the age of 21. These include the American Cancer Society, the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.
If you are taking your daughter for her first gynecological examination, you can reassure her by explaining why the visit is necessary, giving her a sense of what to expect, and address any questions that she may have.
If you are newly pregnant, remember that rest is going to be particularly important for you during this time. Especially in the first several weeks of pregnancy, the body is going through rapid changes and requires the extra Zzzzzs.
Happy Halloween 2020 from our family to yours!
For most women, visiting their gynecologist once a year, or even once every three years, is sufficient if there are no issues.
The pap smear is not the most comfortable procedure but it is quick and generally painless. There will be an odd sensation but it won't hurt. Talk to your gynecologist if you are at all worried. They are there to advise you.
Did you know that hormonal birth control pills work in 3 ways? Birth control pills not only work by preventing ovulation, but they also change the environment in the cervix and the uterus to decrease pregnancy risks.
Unfortunately, there’s a lot of bad information circulating about women’s reproductive health, making it difficult for women to know what’s going on with their bodies. If you need straight answers about your cycle or related issues, we’re always here for you.
A good physician is one who will provide the medical care you need, and be capable of offering the advice you need so that you won’t need medical care. A good OB/GYN is definitely able to do those things- and they also can help you through the happiest day of your life.
While not always pleasant, mammograms are still a necessary diagnostic tool in the fight against breast cancer. If you have a history of cancer in your family, it may be necessary to begin having mammograms at an earlier age than normal.
Did you know that ovarian cysts are both common – and in most cases – relatively harmless? When an ovarian cyst ruptures, that often triggers other symptoms, such as pelvic pain, both during periods and after, nausea and a feeling of fullness in the stomach; these should not be ignored.
While most women start menopause in their early 50s, others start earlier or later. If you are approaching the onset of menopause and have a change in your menstrual cycle, it’s a good idea to check with your gynecologist to rule out the possibility of pregnancy.
Do you ever worry that your highly irregular menstrual cycle could be impacting your health? Rest assured that we’re always available to help you learn the cause of an erratic cycle and possible ways to get it back on track.
Your doctor will tell you how much weight you should gain while pregnant. Be sure to talk to your doctor about controlling stress, exercising while pregnant, and childbirth education classes. There are plenty of resources designed for expectant parents that your doctor can refer you to.
I can’t afford a Pap test. Under federal law, well-care exams like Pap tests and colorectal exams must be provided free of charge by health providers. If you do not have insurance, there are free health clinics that will provide this medical service.
My ob/gyn has scheduled me for amniocentesis. Will it be very painful? That varies from patient to patient, according to experts. Some women say they feel a pinching or pressure during the test while others say there is no discomfort. Your doctor can use an anesthetic, but in many cases, that injection is worse than the amnio.
We realize that having sudden and drastic changes to your menstrual cycle can make even the most easygoing of women panic about their health. Let’s talk about what’s going on in your life that could explain the changes to your cycle.
Even though MRI is found to be safe, the first trimester of pregnancy is critical and fragile, and because the unborn baby will be in a strong magnetic field, pregnant women should not have this exam unless the potential benefit from the MRI will outweigh the potential risks. Likewise, pregnant women should not receive injections of gadolinium contrast material except when absolutely necessary.
For women experiencing menopause or with pre-menopausal symptoms, the annual OBGYN exam is a great opportunity to discuss managing symptoms and hormone treatments.
Getting pregnant will put your body through a lot of changes that you may have never experienced before. Your OB/GYN is there to answer all your questions and concerns about pregnancy.
It’s a sad fact that some STDs can rob a woman of her ability to conceive a child later in life. While you may not necessarily be ready to have a baby today, working with your gynecologist to protect your reproductive health can help you ensure you’re healthy enough to have a baby when you’re ready.
“Sometimes women are worried about their appearance, but there’s all kinds of variation [in our bodies],” said Pamela Berens, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at University of Texas-Houston Medical School. Seeing a female doctor could help you be less apprehensive about your appointment.
It’s recommended that most women between the ages of 21 and 65 get regular Pap test as part of their routine preventative health care. It’s important to note that women who have gone through menopause and are younger than 65 still need regular Pap tests.
I have been diagnosed with endometriosis. Does that mean I can’t have a child? Every case is unique, and your gynecologist can provide more specific information. In some cases, that is the result because of scar tissue that can create significant pelvic pain.
In most cases, it’s a good idea to undergo your gynecological exam mid-cycle, a week or two after your monthly cycle. This can ultimately make things more comfortable for you.
It’s important to take a number of prenatal tests given by your doctor throughout your pregnancy. These tests will help confirm that your baby is experiencing no major complications and is healthy and growing.
It is fairly common for women who are experiencing perimenopause or menopause to gain weight, but despite the hormonal changes taking place in the body, a healthy weight can still be maintained with the right advice and support.
Finding the right OB/GYN is essential for your health. Studies have shown that if you feel comfortable with your doctor, you’re more likely to make and keep appointments.
Did you know that cervical cancer can almost always be prevented with regular Pap tests? Pap tests check the cervix (the lower part of the uterus) for abnormal cell changes that, if not found and treated, can lead to cervical cancer.
The average age of menopause is around 51 years old. Estrogen loss after menopause affects many things such as skin, weight and mood swings, which explains why millions of women benefit from seeking advice from experienced gynecologists.
If you are pregnant, then proper prenatal care and regular visits to your OB/GYN during pregnancy is important. Regular fetal monitoring through an ultrasound and other means can monitor your growing baby and ensure he or she is healthy, growing properly, and active.
There are over 750,000 teen pregnancies in the U.S. of which 82% are accidental which is the highest rate of unintended teen pregnancies of any country in the world.
A false positive Pap test means that a woman has been told she has abnormal cells but the cells are not actually abnormal or cancerous. If you have received a false positive, this means there is actually no problem and thus no need to worry.
What is a myomectomy? This is a surgery to remove fibroid tumors without damaging the uterus. Unfortunately, the tumors sometimes grow back, bringing a return of symptoms such as pain and heavy cramping. A hysterectomy is the only surgery that can ensure the tumors do not return.
Failure to get tested is the main reason STDs cause issues. “People seem to believe that it just can’t happen to them,: said Tina Hoff of Kaiser Family Foundation. “There is such denial it’s really astounding.”
It’s important to remember that many women can lose their periods for a time once they start a new diet as a result of increased activity and fewer calories. If you’re not pregnant and you haven’t started a new diet, you may want to consider scheduling an appointment to discover why your cycle is suddenly irregular.
Can you believe that around 26,000 women died per year before the American Cancer Society suggested Pap screenings? Cervical cancer killed many women prior to implementation of Pap smears in the 1940s. The quick, painless test began saving lives almost immediately.
It’s important that women understand that, while Pap smear guidelines have changed in recent years, this doesn’t mean that you can skip your annual exam. While you may no longer need a Pap test regularly, an exam is still recommended for optimum health.
Did you know that cervical cancer screening (including the Pap test and HPV testing) is considered to be an essential part of a women’s routine health care practice? This is because these tests can detect abnormalities that may lead to cancer of the cervix.
Did you know that most adult women should see a gynecologist regularly, regardless of whether they are sexually active? However, the frequency of these visits varies depending on a few factors.
Did you know it’s a good idea to bring a pen and paper to each of your obstetrician appointments? Since some women report having a sluggish memory during pregnancy, taking notes will help you remember our answers to your questions once you get home.
If you are pregnant, it’s important that you consult with your OB/GYN prior to traveling, especially if you will be flying. He or she will be able to assess whether you are high risk or not and make suggestions on how to stay healthy while on the road.
While it can be difficult to remember everything you take in a normal day, drug interactions have the ability to make monthly symptoms unbearable. If you’re in for a checkup, be sure to let us know about any new medications you’ve been taking – even the short-term ones – so that we can help you better understand what’s going on with your body.
If you are experiencing issues such as itching and burning in your pelvic area, it’s a good idea to see your gynecologist, as this can indicate issues such as urinary tract infections or yeast infections.
If you are pregnant, it’s important that you consult with your OB/GYN prior to traveling, especially if you will be flying. He or she will be able to assess whether you are high risk or not and make suggestions on how to stay healthy while on the road.
While it can be difficult to remember everything you take in a normal day, drug interactions have the ability to make monthly symptoms unbearable. If you’re in for a checkup, be sure to let us know about any new medications you’ve been taking – even the short-term ones – so that we can help you better understand what’s going on with your body.
Did you know it’s a good idea to bring a pen and paper to each of your obstetrician appointments? Since some women report having a sluggish memory during pregnancy, taking notes will help you remember our answers to your questions once you get home.
During your first visit with us, you can expect us to take your vital signs, including your height, weight, body mass index, and blood pressure.
"If you have a natural birth plan and require medical intervention during labor, don’t blame yourself," said Pamela Berens, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at University of Texas-Houston Medical School. Try not to feel guilty.
If you are experiencing issues such as itching and burning in your pelvic area, it’s a good idea to see your gynecologist, as this can indicate issues such as urinary tract infections or yeast infections.
If you are pregnant, it’s important that you consult with your OB/GYN prior to traveling, especially if you will be flying. He or she will be able to assess whether you are high risk or not and make suggestions on how to stay healthy while on the road.
While it can be difficult to remember everything you take in a normal day, drug interactions have the ability to make monthly symptoms unbearable. If you’re in for a checkup, be sure to let us know about any new medications you’ve been taking – even the short-term ones – so that we can help you better understand what’s going on with your body.
Did you know that you should have a regular gynecological visit regardless of whether you need a pap smear?
An OB/GYN is the one physician who a woman knows must be a good fit for her. After all, the nature of their work means that they will be privy to some of your most private and sometimes embarrassing facts, so you want to be able to trust them implicitly.
During your first visit with us, you can expect us to take your vital signs, including your height, weight, body mass index, and blood pressure.
"If you have a natural birth plan and require medical intervention during labor, don’t blame yourself," said Pamela Berens, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at University of Texas-Houston Medical School. Try not to feel guilty.
If you are experiencing issues such as itching and burning in your pelvic area, it’s a good idea to see your gynecologist, as this can indicate issues such as urinary tract infections or yeast infections.
If you are pregnant, it’s important that you consult with your OB/GYN prior to traveling, especially if you will be flying. He or she will be able to assess whether you are high risk or not and make suggestions on how to stay healthy while on the road.


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Life Cycle OB GYN & Pediatrics


  • What is the phone number for Life Cycle OB GYN & Pediatrics in Decatur GA?
    You can reach them at: 404-228-0601. It’s best to call Life Cycle OB GYN & Pediatrics during business hours.
  • What is the address for Life Cycle OB GYN & Pediatrics on winn in Decatur?
    Life Cycle OB GYN & Pediatrics is located at this address: 428 Winn Ct. Decatur, GA 30030.
  • What are Life Cycle OB GYN & Pediatrics(Decatur, GA) store hours?
    Life Cycle OB GYN & Pediatrics store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 8:30AM - 5:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.