Life Designs ReAbility Center ® is a Specialized Health and Wellness Center dedicated to the recovery of people in our community from brain and spinal cord injuries and other long term illness. We provide Activity Based Restorative Therapy and Locomotor Training (ABRT/LT) for Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Injury, Stroke, Diabetes, Back Surgery Recovery, Spinal Stenosis, Bariatric Surgery, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis.
Life Designs ReAbility Center is the first and still only non-hospital affiliated center in America that offers these services to such a broad spectrum of people, like many of your neighbors, friends and co-workers, with complex diagnoses.
Through the use of ABRT/LT the cardiovascular, endocrine, pulmonary, musculo-skeletal and central nervous systems are capable of dramatic improvement at any age even when there is significant neurological impairment.
From the year round practice, guided by our staff, using Life Designs ReAbility Center’s hundreds of different combinations of proven exercises and patterns of movements, you will move better, you will become your best athlete and your better mobility will always results in better health and wellness.