Self-Serve Laundromat 18 Washers, 16 Dryers 7 large 4 load machines ideal for comforters & sleeping bags 5.25 8 double loaders 2.50. Two extra capacity newer double loaders 3.00 1 top loader 2.00 6 huge 4 load dryers, 10 large 3 load dryers Coin Changers: (takes 1s,5s,10s,20s ) Soap Vendor: soap, bleach, dryer sheets, softener I like toploaders why should I use a front loader? Front loaders give much better washing action because the clothes are tumbled over and over so the soap and water are thoroughly mixed with the clothes. The agitator action of the toploader is not nearly as effective in mixing the soap and water with the clothes. They get much cleaner in a front loader. Also you save time drying because the spin action of the front loader is much faster than the toploader. More water is wrung out of the clothes so it takes less time to dry.