Now registering School Ages children. Contact us for more information @ 407-518-5048.
Now registering for 2020-2021 VPK
Monday tru Friday from 8:30am to 1:30pm (FREE)
Breakfast, Lunch and PM Snack included!
Now registering for 2020-2021 VPK
Monday tru Friday from 8:30am to 1:30pm (FREE)
Breakfast, Lunch and PM Snack included!
New Life Cultural Church
New Life Cultural Church
New Life Cultural Center was live.
April 5 at 9:51 AM ·
Keep Me Safe
Por el momento continuamos abiertos en estos momentos de crisis. Nuestro equipo de trabajo y yo estamos haciendo todo lo posible para mantener cada uno de nuestros estudiantes, padres y empleados saludables bajo esta epidemia. Pero como saben estos es un trabajo en equipo, le estamos pidiendo a cada uno de nuestros padres que si sus hijos están enfermos (Catarro, tos, fiebre, diarrheas, narices con mucha mucosidad amarillas o verdes, vomitos) que por favor los mantengan en sus casas y no salgan de sus casas. Tenemos que entender que estamos en la temporada del FLU y COVID-19 no es el único virus del que nos tenemos que preocupar. Gracias por su entendimiento y favor de estar seguros y crear planes de emergencia para su familia.
For the moment we are still open in these moments of crisis. Our team and I are doing everything we can to keep each of our students, parents, and employees healthy under this epidemic. But as you know this is a team effort, we are asking each of our parents that if their children are sick (cold, cough, fever, diarrheas, noses with a lot of yellow or green mucus, vomiting) to please keep them in their houses and do not leave their houses. We have to understand that we are in the FLU season and COVID-19 is not the only virus that we have to worry about. Thank you for your understanding and please be safe and create emergency plans for your family.
We are looking for Preschool teachers. Experience required. Minimum 45hrs completed.
Preschool Teacher St. Cloud
Create age appropriate lesson plans, assist with potty training and diaper change (if needed), create fun and excitement outdoors activity for children. etc....
Childcare Teacher