Little Ones Daycare was started in 1995 and has evolved
into a learning place where young children could feel safe,
secure, happy, and at home. After extensive time, planning, schooling, and determination Little Ones Daycare has become a true nurturing environment for
your child.
Little Ones Daycare is a group family daycare. Our
program promotes a preschool curriculum called Funshine
Express. Funshine Express is a complete curriculum that
enriches and enhances your child. Funshine Express
insures skill development, continuity and progression.
Funshine Express has a curriculum that is a unit of study
which is developmentally appropriate for ages 18 months -
Our unique daycare is a bright, spacious and print rich
environment that offers many developmental
opportunities. We have classrooms, which are broken up
into an infant room ( 6 weeks - 2 years) and a toddler
room (3 years - 5 years).