Based out of West Los Angeles, California, LIVE Treatment is the foremost private, concierge and fully customized drug & alcohol addiction treatment program throughout the U.S. LIVE is not another treatment program or addiction treatment service that forces the client to mold around a pre-set regimen. In fact just the opposite, LIVE is a program that is essentially built upon and molded around each client’s individual set of needs; clinically, psychologically, socially, academically, geographically, professionally, medically and so on. IMAGINE THIS, a one-to-one, wrap-around program that goes beyond the typical standard of care and actually addresses underlying life issues and coaches the client through each and every doorway and hurdle.
LIVE: Revolutionary treatment programs encompassing real-world services in YOUR environment, wherever you need us. LIVE is a concept which totally redefines treatment and solution-based aftercare services. So whether you’re in Los Angeles or Miami or Manhattan or even elsewhere around the world, the LIVE Treatment & Recovery Team is your #1 advocate and is available for you at a moment’s notice! Multiple program options and structures are available to each client, each of which will be molded around his or her needs in order to truly address and resolve those critical life components.