(on 4th)
Acupuncture in St. Petersburg, FL
Hospitals and Medical Centers


8:00AM - 5:00PM
10:00AM - 4:00PM
8:00AM - 4:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM
10:00AM - 4:00PM


8424 4th St N
St. Petersburg, FL


LOA Acupuncture, Lily C. Wu Acupuncture Physician trained in Classical Chinese Medicine, Master Tung's Acupuncture, Scalp Acupuncture, Auricular Acupuncture, Wrist & Ankle Acupuncture. Pain management, emotional balances, and preventative health care. Free consultation today! Call to see if you can benefit from acupuncture treatment. The best acupuncture clinic in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Clinic services Acupuncture, acupressure, crystal healing, home visit, schedule request, office pictures, fees and treatment duration and setting.




  • Initial Exam & Treatment
  • Ear Acupuncture
  • Community Acupuncture


Deep emotional healing meditation 3 of 7. Thank you all for the awesome treats. How does it get any better than this? Haha well, next week will be the beginning of our first bookclub meeting studying "The Work" from Byron Katie and take a break from deep emotional healing. I believe we did good with energy for now and let's work on the thoughts portion of the equation. It's a donation based group study. Very much looking forward to learn and grow together, my friends. πŸ₯°πŸ™ #loaacupunctureandenergyhealing #theresayouinmeandmeinyou #weareone #wearethesoul #spiritualityisconciousness #workingonmindbodyandspirit
Our feelings dictate almost everything in our life! "Can you feel it?" Is the key to to receiving! LOA Acupuncture and energy healing focus on root cause of your concern in health, mind, and spirit! Ancient Chinese Medica text stated "All diseases are rooted in the spirit." Feel what you think you lack. I fear something, what's the opposite? Courage? Feel that in you! We are all creators and magicians, life is nothing but an illusion to fullfill the experience and life we wish to venture in. Be unstuck in the role you play and feel, my friends. Have an awesome weekend πŸ₯°πŸ™πŸ’— #loaacupunctureandenergyhealing #todaywefeel #weareabeamofpureenergyandlight #spiritualityisconciousness #wearethesoul #towakeornotawake
Round 2 of 7 Deep Emotional Healing / meditation. Everyone survived with a smile. First step is always the hardest and feels like a thousand pound. Moving forward in joy and growth! What's the hardest step you ever taken my friends? πŸ₯°πŸ™ #loaacupunctureandenergyhraling #accessbarspractitioner #energeticfaceliftpractitioner #spiritualityisconciousness #deepemotionalhealingwithmasterco #wearethesoul #weareabeamofpureenergyandlight #wearepower
Being awake is such a loosely used term with many definitions. I am awake and being present when I am, dreaming when I'm not. If we are able to make peace with where we are, doesn't matter if we are awake or dreaming? If I can find satisfactions in all areas of life, even suffering is a bliss! If you only been through I've been through you wouldn't be who you are. Really?! If I have to go through what you're going through then I would have been you. My answer is probably been there done that... and now moving forward. We held tight to the story we created, all for the most convincing reasons, rationale and so-called reality... My only question for myself is, "do I want it?" Usually a big "NO" "What else is possible?" and thank you for bringing that contrast and realization of what I do not want in my life hence deciding on what I do want in life. For that, I am grateful to the contrasts, challenges, suffering, so on and so forth. Everyone have their own interesting point of view, I have my interesting point of view, I've have my interesting point of view on someone having their interesting point of view. How interesting of our points of view. Enjoy the freedom of everyone's points of view, as they should. It's their job and my job to do so, and that is reality! Embracing this reality brings more freedom. "How does it get any better than this?" With greatest love to you my friends, πŸ₯°πŸ™ #towakeornotawake #loaacupunctureandenergyworkphilosophy #energyhealing #whatelseispossible #accessbarspractitioner #energeticfaceliftpractitioner #spiritualityisconciousness
We had a meditation session this Thursday, and everyone passed out afterward. πŸ˜‚πŸ₯°πŸ™ It was on deep emotional healing guided by Master Co. If anyone haven't been meditating on a regular basis or haven't got much of emotional healing before; this is like fighting in the BOSS level in the game of life! It took courage, persistence, and the willingness to change and let go of what no longer serves us. It was an awesome session. This is not a challenge but merely a wanting to grow and be more free. As we all strive for more freedom, understanding, and compassion toward ourselves, everyone and everything else. We are very blessed with what we are able to access today, with great love for all. How does it get any better? #loaacupunctureandenergyhealing #spiritualityisconciousness #energyhealing #unblockthechannels #remoteenergyfacilitator
If you ever feel a blocked in any area of your life, try to do something out of the ordinary, break your daily routine and feel the possibilities. What else is possible?πŸ₯°πŸ™ #loaacupunctureandenergyhealing #howdoesitgetanybetter #energyhealing #unblockthechannels #whatelseispossible #accessbarspractitioner #energeticfaceliftpractitioner #remoteenergyfacilitator
There's an ancient war tactic verse that said, "when you try to catch the bandit, you aim for the leader or the head of the gang". Similar strategy used in Chinese medicine, when we treat a patient, we first treat their heart (The Chinese heart is the mind). Heart is the emperor of the body, lik the chief, the leader, or head of a group. ζ“’θ³Šε…ˆζ“’ηŽ‹οΌŒ ι†«δΊΊε…ˆι†«εΏƒγ€‚γ€Œζ¬²ζ²»ε…Άη–ΎοΌŒε…ˆζ²»ε…ΆεΏƒγ€‚γ€ Freedom requires the work of the mind. The energy we put on the mind creates or formulate our reality. What are you formulating now, my friends? πŸ₯°πŸ’—πŸ™ Physical work and Energy work together help us transform more efficiently and with ease! #loaacupunctureandenergyhealing #workofthemind #spiritualityisconciousness #workingonmindbodyandspirit #wearethesoul #dotheworkbyronkatie #energyiseverything
If you haven't follow Master Co on YouTube, this is a reliable site for upcoming livestream! Namaste everyone! Happy fullmoon meditation tonight at 10pm EST. πŸ™πŸ’—πŸ₯° MASTERCO.ORG LIVE STREAMS β€” Master Co
Emotional healing day!! πŸ™πŸ’—πŸ₯° Thank you Master Co! Master Stephen Co was live. October 23 at 8:04 PM Β· Friday Emotional Healing PM
A colleague ask for an acupuncture session for shoulder pain and was on her way to my place. So, I decided to give her a treatment before she arrives with Energetic Acupuncture. It took about 2 minutes and I texted her to tell her it was done. I asked her body where she would like to be needled physically when she arrives and the respond was the scalp. She called backed 10 minutes later said, did you do the Energetic Acupuncture on me already? Because my pain stopped. My friend is pretty sensitive to energy and the first thing she said after the question was "I'm not trying to stroke your ego, but my pain is gone." It was her first experiencing of "Energetic Acupuncture" from me. We ended up having cake and coffee and chatted since she said the pain is almost not noticable. (P.S. she's not a fan of the needles but needed a session since I'm back in NY for the time being). Are you open to receiving an Energetic Acupuncture or Acupuncture session, my friends? πŸ₯°πŸ’—πŸ™ #loaacupunctureandenergywork #NeedlelesEnergeticAcupuncture #energyiseverything #areyouwillingtoreceive #askyourbody
Welcoming the New Year with love and determination to succeed in all areas of life! πŸ₯°πŸ’—πŸ™πŸŽ‰ #loaacupunctureandenergyhealing #spiritualityisconciousness #lovepeaceandgratitude #highvibeflyingconsciousness #newyearresolution
LOA Acupuncture / Lily Wu Acupuncture updated their address.
Awesome early X'mas party for our LOA Workshop group / wine tasting event. So much fun as usual! Didn't get a chance to take pictures of the wine and food, was too occupied enjoying our companies. Thank our members for the delightful food and X'mas ambience. Thanks Dixon, our PRP wine rep for the intro to exquisite wines from all over the world. Our all time favorite wine was Tango, a creamy brandy-base red wine. He call it Bailey on steroid, haha. We had a different name for it, but must kept post rated PG! Lol! Hope everyone enjoy your holiday as well. Have a wonderful and healthy holiday my friends πŸ₯°πŸ™ #loaacupunctureandenergyhealing #lovepeaceandgratitude #loaacupuncture #needlelesenergeticacupuncture #loaintegratedworkshop #spiritualityisconciousness
Awesome workshop today! I hope you all get what you needed, lol! Today is also emotional healing day since it's Friday. Thank you Master Co for your selfless teaching. We use the previous week's videos to end the workshop and felt lighter afterward. I know there are new ones today, we take it one step at a time. πŸ₯°πŸ™ I am very grateful to be able to integrate Master Co's teaching with Bryon Katie's work and Access Consciousness into our Law of Attraction workshop to help us in all area of life. Life is energy, energy through mind-thinking, logic-reasoning and understanding, physical-action, emotion-feelings and spirituality-consciousness / growth / progress! In the buffet of life lies what you want and happy with. Everything is a decision away!πŸ₯°πŸ˜‡ Loving our workshops πŸ’— Are you aware of the energy in your life, my friends!?πŸ₯°πŸ™ Have an awesome weekend! #loaacupunctureandenergyhealing #lovepeaceandgratitude #needlelesenergeticacupuncture #affordablecaredistanceenergyhealing #spiritualityisconciousness #emotionhealingFridaywithMasterCo #LOAintegratedworkshop
Prevention is the key to good health and longevity according to Chinese Medicine. Noticed that the weather is changing, are you prepared for it. Put out accessories like hat, scarf, gloves, and or jacket or light jacket (I'm in Florida, but bundle up according to your local temperature) where it's easily accessible. If you are heading out, even if it's a short trip make sure you are prepared! If you are doing grocery shopping, remember the time we freezed when we pass by the freezer section? Area of focus: your head especially the back of the neck (nape), belly button (during sleep), knees and feet. Wind, cold, damp are major external pathogenic factors that is more prevalent in the winter. Wind attacks the upper body, dampness attacks the lower body and cold constrict ls the body. Keep warm, make ginger soup/tea, make congee (Chinese porridge), and reduce the exposure to extreme temperature change if possible. πŸ₯°πŸ™ Following ancient wisdom: "go to bed earlier and wake up later" to conserve the winter essence for the new year to come! Are you warm enough my friends?πŸ₯°πŸ™ #loaacupunctureandenergyhealing #spiritualityisconciousness #lovepeaceandgratitude #affordablecaredistanceenergyhealing #preventioniskey
Giving Tuesday? For me, it shall be everyday! πŸ’—πŸ₯°πŸ™ Lily Wu December 1, 2020 at 4:18 PM Β· I'm not sure what's Giving Tuesday?! But this is what I can and will offer!πŸ₯° Patients / clients reported deep sense of calmness, peace, and clarity from the distance energy sessions. Super grateful for this being available during time like now! πŸ₯°πŸ™ I was meant to do this! πŸ₯°πŸ€©πŸ’“πŸ™ The freedom of performing sessions anywhere and anytime is so wonderful. I was out at a restaurant and sense someone needed a session. Someone had a session bc he/she needs one, lolπŸ’“πŸ₯°πŸ™ Just because I can contribute, I did! It was a gift to do so!πŸ’— A gift I'm grateful for! A great person said, "If ppl don't care who gets the credit for what it's done, it will be peace on Earth." If anyone really need help but can't pay anything, you know I'm here. Just let me know and it shall be done!πŸ’— With love and gratitude, Lily
I'm not sure what's Giving Tuesday?! But this is what I can and will offer!πŸ₯° Patients / clients reported deep sense of calmness, peace, and clarity from the distance energy sessions. Super grateful for this being available during time like now! πŸ₯°πŸ™ I was meant to do this! πŸ₯°πŸ€©πŸ’“πŸ™ The freedom of performing sessions anywhere and anytime is so wonderful. I was out at a restaurant and sense someone needed a session. Someone had a session bc he/she needs one, lolπŸ’“πŸ₯°πŸ™ Just because I can contribute, I did! It was a gift to do so!πŸ’— A gift I'm grateful for! A great person said, "If ppl don't care who gets the credit for what it's done, it will be peace on Earth." If anyone really need help but can't pay anything, you know I'm here. Just let me know and it shall be done!πŸ’— With love and gratitude, Lily
Recent acupuncture review: Patient had chronic issue with leg pian and needed to avoid certain position during yoga. After 2 sessions of acupuncture, patients wrote to me: "Yoga was great today! Moving easily in joy! Ty" How does it feel to be able to do what you love with ease and joy, my friends?! What else is possible? #loaacupunctureandenergyhealing #alloflifecomestomewitheasejoyandglory #spiritualityisconciousness #livingpainfree #whatelseispossible #bodyhealitselfeasierwithhelp #moveyourlifeenergy
How are you creating your life my friends?! πŸ₯°πŸ™ #loaacupunctureandenergyhealing #spiritualityisconsciousness #lawofattraction #wearepowerfulbeings #alloflifecomestomewitheasejoyandglory Dolores Cannon January 29 at 1:00 PM Β·
Following your emotional guidance of joy and peace! πŸ₯°πŸ™ Mario Gerbasi - Spiritual Mentor January 1 at 8:00 AM Β· 10 Things to Remember
When you ask for feathers and sand dollars, you shall receive... what are you asking for daily my friends?! πŸ₯°πŸ™ #loaacupunctureandenergyhealing #spiritualityisconciousness #highvibeflyingconsciousness #lovepeaceandgratitude #askanditisgiven #energyinyouractionwordsandthoughts
Heighten your awareness on health, on communication, on your thoughts and actions. We are responsible for the energy we put out there in the Law of Attraction! What goes around comes around energetically is another way to understand it. You love others to be loved, You free others to be freed, You give others to be given, You receive others to be received, You listen to others to be heard, You send a smile to get a smile, And the list goes on and on. What do you wish in return my friends?πŸ’—πŸ™ #loaacupunctureandenergyhealing #spiritualityisconciousness #highvibeflyingconsciousness #lovepeaceandgratitude


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  • What is the phone number for LOA ACUPUNCTURE in St. Petersburg FL?
    You can reach them at: 737-242-0402. It’s best to call LOA ACUPUNCTURE during business hours.
  • What is the address for LOA ACUPUNCTURE on 4th in St. Petersburg?
    LOA ACUPUNCTURE is located at this address: 8424 4th St N St. Petersburg, FL 33702.
  • What are LOA ACUPUNCTURE(St. Petersburg, FL) store hours?
    LOA ACUPUNCTURE store hours are as follows: Mon: Closed, Tue: 8:00AM - 5:00PM, Wed: 10:00AM - 4:00PM, Thu: 8:00AM - 4:00PM, Fri: 8:00AM - 5:00PM, Sat: 10:00AM - 4:00PM, Sun: Closed.