Locksmith 247

(on south state road)
Contractors in Plantation, FL
Keys & Locksmiths


231 South State Road 7
Plantation, FL


We know that when you are locked out or in need of key duplication that the most important thing we can convey is trust. Our goal is to be the person that you can trust with your home, business, or vehicle. A company that you can call upon for anything.
To stand behind this fact, we promise that we will be open 24-hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days out of the year. If you are ever in need, be sure to call us, and we will be to any of our locations in under 30 minutes!
We are the epitome of the mobile locksmith. No longer will you have to worry about the qualifications of your locksmith or their availability. Locksmith 24/7 clears all of our locksmiths and ensures their certifications and their availability are aligned to the Locksmith 24/7 standards! We guarantee that all of the locksmiths are the most experienced and courteous locksmiths in your area!
So remember, if you are ever locked out of your home, automobile or business, make sure to call us at (305)-600-1467! We have people waiting on the line every moment of the day in case you are ever in trouble!


Company name
Locksmith 247


  • What is the phone number for Locksmith 247 in Plantation FL?
    You can reach them at: 954-666-0769. It’s best to call Locksmith 247 during business hours.
  • What is the address for Locksmith 247 on south state road in Plantation?
    Locksmith 247 is located at this address: 231 South State Road 7 Plantation, FL 33317.