Say hello to Amberlee Jayleen! She came out with a full set of hair ready to see the world. Congratulations, Yvonne! You have a beautiful baby girl. Special shout-out to aunt Ashley for being such an great supporter. Yvonne, thank you for choosing us for your prenatal care and delivery. God bless and enjoy your baby girl.
Saluden a la bebé Amberlee Jayleen. Nació con mucho cabello lista para conocer el mundo. ¡Felicidades, Yvonne! Tiene una bebé hermosa. Un saludo especial a la tía Ashley por ser un gran apoyo. Yvonne, gracias por elegirnos para su cuidado prenatal y nacimiento de su bebé. Dios los bendiga y disfruten a su bebé.
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Take a look at baby boy Jaaziah. He poked a hole in his amniotic sac and decided to be delivered two weeks before his due date. Congratulations, Lindsey & Rey! Thank you for allowing us to take care of your pregnancy and delivery for a second time. May God bless and enjoy the nights to come.
Vean al niñito Jaaziah. Agujeró su saco amniótico para poder nacer dos semanas antes de su fecha de nacimiento. ¡Felicidades, Lindsey y Rey! Muchas gracias por permitirnos hacernos cargo de su embarazo y parto por una segunda ocasión. Dios los bendiga y disfruten las noches por venir.
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As your hormones change during menopause, the resulting symptoms can be overwhelming. Longoria OBGYN offers a full range of support to women going through this change of life. Take a closer look on our website!
Menopause Specialist
This kid was born with the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck and his body very tightly. Many babies would not tolerate such a situation, but a kid named Easton did. Congratulations, Riley & Michael! You have a very strong baby boy. Thank you for choosing us for your prenatal care and delivery. May God bless you all and enjoy your baby boy.
Este chico nació con el cordón umbilical enredado en su cuello y cuerpo demasiado apretado. Muchos bebés no habrían tolerado semejante situación, pero un bebé llamado Easton lo logró. ¡Felicidades, Riley y Michael! Tienen un bebé muy fuerte. Muchas gracias por elegirnos para su cuidado prenatal y nacimiento de su bebé. Dios los bendiga y disfruten mucho a su niño.
#longoriaobgyn #babyboy #elpaso #texas #elpasotx #eptx915 #obgyn #doctor #health #prenatalcare #baby #healthybaby #umbilicalcord #womenshealth #laboranddelivery #pregnancy #breastfeeding #lactation #forwomen #breastpump #pregnancyfitness #postpartum #patientapprovedpost #patientadvocate #privatepractice #sehablaespañol #fyp #xyzbca #acceptingnewclients #acceptingnewpatients
If you are coming in for an ultrasound, don't be nervous about giant machines and invasive procedures. We will use a handheld device about the size of a fist to get you an image of your baby! Don't be scared; this is an exciting time for expecting parents.
#longoriaobgyn #Tricefy #prenatalcare #obultrasound #3dultrasound #4dultrasound #babypictures #obstetrics #obgyn #pregnancy #firsttrimester #secondtrimester #thirdtrimester #womenshealth #elpaso #Texas #elpasotx #privatepractice #sehablaespañol #acceptingnewclients #acceptingnewpatients
A’Legend has been born! This little boy is ready to move to his new home after 9 months inside his mommy’s belly. Congratulations, Johnnette! You have a very handsome little boy in A’Legend. Special shoutout to grandma Esther. Thank you for choosing us to participate in your prenatal care and delivery. May God bless you all and go enjoy baby A’Legend.
A’Legend ha nacido. Este pequeñito está listo de irse a su nueva casa después de estar adentro del vientre de su mami por 9 meses. ¡Muchas felicidades, Johnnette! Tienes a un bebé muy guapo en A’Legend. Un saludo especial a la abuelita Esther. Muchas gracias por permitirnos ser partícipes en el cuidado prenatal y nacimiento de su bebé. Dios los bendiga y disfruten mucho a su niño A’Legend.
#longoriaobgyn #babyboy #elpaso #texas #elpasotx #eptx915 #obgyn #doctor #health #prenatalcare #healthybaby #womenshealth #laboranddelivery #pregnancy #breastfeeding #lactation #tricefy #breastpump #pregnancyfitness #postpartum #postpartumbody #stretchmarksbegone #patientapprovedpost #patientadvocate #privatepractice #sehablaespañol #fyp #xyzbca #acceptingnewclients #acceptingnewpatients
Enjoying her first nap after her delivery is baby Ivyee Michelle. She was a very cooperative baby model as you can see. Congratulations, Hannah & Malcolm! You have a beautiful baby girl. Hannah, you did awesome. Very proud of you. Thank you for choosing us for a second time. May God bless and enjoy your new baby girl.
Disfrutando de su primera siesta después de haber nacido se encuentra la bebe Ivyee Michelle. Cómo pueden ver es una gran bebé modelo. ¡Felicidades, Hannah y Malcolm! Tienen una hermosa bebé. Hannah, lo que hiciste fue fenomenal. Estoy muy orgulloso de ti. Muchísimas gracias por elegirnos por una segunda ocasión. Dios los bendiga y disfruten mucho de su nueva bebé.
#longoriaobgyn #baby #babygirl #elpaso #texas #elpasotx #eptx915 #obgyn #doctor #health #prenatalcare #healthybaby #womenshealth #laboranddelivery #pregnancy #breastfeeding #lactation #breastpump #pregnancyfitness #postpartum #postpartumbody #patientapprovedpost #patientadvocate #privatepractice #sehablaespañol #fyp #xyzbca #foryou #acceptingnewclients #acceptingnewpatients
Has anyone heard of the mask of pregnancy? It's those tan or brown patches that are seen on a pregnant woman's face, or maybe even on their own. Learn how to get rid of it safely after pregnancy by reading our blog.
Snuggling all in pink is baby girl Amayrani. She is born to a loving family and is now the youngest of three. Congratulations, Jacqueline & Marcos! You have a gorgeous baby girl. Thank you so much for putting your trust in us for your prenatal care and delivery. May God bless you and enjoy your newest family member, Amayrani.
Acurrucada en rosa se encuentra la bebé Amayrani. Nació a una cariñosa familia y ya es la menor de tres. ¡Muchas felicidades, Jacqueline y Marcos! Tienen una hermosa bebé. Muchísimas gracias por confiar en nosotros para su cuidado prenatal y nacimiento de su bebé. Dios los bendiga y disfruten a su nuevo miembro de familia, Amayrani.
#longoriaobgyn #baby #babygirl #elpaso #texas #elpasotx #eptx915 #obgyn #doctor #health #prenatalcare #healthybaby #womenshealth #laboranddelivery #pregnancy #breastfeeding #lactation #breastpump #pregnancyfitness #postpartum #postpartumbody #patientapprovedpost #patientadvocate #privatepractice #sehablaespañol #fyp #xyzbca #foryou #acceptingnewclients #acceptingnewpatients
Enjoying a moment of silence is baby Sebastian. He was born a few weeks before his due date, but is as healthy as any full term baby. Congratulations, Priscilla & Felix! Thank you for choosing us for your prenatal care and delivery. May God bless and enjoy your baby boy.
Disfrutando un momento en silencio se encuentra el bebé Sebastian. Nació algunas semanas antes de su fecha probable de nacimiento, pero se encuentra igual de saludable que cualquier bebé a término. ¡Felicidades, Priscilla y Felix! Agradecemos el que nos hayan elegido para su cuidado prenatal y nacimiento de su bebé. Dios los bendiga y disfruten a su bebé.
#longoriaobgyn #baby #babyboy #elpaso #texas #elpasotx #eptx915 #obgyn #doctor #health #prenatalcare #healthybaby #womenshealth #laboranddelivery #pregnancy #breastfeeding #lactation #breastpump #pregnancyfitness #postpartum #postpartumbody #patientapprovedpost #patientadvocate #privatepractice #sehablaespañol #fyp #xyzbca #foryou #acceptingnewclients #acceptingnewpatients
With pregnancy comes many challenges and life changes, so it's the perfect time to re-evaluate what you're eating! Switch to a diet that's rich in iron and nutrients, and decrease your intake of vitamin deficient foods. If you have any questions, feel free to come and discuss healthier options with one of our specialists!
"The doctor was attentive and answered all my questions. The wait time was good and the staff was very friendly" -Verified Patient. Read more great reviews on our testimonials page!
Meet baby Clarissa. She initially didn’t want to pose for a picture, but after promising her some skin-to-skin with mommy, she agreed to a photo shoot. Congratulations, Damaris & Josué! You have a beautiful baby girl. Thank you for trusting us for your prenatal care and delivery. May God bless you all and enjoy your baby girl.
Les presentamos a la bebé Clarissa. Al inicio no quería posar para las fotos, pero le prometimos contacto con su mami de piel-con-piel, y así accedió a las fotografías. ¡Muchas felicidades, Damaris y Josué! Tienen una niña hermosa. Muchas gracias por confiar en nosotros para su cuidado prenatal y nacimiento de su bebé. Dios los bendiga y disfruten a su bebé.
#longoriaobgyn #baby #cute #babygirl #elpaso #texas #elpasotx #eptx915 #obgyn #doctor #health #prenatalcare #healthybaby #womenshealth #laboranddelivery #pregnancy #breastfeeding #lactation #breastpump #pregnancyfitness #postpartum #postpartumbody #patientapprovedpost #patientadvocate #privatepractice #sehablaespañol #fyp #xyzbca #foryou #foryoupage
Disfrutando los brazos de su papá se encuentra el bebé Luca. Es el primogénito de una gran familia. ¡Felicidades, Isela y Aldo! Isela, después de tanto tiempo esperando este momento, ya tienen lo que más desearon...un bebé. Les agradecemos de corazón el habernos permitido participar en su pasaje de ser padres. Dios los bendiga y disfruten del pequeño Luca.
Enjoying his daddy’s arms is baby Luca. He is the firstborn of a great family. Congratulations, Isela & Aldo! Isela, after seeking this moment for a long time, you finally have what you’ve been seeking...a baby. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for allowing us to be part of your journey to parenthood. May God bless you and enjoy baby Luca.
#longoriaobgyn #baby #babyboy #elpaso #texas #elpasotx #eptx915 #obgyn #doctor #health #prenatalcare #healthybaby #womenshealth #laboranddelivery #pregnant #pregnancy #breastfeeding #lactation #breastpump #pregnancyfitness #postpartum #postpartumbody #patientapprovedpost #patientadvocate #privatepractice #sehablaespañol #fyp #xyzbca #foryou #cute
It's time for you to toss out those razors and wax strips! At Longoria OBGYN, we offer a better way to get rid of unwanted hair - laser hair removal! Take a moment to learn about this non-invasive treatment on our website:
Good morning, baby Dominic. He is the newest Dallas Cowboys fan in his family. Congratulations, Delia & Guillermo! Dominic is a handsome little boy. Thank you for trusting us for your prenatal care and delivery. May God bless and enjoy the rest of your NFL season with baby Dominic sheering on.
¡Buenos días, bebé Dominic! Él es el aficionado de los Vaqueros de Dallas más nuevo de su familia. ¡Felicidades, Delia y Guillermo! Dominic es un bebé muy guapo. Les agradecemos la confianza para realizar su cuidado prenatal y nacimiento de su bebé. Dios los bendiga y disfruten el resto de l temporada de la NFL con Dominic apoyando a su equipo.
#longoriaobgyn #baby #babyboy #elpaso #texas #elpasotx #eptx915 #obgyn #doctor #health #prenatalcare #healthybaby #womenshealth #laboranddelivery #pregnancy #breastfeeding #lactation #breastpump #pregnancyfitness #postpartum #postpartumbody #patientapprovedpost #patientadvocate #privatepractice #sehablaespañol #fyp #xyzbca #foryou #cute #dallascowboys
Endometriosis involves tissue growth that usually lines the inside of the uterus in other areas of the body, such as the fallopian tubes or ovaries. Symptoms can include painful periods, pain during intercourse, pain when going to the bathroom, or excessive bleeding. For more information on endometriosis click here:
When home remedies don't seem to be delivering the results you wish to see in your complexion, consider an intense pulsed light (IPL) photofacial from Longoria OBGYN. This treatment can do wonders for various signs of aging and give you a refreshed appearance!
Longoria OBGYN uses both conventional and state-of-the-art equipment, including the Icon® Laser system by Cynosure®. Women can be sure to receive only the most professional and compassionate care available!
Happy Thanksgiving! May safety, health, and selflessness prevail on this day. God bless.
¡Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias! Que la seguridad, salud, y el desinterés prevalezcan hoy. Dios los bendiga.
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JUVÉDERM® utilizes hyaluronic acid to restore the youthful skin that you never expected to see in the mirror again. Contact our team of dedicated specialists to learn how JUVÉDERM can enhance your natural beauty. Call 915-877-7343!
Are you tired of dealing with unwanted hair? Longoria OBGYN has the solution with expert laser hair services! For more details on what this treatment entails, visit us online:
Expert care during pregnancy supports both mom and baby during these exciting, and sometimes uncertain, nine months. Longoria OBGYN gives individuals the care they need to feel their best during their pregnancy. See more!
To monitor pregnancy and evaluate a baby's development, an obstetric ultrasound is one option. In some cases, obstetric ultrasounds can even be helpful in the early detection of possible problems.
Enjoying the warmer after being born is baby boy Makani. He is anxious to meet his older brother. Congratulations, Selena & Jonathan! Thank you for trusting us for a second time for your prenatal care and delivery of another baby boy. May God bless your family and enjoying your beautiful family.
Disfrutando el calentón después de haber nacido se encuentra el bebé Makani. Está ansioso de poder conocer finalmente a su hermano mayor. ¡Muchas felicidades, Selena y Jonathan! Agradecemos su confianza otorgada, por segunda ocasión, para participar en su cuidado prenatal y nacimiento de su bebé. Dios los bendiga y disfruten a su hermosa familia.
#longoriaobgyn #baby #babyboy #elpaso #texas #elpasotx #eptx915 #obgyn #doctor #health #prenatalcare #healthybaby #womenshealth #laboranddelivery #pregnancy #breastfeeding #lactation #breastpump #pregnancyfitness #postpartum #postpartumbody #patientapprovedpost #privatepractice #sehablaespañol #fyp #xyzbca #foryou #foryoupage #covid19 #pandemic
COVID-19 vaccine information for all pregnant women. For the record, we recommend the vaccine.
Información sobre la vacuna contra el COVID-19 para todas las mujeres embarazadas. Nosotros sí recomendamos la vacuna.
American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology
February 4 at 12:02 PM ·
AJOG Presents: The COVID-19 vaccine in pregnancy: risks benefits and recommendations