Lonnie Hart Jr., P.C. Attorney at Law

(on cadman plaza west)
Lawyers and Law Firms in Brooklyn, NY
Lawyers and Law Firms


9:00AM - 7:00PM
9:00AM - 7:00PM
9:00AM - 7:00PM
9:00AM - 7:00PM
9:00AM - 7:00PM


300 Cadman Plaza West
Brooklyn, NY


As a former prosecutor, Mr. Hart prosecuted hundreds of misdemeanor and felony cases ranging from Assault to Drug cases to Homicides from arrest to trial and conviction. I'm familiar with all aspects of criminal law from both sides of the aisle. Let me put my experience to work for you.

What experience or education distinguishes your lawyers from others

I have dedicated more than 18 years to criminal law. I fight aggressively to defend my clients and protect their rights in a criminal justice system that is stacked against them. As former prosecutor, I know what the state will use to put a criminal defendant away, and I am equipped to build strategies for stopping the state's efforts, fighting to keep you out of jail.

What distinguishes your law firm from others?

Don't trust your freedom to an overworked public defender with hundreds of cases. As a private attorney, I put in the time on each case deserves. Whether its a misdemeanor or a felony, I closely investigate each case and all evidence involved. The government has thousands of cops and prosecutors on their side, so you need a fighter on your side.


One of the rights you have if you are ever arrested is to the right to remain silent. This is perhaps the most important thing you can do until you have a lawyer present because the stress of the situation may cause you to accidentally incriminate yourself.
In order to be able to craft a credible defense, a criminal attorney will have to know everything about a case he or she is working. As such, they can be expected to question their clients very thoroughly and read through resolved cases that may set favorable precedents.
While people who have resources will hire a criminal attorney from a private firm, those who are indigent will be assigned one by the government. However, it would be wrong to think that one is better than the other as both camps have a great deal of experience and always play to win.
Getting in legal trouble for something you didn't do can be a nightmare so, it's important to choose a seasoned lawyer to represent you. Such an attorney will have a lot of experience and will know how the system works so there's a very good chance that he or she can clear your name.
A criminal defense attorney cannot reveal what a client says under any circumstances, and doing so will result in his or her disbarment and prosecution. The purpose of this is so the client won't withhold any information.
While education provides the foundation for a criminal lawyer's career, what will ultimately drive his or her success is experience. As such, you can expect high profile attorneys to have fought a lot of battles to be where they are now.
If you're being charged with a crime and you can hire your own counsel, it would be best to entrust your defense to an established firm. Such legal offices make it a point to field the best lawyers so you can be sure that those tasked to defend you will know what they're doing.
If you're not telling your lawyer everything for fear of incriminating yourself, you'll be relieved to know that this can't happen. This is because the attorney-client privilege will be in place so you can rest assured that your counsel will never reveal anything to anyone.
When someone is arrested and arraigned, he or she is charged with either a misdemeanor or a felony. The nature of the charge depends on the severity of the alleged crime the defendant is accused of committing.
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/19/nyregion/nyc-courts-racism.html?fbclid=IwAR0dnQoAfMNonWgQc2VIkSsL-zHJ9iGBr7zs5MJHytR4nGB6cHU6MyL3Dho NYTIMES.COM ‘Vile, Racist Postings’ by N.Y. Court Officers Included Obama in a Noose
While a criminal attorney may defend someone who is perceived to be a "bad guy" this isn't something that should be taken against them. After all, this is their job so they owe it to their clients, their profession and themselves to do the best they can.
If there's a warrant out for your arrest, and bail has been set, you may be able to post bond without being incarcerated if you work through an attorney. Many law firms have the ability to post bond for you.
One of the things you're allowed to do before you are interrogated by the police is to confer with your attorney in private. After this is done however, you need not face questioning alone as your lawyer can be with you during the session.
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/ny-brooklyn-da-murder-conviction-cru-gerard-domond-20201030-izyqrhyvhzb6vflvyt5ffcoene-story.html%3foutputType=amp NYDAILYNEWS.COM Brooklyn judge tosses murder conviction of man who spent 29 years behind bars after prosecutors admit they have no case, withheld evidence
Criminal suspects, when arrested and arraigned, are charged with either a misdemeanor or a felony. The character of the charge depends upon the severity of the crime allegedly committed.
This is pretty clever I must admit. https://www.unionleader.com/news/courts/woman-accused-of-impersonating-prosecutor-dropping-criminal-charges-against-herself/article_1fdb1551-147d-53dd-ad45-6680bfc556fa.html UNIONLEADER.COM Woman accused of impersonating prosecutor, dropping criminal charges against herself
It is of utmost importance that you be completely honest and open with your attorney. The role of the attorney is not to judge you but to provide you with absolutely the best defense possible, regardless of your guilt or innocence.
Do not give information to the police, other than who you are, where you live and why you're in a location, even if they promise to go easy if you cooperate. Police are not empowered to make deals. Wait until you receive legal advice.
When facing criminal charges, don't try to face the court system alone. Having an experienced attorney on your side keeps the prosecution from gaining an unfair advantage.
Probation is different from parole. Probation is a sentence that allows the person to remain in the community under specific conditions. Parole is supervised release of a prisoner into the community before the end of his or her sentence.
No matter how guilty you may be, do not go before the judge without your attorney – you're just asking for the maximum penalty. The rules of the court system are such that an attorney is needed to successfully navigate them.
Even a misdemeanor can have serious consequences, including jail time and substantial fines. Never take chances with the legal system – trust an attorney to help.
If you've somehow gotten involved in a crime, one thing that you should never do is withhold information from your attorney. Doing so can be dangerous as it will deprive your lawyer of facts that may prove central to the defense he or she is preparing.
Your attorney is your best asset if you have been charged with a crime. His or her expertise is in understanding the laws and protocols of the legal system and is able to use that knowledge to create your defense.
Failing to use a lawyer in a criminal case can have serious ramifications. Even the brightest individual can be swallowed up by the legal system and pay the most severe penalties.
A felony is considered a serious crime. Felony crimes, which can range from grand larceny to murder, are punishable by a prison term of one year or longer. Those arrested on felony charges typically have their bail set at $10,000 or more.
If you think you have violated the conditions of your parole or probation, contact us immediately. We can guide you as to the best course of action and take steps to protect you.
Anything that you discuss with an attorney related to the criminal charges you face is protected by attorney-client privilege. This means your attorney cannot disclose the content of your communications to anyone else without your permission.
Even if you know you are guilty of a crime, you should still seek the assistance of an attorney. Professionals in this field know the laws, how to handle a case in court, and may be able to negotiate a less severe sentence than you would receive if you represented yourself.
Because a defendant is considered innocent to proven guilty, the burden of proof rests with the prosecution who must establish guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. A defendant does not have to do or say anything to prove his or her innocence.
Before you meet with your attorney, do not say anything to the police – regardless of how nice they are, even if you're innocent or how harmless your comments may seem.
Asking for a criminal defense attorney is one of the rights guaranteed to citizens. It is necessary to protect the innocent from imprisonment under even the most trying of circumstances.
If you are arrested for a misdemeanor or a felony, you need to engage an attorney who specializes in criminal defense. While all attorneys have some knowledge of the criminal defense system, an attorney specializing in this field of law is a better choice.
Tangling with the law is definitely not advisable but the reality is, a lot of people choose to do it. As such, there will always be a need for criminal lawyers because the accused have a constitutionally protected right to be defended in court.
An attorney can do more than represent you. He or she may be able to arrange bail to keep you from having to spend any more time in jail than is necessary. A phone call is all that is needed.
Because many criminal cases result in a plea agreement, it's important that the accused not withhold any information from his or her attorney. Complete disclosure, protected by attorney-client privilege, is necessary for the attorney to obtain the best outcome for a client.
Because sentencing options vary among offenses, your lawyer will work to secure the least severe penalty possible, trying to keep you out of prison or keeping your sentence to a minimum.
We've all heard these words from police shows: “You have the right to an attorney.” This simple phrase is a reminder that everyone is entitled to legal representation if they are accused of a crime, regardless of their financial situation.
A criminal defense lawyer is an attorney who is engaged to defend someone accused of a criminal offense. Regardless of the financial situation of the accused, every citizen is entitled to be represented by an attorney, and will have one appointed if needed.
Because attorney/client communications are considered privileged, the attorney can never reveal what is said to him or her. To do so could result in disbarment and possibly prosecution.
Because many criminal cases result in a plea agreement, it is important that the defendant not withhold any information regarding the case from his attorney. Complete disclosure, protected by attorney-client privilege, is necessary for the attorney to obtain the best outcome for a client.
Criminal suspects, when arrested and arraigned, are charged with either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the severity of the crime alleged to have been committed.
An attorney will guide a defendant through every step of the bail process including explaining how bail is determined and why bail was set at a certain amount.
Attorneys are skilled in helping accused people - they understand how people feel if they are charged with a crime. Because of this, they are able to act objectively while working to secure release from custody and planning a defense.
An attorney can do more than represent you. He or she may be able to arrange bail to keep you from having to spend any more time in jail than is necessary. A phone call is all that is needed.
A criminal defense lawyer is an attorney who is engaged to defend someone accused of a criminal offense. Regardless of the financial situation of the accused, every citizen is entitled to be represented by an attorney, and will have one appointed if needed.
If you are arrested, be polite and civil with the police, and give them basic biographical information they request (name, address, date of birth). Beyond that, do not offer any information until you have received legal guidance.
A felony is considered a serious crime. Felony crimes, which can range from grand larceny to murder, are punishable by a prison term of one year or more. Suspects who have been arrested on felony charges typically have their bail set at $10,000 or more.
Once you are released from custody, you will be required to appear in court at a certain date and time. When that time comes, having an attorney to guide and advise you is the most sensible course of action.
We have all seen and heard these words in any police show: “You have the right to an attorney.” This simple phrase serves as a reminder that everyone is entitled to legal representation.
If you have a friend or a family member who has been arrested, do your best to secure the services of an attorney to help them. An attorney who specializes in criminal law knows the ins and outs of the system and works hard to help the accused.
A misdemeanor crime is considered one of low severity, and carries a maximum penalty of less than one year in jail. Criminal defendants charged with misdemeanors are most likely to receive probation and community service time upon sentencing, depending on the crime involved.
If you have a friend or a family member who has been arrested, do your best to secure the services of an attorney to help them. An attorney who specializes in criminal law knows the ins and outs of the system and works hard to help the accused.
Because some of the sobriety tests used by law enforcement have varying degrees of accuracy or are subject to degradation, working with an attorney is to your advantage. He or she can request measurements, equipment maintenance records, even have blood tests reanalyzed.
A misdemeanor crime is considered one of low severity, and carries a maximum penalty of less than one year in jail. Criminal defendants charged with misdemeanors are most likely to receive probation and community service time upon sentencing, depending on the crime involved.
If you have a friend or a family member who has been arrested, do your best to secure the services of an attorney to help them. An attorney who specializes in criminal law knows the ins and outs of the system and works hard to help the accused.
Even if you know you are guilty of a crime, you should still seek the assistance of an attorney. These professionals know the laws, how to handle your case in court, and may be able to negotiate a less severe sentence than you might receive if you represented yourself.
Because some of the sobriety tests used by law enforcement have varying degrees of accuracy or are subject to degradation, working with a criminal defense attorney is to your advantage. He or she can request measurements, equipment maintenance records, even have blood tests reanalyzed.
Because some of the sobriety tests used by law enforcement have varying degrees of accuracy or are subject to degradation, working with an attorney is to your advantage. He or she can request measurements, equipment maintenance records, even have blood tests reanalyzed.
A misdemeanor crime is considered one of low severity, and carries a maximum penalty of less than one year in jail. Criminal defendants charged with misdemeanors are most likely to receive probation and community service time upon sentencing, depending on the crime involved.
If you have a friend or a family member who has been arrested, do your best to secure the services of an attorney to help them. An attorney who specializes in criminal law knows the ins and outs of the system and works hard to help the accused.
If you are arrested, the best thing to do is remain calm, do not say anything to the police – no matter how innocent you are – and cooperate with their procedures. This will prevent further problems during the process, and prevent more charges being added.
Because a defendant is considered innocent until proven guilty, the burden of proof rests with the prosecution who must establish guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. A defendant does not have to do or say anything to prove his or her innocence.
Even if you know you are guilty of a crime, you should still seek the assistance of an attorney. These professionals know the laws, how to handle your case in court, and may be able to negotiate a less severe sentence than you might receive if you represented yourself.
Because some of the sobriety tests used by law enforcement have varying degrees of accuracy or are subject to degradation, working with a criminal defense attorney is to your advantage. He or she can request measurements, equipment maintenance records, even have blood tests reanalyzed.
Because some of the sobriety tests used by law enforcement have varying degrees of accuracy or are subject to degradation, working with an attorney is to your advantage. He or she can request measurements, equipment maintenance records, even have blood tests reanalyzed.
A misdemeanor crime is considered one of low severity, and carries a maximum penalty of less than one year in jail. Criminal defendants charged with misdemeanors are most likely to receive probation and community service time upon sentencing, depending on the crime involved.
Before meeting with your attorney, don't say anything to the police – regardless of your innocence, or how harmless your comments may seem. It is the duty of the police to solve crimes, and they are trying to extract information to this end.
Availing yourself of the expertise of a criminal defense attorney if one of the rights guaranteed to citizens. It is necessary to protect the innocent from imprisonment under even the most trying circumstances.
If you are arrested, the best thing to do is remain calm, do not say anything to the police – no matter how innocent you are – and cooperate with their procedures. This will prevent further problems during the process, and prevent more charges being added.
Because a defendant is considered innocent until proven guilty, the burden of proof rests with the prosecution who must establish guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. A defendant does not have to do or say anything to prove his or her innocence.
Even if you know you are guilty of a crime, you should still seek the assistance of an attorney. These professionals know the laws, how to handle your case in court, and may be able to negotiate a less severe sentence than you might receive if you represented yourself.
Because some of the sobriety tests used by law enforcement have varying degrees of accuracy or are subject to degradation, working with a criminal defense attorney is to your advantage. He or she can request measurements, equipment maintenance records, even have blood tests reanalyzed.


Company name
Lonnie Hart Jr., P.C. Attorney at Law
Lawyers and Law Firms


  • What is the phone number for Lonnie Hart Jr., P.C. Attorney at Law in Brooklyn NY?
    You can reach them at: 718-246-8200. It’s best to call Lonnie Hart Jr., P.C. Attorney at Law during business hours.
  • What is the address for Lonnie Hart Jr., P.C. Attorney at Law on cadman plaza west in Brooklyn?
    Lonnie Hart Jr., P.C. Attorney at Law is located at this address: 300 Cadman Plaza West Brooklyn, NY 11201.
  • What are Lonnie Hart Jr., P.C. Attorney at Law(Brooklyn, NY) store hours?
    Lonnie Hart Jr., P.C. Attorney at Law store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 9:00AM - 7:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.