Lucky Bail Bonds

We offer free, confidential bail information and we provide bail bonds anywhere Nation Wide. Credit terms and discounts are available to all qualified customers! We offer bail services from the comfort of your own home, anytime of the day or night! We are a family run bail bond business with over 36 years of service. We specialize in being able to post bail bonds that others are not able to place, and do so in a professional manner. We can assist you with financing of large bail bonds and work quickly to get your loved ones home fast. Lucky Bail Bonds has worked with attorneys from every county in California and we assure your clients receive our attorney discount. Call us when you need a bail bond for your family member or friend fast!

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Lucky Bail Bonds locations in US

Lucky Bail Bonds

US Postal Code:93721

Address: 1243 Van Ness Ave, Fresno
Store Hours:
Mon-Sun: 24 hours

Lucky Bail Bonds

US Postal Code:98225

Address: 98 Central Ave, Bellingham
Store Hours:
Mon-Sun: 24 hours

Lucky Bail Bonds

US Postal Code:83401

Address: 900 Enviromental Way, Idaho Falls
Store Hours:

Latest Lucky Bail Bonds news

Prop 25 is BAD for Public Safety • With Bail agents eliminated, the responsibility for ensuring defendants show up for trial would be shifted to already strapped counties - there is no accountability for defendants to return to court. • California’s experiment with “Zero Bail” during the coronavirus pandemic had disastrous results as many defendants were arrested - released back on the streets and committing new crimes within hours - and rearrested the same day. • Prop 25 makes “ZERO BAIL” PERMANENT
Stop Prop 25 26 September at 13:15 · Stop Sacramento's latest attack on our communities. Vote NO on Prop 25! #StopProp25
SANDIEGOUNIONTRIBUNE.COM William D. Gore: If Prop. 25 passes, incarcerations and costs will increase. Eliminating bail is dangerous.
ABC30.COM Crime, arrest, repeat: Troubling trend leads to rise in crime in Fresno
Providing high-quality, prompt service at low, affordable costs is our top priority. Check out our site for more info on how we can help your loved one today. LUCKYBAIL.COM Bail Bonds Consultations for Free | Lucky Bail Bonds
Sometimes one small piece of the puzzle can make all the difference, and sometimes all you truly need is a blank page. Give us a call to get started right away. (559)268-4646
Have you had a recent experience with our company? Please drop us a line, we would love to hear your success story.
Other states are also looking into their own bail reform bills. Some of the pros and cons are listed in this quick read. CHICAGO.SUNTIMES.COM A lesson for Illinois on cash bail? New York, California also got rid of it, but reforms didn’t last
Follow this link to catch up on the most recent statement released concerning the current bail situation in California. AMBAILCOALITION.ORG
Californians eagerly voted down Prop-25! According to a recent article out of Yolo County, over 40% of people released on $0 bail reoffended at least once.